On June 30, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the Russian Federation Armed Forces completed their designated tasks on Snake Island and withdrew from Snake Island that day. Ukraine stated that Russian troops had evacuated from Snake Island after the Ukrainian armed force

Russian troops evacuated from Snake Island Uzbekistan said it was "killed"

html On June 30, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the Russian Federation Armed Forces completed the designated tasks on Snake Island and evacuated from Snake Island that day. Island evacuated. Ukraine said that after the Ukrainian armed forces launched a military attack on Snake Island, Russian troops have evacuated from Snake Island, but Ukrainian troops have not yet landed on the island.

Konashenkov, spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Defense, said in a Russian Ministry of Defense announcement on June 30 that the Russian army had ended its mission on Snake Island and withdrew its troops from Snake Island on that day. This move showed to the international community that Russia would not It will hinder the relevant efforts of the United Nations to ensure the export of Ukrainian agricultural products.

Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Zaluzhny posted on social media on June 30 that the Russian army left Snake Island due to artillery fire, missiles and air strikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Russia "called out" the British Prime Minister Johnson apologized

On June 30, local time, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the British Ambassador to Russia to express his rude remarks about the British leader against Russia, Russian leaders and official representatives of the government, and the Russian people. Outcry.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out that the offensive remarks of the British leader were unacceptable and demanded an apology. In addition, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also stated that it is unacceptable for British officials to deliberately spread false information, especially information about Russia's "threat to use nuclear weapons ."

Biden said he would change the "outrageous" decision of the Supreme Court

On June 30, local time, US President Biden held a press conference in Madrid, Spain. Biden said that one thing has been destabilizing the United States domestically, and that is the "outrageous behavior" of the US Supreme Court. Biden said that the overturn of "Roe v. Wade" is a challenge to privacy rights. The U.S. government must change the Supreme Court's decision and write "Roe v. Wade" into law through a congressional vote.

On June 24, local time, the U.S. Federal Supreme Court overturned the "Roe v. Wade" ruling. This ruling legalized abortion in the United States in 1973.

OPEC and non-OPEC oil-producing countries will increase production in August

On June 30, local time, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and non-OPEC oil-producing countries held the 30th ministerial meeting via video.

In view of the current oil market conditions and consensus on its prospects, all parties have decided to increase total oil production in August 2022 by an average of 648,000 barrels per day (0.648 mb/d).

Russia will temporarily restrict the export of amino acid feed and rice from today

On June 30, local time, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture issued a statement saying that from July 1 to December 31, Russia will temporarily restrict the export of amino acid feed and rice.

The Russian Ministry of Agriculture stated that the purpose of this decision is to ensure Russia’s food security, ensure the price stability of these products in Russia, and support the Russian livestock industry and processing industry.

The multinational high-mobility rocket launcher system " Haimas " will arrive in Ukraine.

According to the US "Capitol Hill" website, on June 30, local time, US President Biden stated at a press conference at the NATO Summit that the United States Plans to provide $800 million in military assistance to Ukraine, including advanced air defense systems and other "offensive" weapons.

On June 23, the first batch of American "Haimas" arrived in Ukraine.

According to reports, Biden said that the new aid plan will also include more counter-artillery radars, artillery and ammunition, including those recently provided by the United States to Ukraine. High-mobility rocket launcher system "Haimas". Biden also predicted that other countries would also send "Haimas" to Ukraine.

Refn will sign the NATO protocol on July 5th

According to a report from the Russian Satellite News Agency on June 30, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at the end of the NATO summit held in Madrid , Sweden and Finland The protocol to join NATO will be signed on July 5.

reported that signing the accession protocol is a stage in the process of joining new members of NATO.The protocol is actually a supplement to the treaty and becomes an integral part of the treaty upon signature and ratification.

The S&P 500 index plummeted to the "worst" level in more than 50 years

On June 30, local time, the three major U.S. stock indexes closed down. As of the close of the day, the S&P 500 index fell 0.88% to 3785.38 points, recording the worst first half performance since 1970. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.82% to 30,775.43 points. The Nasdaq Composite Index fell 1.33% to 11028.74 points.

A U.S. military hypersonic missile test failed

According to a report by Bloomberg citing a U.S. Department of Defense statement on June 30, local time, a U.S. hypersonic missile flight test in Hawaii ended in failure due to a malfunction. The test was conducted on June 29. According to Bloomberg, this is the second test failure under the US military’s “Conventional Prompt Strike” project.

