On June 22, Zheng Yingjun, leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee of the Shengsi County Commission for Discipline Inspection, led a team to visit tourism enterprises to carry out inspections and return v

6 on 22nd, Zheng Yingjun, leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Propaganda Department of the County Committee of the Shengsi County Commission for Discipline Inspection, led a team to visit tourism enterprises to carry out inspections and return visits for the special action of "Breaking Medium Obstacles and Controlling Micro-Corruption".

Zheng Yingjun and his party visited Shengsi Fenghua International Hotel , Shengsi Kanghui Travel Agency and other tourism-related enterprises. Through surveys and discussions, they learned in detail about their operating conditions, development status, development difficulties and other basic conditions, and carefully inquired about the current assistance to enterprises. Policy implementation status, including financial support, rent reduction and exemption, temporary refund of travel agency warranty deposits, etc. After listening to the expectations of enterprises for the introduction of more inclusive relief policies, Zheng Yingjun said that in order to solve problems for the masses, relevant departments need to take the initiative, serve with heart, and create a first-class government environment. Through research and return visits,

further strengthened the business confidence of tourism-related enterprises, further promoted the implementation of bailout policies to assist enterprises, prevented bailout measures from being "blocked" on the road, prevented development dividends from being "cut off" on the way, and solidly promoted the tourism market. Recovery picks up.

(Source: Shengsi County People’s Government website) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please email Information Newspaper 3469887933#qq.com to reply within 24 hours. 】

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Release date: 2022-06-30 20:46:42 Category: Finance