"On Strengthening Care for the Next Generation in the New Era" was issued. In order to implement the spirit of the "Notice on Strengthening the Work of the Working Committee Caring for the Next Generation in the New Era" issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee a


The General Office of the Yunnan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China

The General Office of the Yunnan Provincial People's Government

issued the "Implementation Opinions on Strengthening the Work of the Working Committee for Caring for the Next Generation in the New Era"

and issued a notice

requiring all regions and departments to conscientiously implement it based on actual conditions. The main contents of the implementation of

are as follows ↓↓

In order to implement the spirit of the "Notice of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council Issuing the "Opinions on Strengthening the Work of the Working Committee for Caring for the Next Generation in the New Era"", strengthen the working committee of caring for the next generation in our province (hereinafter referred to as the related working committee ) work to promote the high-quality development of in the new era and the next generation of work in the province, and the following implementation opinions are proposed.

1. Overall requirements

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and all the 19th Plenary Sessions, and thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on caring for the next generation. and inspect the spirit of the important speech in Yunnan, adhere to the party’s leadership over the work of the relevant working committee, insist on serving the overall work of the party and the country, insist on cultivating people with moral integrity as the fundamental task, insist on giving full play to veteran cadres, veteran soldiers, veteran experts, veteran teachers, and veteran models (hereinafter referred to as the "Five Elders"), insist on advancing with the times, and strive to build the relevant working committee into an important stage for the elderly to do something, an important classroom for the elderly to learn, and an important place for the veteran comrades to serve the development of the party and the country. position, with the cultivation and practice of socialist core values ​​as the main line, with ideals and beliefs, ideology and morality, traditional culture, scientific and technological literacy, national unity and progress, ecological civilization construction, legal education and mental health education as the focus, to promote the growth of young people and provide them with Contribute to cultivating socialist builders and successors with comprehensive moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor development.

2. Main tasks

(1) Persist in using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to educate people

1. Deepen the propaganda and education of the party’s innovative theory. We will continue to carry out publicity and education activities on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era among young people, guide them to learn and understand the ideological power of the Party’s innovative theory, build a solid foundation for their ideals and beliefs, and enhance their ambition, strength, and confidence to be Chinese.

2. Deepen the publicity and education of major principles and policies of the party and the country. We should carry out in-depth publicity and education on the major principles and policies of the party and the country and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Yunnan, explain the spiritual essence, rich connotation and practical requirements of the “three positionings”, and inspire young people to forge ahead.

3. Deepen education on international and domestic situations. In conjunction with the construction of the party-building corridor in our province's border areas, we will carry out education on world conditions, national conditions, provincial conditions, situational policies, and solid and strong border defense education to guide young people to cultivate patriotism and consciously implement patriotism, ambition to strengthen the country, and service to the country into the comprehensive construction of socialism modernize and strive to write the Yunnan chapter of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

(2) Focus on telling red stories and inheriting red genes

1. Implement the inheritance of red genes project. We will continue to carry out youth themed education activities of "Inheriting the Red Gene and Striving to Become a New Person of the Era", and organize the "Five Elders" to go deep into the youth to tell the stories of the Party, heroes and martyrs, Southwest Associated University education to save the nation, Nie Er and the national anthem, and the Long March of the Red Army. Stories about Yunnan and the Yunnan War of Resistance. Organize young people to visit revolutionary museums, martyrs memorial facilities, party history learning and education bases, etc., and carry out various forms of practical education activities such as reading and writing essays.

2. Carry out in-depth publicity and education on " four histories ". Organize and carry out publicity and education on the history of the Party, the history of New China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development, and guide young people to deeply understand the spiritual pedigree of Chinese Communists, why the Chinese Communist Party is possible, why Marxism works, and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good. , Keep in mind where the red regime came from and how New China was established, and enhance the feeling of loving the party and serving the country.