Another illegal immigration tragedy occurred in Texas, USA.

On June 30, local time, the Texas Department of Public Safety stated that a car carrying illegal immigrants was involved in a car accident in Encinal, Texas that day while evading police enforcement. , resulting in at least 4 deaths and 3 others in critical condition.

This is the second fatal smuggling incident this week near the Texas southern border.

On June 27, an immigration tragedy occurred in Texas, USA. At least 53 people died. People mourned the victims (data map) Source: Associated Press

The company mistakenly issued 330 times the salary Chile An employee "missed contact"

Chile Cial, the largest cold-cut meat company, recently mistakenly paid an employee a huge salary (approximately $180,000), which was approximately 330 times his original monthly salary. The employee first contacted the company proactively and said that he would return all the items the next morning. But then he submitted his resignation letter and disappeared. The Chilean company is currently seeking legal action against the employee for misappropriation of company property.

Although "Cial" is the largest cold-cut meat company in Chile, its annual revenue does not exceed US$5 million.

defrauded 15 billion in China! FBIWanted "Cryptocurrency Queen"

The FBI has included Ruya Ignatova on the list of the ten most wanted criminals and has offered a reward of US$100,000 to find her whereabouts. The judicial department believes that Ignatova defrauded investors of US$4 billion by operating a scam called OneCoin, and then disappeared. Ignatova's criminal group also promoted it in China through pyramid schemes and created the "OneCoin Extraordinary Online MLM Case", involving more than 15 billion yuan.

The FBI warned that Ignatova is believed to be traveling with armed escorts and may have changed her appearance through plastic surgery or other means.

In addition to the FBI, the European Union law enforcement agency Europol ( Europol) also included Ignatova on the "European Most Wanted Fugitive List" this year.

source | Comprehensive CCTV news, reference news, China Youth Network, etc.

editor | Leng Shuang

The protocol is actually a supplement to the treaty and becomes an integral part of the treaty upon signature and ratification.

The S&P 500 index plummeted to the "worst" level in more than 50 years

On June 30, local time, the three major U.S. stock indexes closed down. As of the close of the day, the S&P 500 index fell 0.88% to 3785.38 points, recording the worst first half performance since 1970. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.82% to 30,775.43 points. The Nasdaq Composite Index fell 1.33% to 11028.74 points.

A U.S. military hypersonic missile test failed

According to a report by Bloomberg citing a U.S. Department of Defense statement on June 30, local time, a U.S. hypersonic missile flight test in Hawaii ended in failure due to a malfunction. The test was conducted on June 29. According to Bloomberg, this is the second test failure under the US military’s “Conventional Prompt Strike” project.

Another illegal immigration tragedy occurred in Texas, USA.

On June 30, local time, the Texas Department of Public Safety stated that a car carrying illegal immigrants was involved in a car accident in Encinal, Texas that day while evading police enforcement. , resulting in at least 4 deaths and 3 others in critical condition.

This is the second fatal smuggling incident this week near the Texas southern border.

On June 27, an immigration tragedy occurred in Texas, USA. At least 53 people died. People mourned the victims (data map) Source: Associated Press

The company mistakenly issued 330 times the salary Chile An employee "missed contact"

Chile Cial, the largest cold-cut meat company, recently mistakenly paid an employee a huge salary (approximately $180,000), which was approximately 330 times his original monthly salary. The employee first contacted the company proactively and said that he would return all the items the next morning. But then he submitted his resignation letter and disappeared. The Chilean company is currently seeking legal action against the employee for misappropriation of company property.

Although "Cial" is the largest cold-cut meat company in Chile, its annual revenue does not exceed US$5 million.

defrauded 15 billion in China! FBIWanted "Cryptocurrency Queen"

The FBI has included Ruya Ignatova on the list of the ten most wanted criminals and has offered a reward of US$100,000 to find her whereabouts. The judicial department believes that Ignatova defrauded investors of US$4 billion by operating a scam called OneCoin, and then disappeared. Ignatova's criminal group also promoted it in China through pyramid schemes and created the "OneCoin Extraordinary Online MLM Case", involving more than 15 billion yuan.

The FBI warned that Ignatova is believed to be traveling with armed escorts and may have changed her appearance through plastic surgery or other means.

In addition to the FBI, the European Union law enforcement agency Europol ( Europol) also included Ignatova on the "European Most Wanted Fugitive List" this year.

source | Comprehensive CCTV news, reference news, China Youth Network, etc.

editor | Leng Shuang