Today is an era of globalization. Although there are some retrograde phenomena, the overall trend is unstoppable. Therefore, population movements between regions are becoming increasingly frequent, many of which are due to marriage.

Today is an era of globalization. Although there are some retrograde phenomena, the overall trend is unstoppable. Therefore, population movements between various places are becoming increasingly frequent, many of which are due to marriage. In our neighboring countries, the girls are all fair-skinned and beautiful. It stands to reason that there should be many marriages, but the reality is the opposite. Why is this? During my last trip to North Korea, the editor talked about related topics with the tour guide, and the tour guide actually informed us and asked us to read on.

Rumors about the good looks of North Korean girls are widely circulated in the market. If the editor had not visited it in person, I would have thought it was exaggerated. As soon as you step on the train bound for North Korea, your encounter with North Korean girls will begin. North Korea adopts a clear social division of labor. Girls serve more tourism-related positions due to their gender advantages. Their beauty will first reduce your worries about the unknown journey ahead.

Of course, North Korean ladies in other positions are also very good-looking. Walking on the streets of North Korea, it can be said that there are endless shadows. Because I was curious whether there are many cross-border marriages in the local area, I asked the tour guide about this, and the lady really knew everything. He gave me a detailed introduction to the marriage and love status of local girls. It turns out that even though North Korean girls are famous for their beauty, they almost never get married. Of course, it is not that the locals are completely inaccessible to foreigners. You must know that there are even European tourists in North Korea. .

Through the tour guide’s introduction, we realized that the local policy does not support foreign marriage. Although foreigners are not completely eliminated, the itinerary of tourists is almost completely isolated from the daily routine of local people. This is I have to mention that the local special environment and situation are obviously at a disadvantage. Naturally, they need to work hard behind closed doors. When they and their surrounding capabilities improve, the flow of the population will surely open up a lot.

Moreover, in fact, the local people are also very particular about self-improvement. After all, when Big Brother still existed, North Korea was also a presence that could not be ignored in their formation. Even the South could not surpass it, but it was a pity that it became a dream. Under the influence of collective thought, North Korean people believe that as long as they do not ignore difficulties and do not escape, they will be able to regain their glory soon, and the power of North Korean girls is certainly indispensable. In this regard, they are quite admirable, what do you think?