(3) Focus on guiding young people to cultivate and practice the core socialist values ​​

1. Strengthen value guidance.Organize "five elders" to help strengthen the education of socialist core values ​​​​for young people, deepen social morality, professional ethics, family virtues and personal moral education; carry out in-depth patriotism theme education, carry forward patriotic traditions, and guide young people to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values and the Marxist outlook on motherland, nation, culture, and history to forge a solid sense of the Chinese nation’s community.

2. Adhere to the guidance of moral education. Strengthen the ideological and moral education of young people, vigorously promote China's excellent traditional culture, promote excellent traditional culture, national art and moral inheritance education into schools, rural areas, communities, families and enterprises, guide young people to inherit Chinese traditional virtues and enhance cultural confidence .

3. Strengthen model leadership. Carry out activities with the theme of "learning from advanced people and being advanced people", vigorously study and publicize the advanced deeds of "good young people in the new era", and use the noble moral sentiments and values ​​of model figures such as model workers, model workers, advanced workers, and outstanding party members and league members in the new era. Pursue, guide young people to "button the first button of life", and encourage and educate young people to grow and become talents.

(4) Focus on strengthening the legal education and rights protection of teenagers

1. Strengthen the legal education of teenagers. Organize the "Five Elders" to continue to carry out "Care for Tomorrow, Publicize the Law First" and anti-drug and AIDS prevention, traffic safety, and prevention of school bullying and other youth rule of law publicity and education activities, strengthen the construction of rule of law vice principals and counselors in primary and secondary schools, and give full play to the rule of law education in primary and secondary schools It serves as a demonstration base to strengthen the construction of safe campuses, help young people enhance their awareness of the rule of law, consciously respect the law, learn the law, abide by the law and use it, and prevent and reduce juvenile crimes.

2. Protect the legitimate rights and interests of young people. Carry out activities such as legal knowledge competitions, mock courts, and youth rights protection posts to improve young people's awareness and ability to use the law to protect their legitimate rights and interests. Organize the "five elders" to participate in the prevention and reduction of juvenile crimes and the judicial protection of minors.

(5) Focus on implementing the "Five Elders" care project for the next generation

1. Carry out care and protection work for young people in need. We mobilize social forces extensively and actively carry out activities such as student assistance, poverty relief, medical assistance, disability assistance, orphan assistance, etc. to do practical things, do good deeds, and solve problems for young people, and create a safe, harmonious, and stable growth environment for them. Pay attention to relying on children's homes, youth activity rooms, farmhouses and other positions to provide care and services for the growth and social integration of left-behind children in rural areas, underage children of migrant workers, migrant children and de facto unaccompanied children. Work to help them grow healthily both materially and spiritually.

2. Promote the physical and mental health of young people. Strengthen and improve the physical education, aesthetic education and labor education of primary and secondary school students, organize young people to observe and participate in popular science activities and carry out practical activities on the front lines of industrial and agricultural production. Continue to promote the prevention, publicity and correction of diseases such as myopia, scoliosis, obesity and other diseases among adolescents. Pay attention to the mental health education of young people, provide ideological guidance, psychological counseling, and frustration education, resist and eliminate negative cultural influences, and cultivate good will and quality, a positive attitude towards life, and a healthy and complete personality.

3. Strengthen the training of young talents. Focusing on the strategic deployment of high-quality leap-forward development of Yunnan's economy and society, we will give full play to the advantages of the "five elders" professional talents, carry out youth vocational skills training, and help cultivate new rural young talents with ideals, understanding of technology, good management, and good management, as well as ideals and adherents. A team of young industrial workers who have faith, understand technology, innovate, dare to take on responsibilities and show dedication.

(6) Focus on optimizing the social environment and promoting the healthy growth of young people

1. Build a system to promote the comprehensive development of young people. Actively promote the construction of an education and training system for the comprehensive development of young people's moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and physical skills, organize "five elders" to serve as off-campus counselors for the Young Pioneers, organize young people to carry out healthy cultural and sports activities after school and holidays, and "the five elders hold hands in red scarves to create a beautiful China" Social practice activities such as "Dream" and "Young and old build national sentiment together" guide young pioneers to cultivate simple emotions for the party and the motherland from an early age.

