Recently, Li Wenli, the second-level inspector of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, and his delegation went to Neijiang High-tech Zone to carry out the "Sending Policies into the Park and into Enterprises" activity. He Renyang, deputy mayor

Recently, Li Wenli, the second-level inspector of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology , and his delegation went to Neijiang High-tech Zone to carry out the activity of "sending policies into the park and into enterprises". He Renyang, deputy mayor of the Neijiang Municipal People's Government, and deputy director of the Neijiang High-tech Zone Management Committee Director Huang Quanquan and heads of relevant departments accompanied him.

Li Wenli and his party visited Sichuan Mingtai Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Changchuan Technology (Neijiang) Project Transition Factory, and Sichuan Lvjian Hangxiao Steel Structure Co., Ltd. in Baima Industrial Park, Neijiang High-tech Zone. During the visit and survey, Li Wenli and his delegation distributed Sichuan Province's "Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Law" of the People's Republic of China and an introduction manual to the Tianfu Cloud Sales Platform to the enterprises. Li Wenli and her party had a cordial conversation with the person in charge of the company, listened to the company's production and operation situation during the epidemic prevention and control period, inquired in detail about the current company development situation, company development plans and problems encountered, discussed solutions with the company, and accurately promoted policies to benefit enterprises.

Li Wenli affirmed the efforts and achievements of the companies under investigation, and encouraged companies to strengthen their confidence in development and strengthen their research and analysis of the economic situation. The government will work hand in hand with companies and do everything possible to alleviate their difficulties. Help enterprises develop steadily.

Li Wenli emphasized that on the basis of never relaxing and grasping the epidemic prevention and control work, various relief and problem-solving policies must be fully implemented to vigorously promote the development of enterprises. It is necessary to closely follow the difficulties and blockages currently faced by Sichuan's industrial sector in terms of supply and demand docking, production and marketing connection, etc., and focus on the work goal of "helping enterprises to bail out, promote consumption, and stabilize growth", and use the digital and intelligent methods of Tianfu Cloud Sales Platform to create services The new model of the enterprise effectively solves the problems of nearby and local supporting of industrial chain and supply chain. It is necessary to better leverage the role of the public service platform for small and medium-sized enterprises, provide free consultation and training on finance, taxation, finance, operation and management to the majority of small, medium and micro enterprises, and help the healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

(Liu Xiaoli)

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