There are many private prisons in the United States, and prisons have become an out-and-out means of making money. The scenes inside the prisons are even more miserable than in the rest of the world. The extensive record of human rights violations in private prisons in the United

Recently, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency conducted an exclusive interview with an American historian. Robin Kelly, a professor of American history at the University of California, Los Angeles, said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency video that the United States, which has the highest incarceration rate in the world, has become a veritable "Carceral State". There are many private prisons and in the United States. Prisons have become an out-and-out means of making money, and the scenes inside the prisons are even more miserable than in the world. The stain of human rights violations in private prisons in the United States has exposed the hypocrisy of "American human rights". veil.

In many people's minds, the United States is a country that pays more attention to human rights. The United States' Declaration of Independence contains the words "All men are created equal". However, a series of things that have happened recently have made me see the inequality in the United States. The first is the Buffalo shooting a few days ago. An 18-year-old white man shot and killed 11 black people. As for why black people have such serious prejudice and malice, I think their parents and teachers all have a certain responsibility in teaching them by words and deeds. Then on the 22nd, I saw the news from Xinhua International. The article reported on the tragic conditions of private prisons in the United States. Prisons have become A mercenary "modern slave manor".

html On May 13, Xinhua News Agency Geneva conducted an exclusive interview with American historian Robin Kelly. He said: The United States, with the highest incarceration rate in the world, has become a veritable "prison country." A report recently released by the U.S. public policy think tank "Prison Policy Initiative" shows that there are 102 federal prisons, 1,566 state prisons, 2,850 local detention centers, 1,510 juvenile correctional facilities , 186 immigration detention centers, and 82 Aboriginal detention centers in the United States. and military prisons and various other institutions housing approximately 2 million prisoners.

Seeing this, someone will ask why the United States imprisons so many prisoners. After investigation, the reasons have come to light little by little. It turns out that the number of prisoners in the United States is increasing not because of the surge in crime, but because Prisoners' sentences are extended, and using prisoners to make money has become a way for private prisons in the United States to make money. If you want to live a good life there, you have to spend money. Prisons charge prisoners transportation fees, accommodation fees, inspection fees, and public defender fees, etc. In his book "American Prisons", Pierucci has extensively disclosed his personal experience of the insatiable accumulation of private prisons in the United States. To drink water, you have to buy a plastic cup first; the TV only has pictures, and if you want to listen to the sound, you have to buy a radio and headphones at the detention center store... Spend money, and you will always spend money! And these should be free. 49 of the 50 states in the United States charge prisoners a rooming fee of US$20 to US$80 per day. In prisons, as long as you have money, you can renovate your own cell. Many prisoners are in debt due to serving time in prison. Such collusion between politics and business Behaviors that continue to occur in many private prisons in the United States.

In fact, in addition to the problem of making money in prisons, there are also serious human rights issues in prisons. When Pierucci was imprisoned in a US prison, he saw with his own eyes that prisoners often fought with knives, and some committed suicide. Prisoners were raped, some prisoners hid sharp glass shards in food in an attempt to murder others, and some prisoners died due to lack of treatment. Such situations are endless, and as the epidemic in the United States becomes more and more serious in 2022, the economy of the United States will be hit hard. The problem is growing, with people in private prisons generally facing a lack of medical care, physical and mental abuse, and death threats. People of color such as African Americans, Latinos, and Muslims are at higher risk. The COVID-19 epidemic has made the behavior of private prisons more and more serious, and even unscrupulously despised the lives of people of color. People of color died in their private prisons. The death rate is much greater than the death rate for whites. Its racist behavior is completely contrary to the "all men are created equal" in the Declaration of Independence of the founding of the United States.

In recent years, human rights violations in the United States have become more and more serious, but the slogan "all men are created equal" has become louder and louder. As the truth behind each incident is constantly being exposed, it has also been revealed. The hypocritical face of the United States and the behavior of private prisons in the United States have tied politics and capital together. If the United States continues to develop like this, there will be no talk about human rights, and it will just become another capitalist country that tramples on human rights. .