2. Actively carry out family education work.Build a family-school-society collaborative education working mechanism, carry out the theme activity of "'Five Elders' Promote Good Tutoring and Good Family Tradition", strengthen the construction of green families, the most beautiful families, and scholarly homes, tell good stories about red family traditions and civilized families, and provide young people with Create a good atmosphere for healthy growth, and guide young people to be good children at home, good students at school, and good citizens in society.

3. Strengthen network environment protection. Carry out the Internet Cleanup Campaign, strictly clean up and rectify harmful and harmful online games, resolutely curb the spread of harmful information such as online pornography, gambling, drugs, and online violence targeted at young people, purify cyberspace, optimize the online ecology, and guide young people to surf the Internet in a civilized, scientific and safe manner. Organize supervision of Internet cafes and other places.

3. Deeply promote the construction of the relevant working committee in the new era

(1) Focus on consolidating and expanding the organizational system

1. Strengthen organizational construction. In accordance with the "five good" standards of "building a good leadership team, playing the role of the 'five elders' well, improving the system and implementing it, actively exploring and innovating, and having regular activities with good results", we will strengthen the organization and construction of the relevant work committees and ensure that the townships (streets) , villages (communities), and schools are fully covered, and qualified agencies, enterprises, institutions, cadre rest centers, etc. are supported to form relevant working committee organizations, and the organization and work coverage of relevant working committees are continuously expanded.

2. Innovate organizational methods. Relying on grassroots party organizations, grassroots self-governing organizations, grassroots units and retired work departments, vigorously promote the joint construction and sharing model of villages (communities), enterprises, schools and units with complementary advantages and resource sharing to achieve joint construction of positions and resource sharing. Joint use and work linkage form a work force.

(2) Focus on strengthening the construction of educational positions

1. Strengthen the construction of party history and national history education bases. Extensively explore red educational resources in various regions, coordinate and integrate various party and league activity positions, grassroots comprehensive cultural service venues, martyrs' cemeteries, memorial facilities, former residences of celebrities, former conference sites and other venues, establish a number of youth party history and national history education bases, and give full play to the bases The function of casting souls and educating people.

2. Strengthen the construction of youth education practice base. Strengthen the construction of youth science popularization, labor, social practice, development education, ecological civilization education, national unity education bases and educational service sites. Make good use of various social practice activity bases such as youth palaces, youth off-campus activity centers, museums, archives, libraries, science and technology museums, etc., to enhance the vividness and intuitiveness of ideological and moral education for young people. Promote the construction of one library (room) in primary and secondary schools across the province, so that young people can increase their knowledge, learn skills, cultivate their sentiments, and improve their literacy through reading.

3. Strengthen the construction of the "five elders" care position. Improve the construction of children's homes, family care rooms, mental health consultation rooms, parent schools and other care positions, and promote their gradual inclusion in community public services and rural revitalization construction plans.

4. Strengthen the construction of online caring positions. Make full use of modern information technology to create an easy-to-understand and novel " Internet + customs work" work position, vigorously promote truth, goodness and beauty, actively spread positive energy, and strengthen positive guidance for young people.

(3) Focus on promoting work brand building

1. Consolidate and enhance distinctive brands. A number of work brands with Yunnan characteristics have been strengthened such as judicial protection of minors, training of rural teachers in border ethnic areas, scoliosis correction for minors, and education on national unity and progress.

2. Cultivate and build innovative brands. Give full play to the characteristics and advantages of each region to cultivate and form a group of popular and contemporary caring education work brands in the areas of youth ideological and moral construction, juvenile crime prevention, family education and family traditions, ecological civilization construction, and rural revitalization.

(4) Focus on strengthening research and publicity

1. Strengthen theoretical research. We should conduct in-depth research on new ideas and new models of youth education under the new situation, actively put forward opinions and suggestions on strengthening and improving youth work to the party committee and the government, and focus on transforming theoretical achievements into policies and systems to solve practical problems.

