On the eve of July 1st, Han Jun, Deputy Secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Jilin Province, went to the Governor’s Open Telephone Acceptance Room and Internet Supervision Office of the Provincial Government General Office for investigation, and parti

On the eve of July 1st, Jilin Provincial Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Governor Han Jun went to the Provincial Governor’s Public Telephone Acceptance Room and Internet Supervision Office of the Provincial Government Office for investigation, and participated in the party branch “Sticking to the Original Aspiration of Serving the People” as an ordinary party member. Theme party day activities. He emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, implement the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress, hold high the banner, keep in mind the instructions, work hard and move forward courageously, and strive to write a wonderful new Jilin in the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization chapter, welcoming the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.

On the eve of July 1st, Han Jun went to the Governor’s Public Telephone Acceptance Room of the Provincial Government Office for investigation.

Han Jun walked into the governor's public telephone reception room to learn about the operation of the governor's hotline and observe the hot demands of the people. He pointed out that the governor’s hotline connects the people at one end and the government at the other end. It must use excellent professional quality and correct service attitude to truly understand the “urgent, difficult and anxious” problems of the people, and truly listen to the people’s voices online and listen online. Relieve people's grievances. At the Internet Inspection Office, Han Jun learned in detail about the progress of the provincial government's " Internet + inspection of " work. He said that it is necessary to open channels for online people to report problems, not to let go of any clues reported by the people, and to solve problems by drawing inferences from one example to another. Symptoms and common problems.

When carrying out the theme party day activities of the party branch, six party member representatives discussed their thoughts and experiences based on the actual work. In his speech, Han Jun pointed out that we must learn and understand Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply understand the decisive significance of " two to establish ", strengthen " four consciousness" and strengthen " four self-confidence ", achieve " two to maintain ", embody new responsibilities, achieve new breakthroughs, and demonstrate new achievements in the journey of comprehensively building a socialist modernized New Jilin. First, we must always adhere to the sentiments of serving the people. Put the people at the highest position in your heart, stay close to the people, feel the voice of the people, think about what the people think, do what the people hope for, have a real sense of pain for the people's difficulties, and have a hatred complex for things that harm the interests of the people, so that The masses feel the warmth of the party and the government. Second, we must always maintain a strong sense of responsibility. Supervision work should take solving the people's demands as the starting point and end point of the work, keep an eye on the end, keep an eye on it, supervise the whole process, supervise all employees, and have the courage to run towards the problem and focus on correcting the problem. Carry forward the spirit of struggle, do not cover up shortcomings, do not protect shortcomings, confront tough situations, play badassery, be a "gong-gong", and do not hesitate, tolerate or be ambiguous about issues that violate principles. Third, we must vigorously temper our excellent style of work. Through supervision work, the pressure is passed on, responsibilities are clarified, link by link is monitored, and detail by detail is handled. Fourth, we must continuously strengthen the awareness of discipline. Take discipline as the bottom line requirement, be public-minded, act impartially, adhere to principles, and seek truth from facts to verify and handle supervision matters.

Han Jun emphasized that it is necessary to implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s “Five Persistences”, continue to strengthen the construction of political institutions, create a positive institutional culture, and build model institutions and benchmark institutions. It is necessary to care about the growth and progress of cadres, vigorously cultivate and use cadres, fully mobilize work enthusiasm, and strive to create a team of high-quality cadres with excellent qualities, good style, and the courage to take on responsibilities.

An Guiwu participated in the event.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Planning: Jiang Zhongxiao

Author: Jilin Daily All-Media Reporter Yu Xiaobo/Text Song Kai/Photo

Editor: Yu Yue