Datou spent 350,000 Dhaka (nearly 30,000 RMB) to build a house for his Bangladeshi tricycle brother Kaka. On the 21st day, the house was finally built. The 100,000 Dhaka budgeted by Kaka completely exceeded the 250,000 Dhaka, which was too much. If Grandpa Kaka's grandson hadn't

Datou built a house for his Bangladeshi tricycle brother Kaka. He spent 350,000 Dhaka (nearly 30,000 RMB) to build a house. On the 21st day, the house was finally built. The 100,000 Dhaka budgeted by Kaka completely exceeded the 250,000 Dhaka, which was too much. If Grandpa Kaka's grandson hadn't come and made a fuss, the kitchen and bathroom would have been smaller, otherwise the cost would have been even higher. Originally, Big Tou and Little Tou traveled around the world on a budget, and even though they were not well-off themselves, they helped Kaka build a house. Fortunately, enthusiastic netizens donated more than 10,000 yuan, which helped Big Tou and Little Tou solve some cost problems. Kaka really met a noble person, met two kind-hearted Chinese brothers big and small, and met a group of enthusiastic and kind-hearted Chinese netizens. Seeing the new house rising from the ground, Kaka probably seemed to be dreaming. Netizens all said: Kaka is so happy. He would never have been able to build such a good house with his own efforts in ten years.

Big Head built Kaka's house

At first, Big Head and Little Head discussed building a house for poor Kaka to save Kaka's marriage. They asked Kaka how much it would cost to build a house locally. Kaka said one hundred thousand dollars. The card is enough. Originally, Datou Xiaotou prepared to spend 100,000 daka to buy Kaka a tricycle to help him make a living. However, since the procedures could not be approved, the cost of buying the tricycle was enough to build a house for Kaka. So, Big Tou and Little Tou were busy buying materials. The two of them guarded Kaka's house every day, watching the workers build the house, and paying the workers their wages that day. I bought a lot of materials, including the best local materials. Unknowingly, I spent 350,000 dhaka, which was far beyond the budget. The house was finally built. When they saw the completed new house, everyone said: This house is a small villa. Too generous! It's really well built. This house is quite good in the local area. Kaka's mother-in-law will be impressed. Xiao Tou Da Tou has really spent money and effort and sweat for the friendship between China and Bangladesh.

Datou accompanied Kaka to the town to buy a bed.

Every day was like watching a TV series. Everyone watched them build the house! Netizens all felt that it was a pity that after the house was built, we could not celebrate the completion of the new house together. The house is built, Kaka's wife is coming back, and Kaka is going to buy a bed first. Datou accompanied Kaka to buy a bed. Furniture in Bangladesh is really expensive. Kaka saw that a wooden bed cost 10,000 dhaka and a steel tube bed cost 6,000 dhaka. After looking around, Kaka felt that the bed was too expensive. Seeing this situation, everyone thought that the house was already built, and it was a bit over the top to buy a large amount of furniture. Let Kaka buy the remaining furniture and appliances by himself, and Kaka also had some savings. It would be a disservice to Datou to give him everything and let him sit back and enjoy his achievements. Only when a person relies on his own hard-earned life can he cherish it more.

Big Tou and Kaka are sitting in front of the new house

Although Big Tou helped Kaka build a house and saved the marriage, Xiao Tou's return to China made this beautiful thing imperfect. Many netizens asked what happened to Datou. Datou explained that Xiaotou had something to do at home and needed to return to China. Is the existence of Xiaotou more important than building a house? How can you, Datou, let Xiaotou go to Dhaka alone? Xiaotou is staying in a Chinese hotel. She is a girl after all. Don't you feel relieved? Xiaotou has already bought a ticket to return to China. You'd better chase Xiaotou back as soon as possible! If Xiaotou really has something to deal with at home and needs her to go back to deal with it, you should also go to the airport to see her off!

Everyone saw Datou and Xiaotou talking on the phone. When they heard that Xiaotou had bought a ticket and was really going back to China, Datou had no intention of talking to Kaka. Of course, Kaka was also very sad when he heard that Xiaotou was going back to China. Seeing Kaka's tears of reluctance, many netizens were touched that there was still such friendship abroad. I was really touched. Kaka probably never expected to meet such a noble person in his life. This young man has a rough life. No one has ever done so much for him. It is estimated that he will never have the opportunity to meet such a good brother in the future. It is natural for Kaka to be reluctant to let him go. Although Big Tou and Little Tou's trip in Bangladesh was short, they did very meaningful things, and what they left to Kaka was a lifetime of beautiful memories.

When I heard that Xiaotou was going back to China, Kaka cried again.

Some netizens also felt that it was a win-win situation for Datou and Kaka. Without Kaka and building houses, the traffic attention would not be too high. In fact, the attention of Big Head and Little Head has never been low, and everyone follows the videos of Big Head and Little Head with a normal heart. No matter in , Pakistan, or Bangladesh, Big Head and Little Head show people the local customs and economic conditions of ordinary people. Every good deed they do promotes Chinese culture, which is truly amazing. Big Tou and Little Tou are kind-hearted people, and Kaka is also a kind person. He knows that Big Tou and Little Tou are good to him, and he is grateful. When he heard that Little Tou is going to return to China, his eyes change, and Kaka can't bear to leave them.

Hearing that Xiaotou bought a ticket to return to China, Datou was confused

Everyone saw Datou making a voice call and heard that Xiaotou bought a ticket to return to China. Judging from Datou's unnatural expression, they felt that they were still a little conflicted. , otherwise Xiaotou wouldn’t have returned home first. I hope Datou can chase Xiaotou back and let Kaka take them to introduce the local customs and customs of Bangladesh to netizens. Without Xiaotou, the video would be missing the soul. Everyone likes Xiaotou so much. I hope Datou will cherish Xiaotou. head.