2. Strengthen publicity and guidance. Establish a publicity pattern of the relevant work committee under the unified leadership of the party committee, the publicity department taking the lead, relevant departments closely cooperating, and major news media actively participating. Strengthen the publicity of the work of the relevant working committee and create a strong atmosphere in which the whole society attaches importance to and cares about the work of the next generation.

4. Strengthen organization and implementation

(1) Strengthen the party’s leadership

1. Strengthen and improve the leadership mechanism. Party committees and governments at all levels should include caring for the next generation on their work agenda, and listen to, study and deploy relevant work every year.

2. Improve the mechanism of “party building leading to relationship building”. Party organizations at all levels must integrate the work of related working committees into the overall layout of party-building work, and deploy, advance and implement it together with party-building work. Use party building to drive the political, ideological, organizational, institutional and position building of the Related Work Committee, promote the institutionalization and standardization of the Work Committee's work, and enhance the influence and cohesion of the Related Work Committee.

(2) Improve the working mechanism

1. Improve the joint meeting system. Establish and improve a working mechanism for caring for the next generation that features unified leadership by the party committee, joint management by the party and government, proactive action by the related working committee, active cooperation from relevant departments, and extensive participation from all sectors of society. Improve the joint meeting system of member units of the relevant working committee, and hold joint meetings at least twice a year to build a working platform and mechanism for caring for and serving the healthy growth of young people.

2. Improve the work guarantee mechanism of the related working committee. Strengthen funding protection. Relevant departments and units such as organization, publicity, politics and law, education, state-owned assets, science and technology, sports and labor unions, the Communist Youth League, Women's Federation, China Association for Science and Technology, and elderly-related groups must strengthen support and cooperation for the work of the relevant working committee.

3. Establish and improve the "five elders" care and incentive mechanism. We must effectively respect the "five elders" politically, care ideologically, support work, care in life, and care spiritually. Those who have made outstanding contributions in caring for the next generation should be encouraged and commended in accordance with regulations, and those who are engaged in work should be encouraged and commended in accordance with regulations. Provide appropriate care and assistance to those who care about the work of the next generation, actively help solve practical difficulties, timely visit and express condolences on important anniversaries, major celebrations, traditional festivals such as the Spring Festival and Double Ninth Festival, as well as illness, hospitalization, and major family changes, and fully mobilize We must protect, protect and give full play to the work enthusiasm of the "five elders".

(3) Strengthen team building

1. Strengthen team building. In a timely manner, veteran comrades who have recently retired from leadership positions, are in good health, and love youth work will be enriched into the leadership team of the Customs Working Committee. It is necessary to select a good leadership team for the strong customs work committee. If the members of the leadership team are absent due to health, age and other reasons, they should be adjusted and replenished in a timely manner.

2. Strengthen the construction of the "five elders" team. Party organizations at all levels must follow the principles of voluntary participation and local proximity, adopt organizational mobilization, leadership promotion, model promotion and other methods to mobilize passionate, capable and caring "five elders" to participate in the work of caring for the next generation, and strive to build a A team of "five elders" with excellent quality, large number of people, wide coverage, reasonable structure, rooted in the grassroots and full of vitality. Explore and improve the work model of caring for the next generation that combines the "five elders", volunteers, and social workers, and the related work committee and relevant departments, and attract a group of young and middle-aged experts, advanced models, entrepreneurs, and social caring people to join the caring work model The next generation of volunteers. Increase the training of the "five elders" and continuously improve the political ideology and professional level of the workforce that cares about the next generation.

3. Strengthen the construction of the working organization of the relevant working committee. Party committees and governments at all levels should attach great importance to the construction of daily office work committees. It is necessary to allocate strong work forces and enrich the cadres of the related work committees with comrades who are loyal to the party's cause, love youth work, and have strong work ability. It is necessary to strengthen education and training, include the cadres of the related work committee in the training plan of the organization's personnel department, and adopt methods such as transfer, temporary assignment, and participation in central work to improve the ability, quality and professional level of the cadres of the related work committee. We must care about the growth of the cadres of the related work committee, Increase exchanges between cadres of relevant working committees.

editor: Guo Chenze
