Although the United States and Western countries are having a lot of fun, they held three summits in just one week, and leaders and representatives from all walks of life gathered together to eat, drink, and have fun. The one who suffered the most was Ukrainian President Zelensky

Although the United States and Western countries are having a lot of fun, they held three summits in just one week. Heads of state and representatives from all walks of life gathered together to eat, drink and have fun. The one who suffered the most was Ukrainian President Zelensky. Although some money was awarded at the G7 summit, at the EU summit and the NATO summit, almost no one discussed the Ukraine issue. In an instant, the actors seemed to be the most cruelly forgotten.

The world seems to have undergone strange changes. People's attention suddenly went to Kishida Fumio who was blocked by John, and suddenly went to South Korean President Yoon Seok-yue who was let go at the NATO summit. War and economic crisis can no longer attract people. Notice. What's going to come will always come, why not let's talk about some happy things now. However, an undercurrent still quietly surges beneath the surface of the river.

Undercurrents surge beneath the river surface of the blue planet

[Forbidden Military Aircraft Department] urgently conducts a strategic analysis of the development pattern of the planet as follows -

1, I am really tired! Those who are fighting are tired, and those who are watching the war are even more tired; Western countries that have continuously provided military assistance to Ukraine are even more tired. This is completely a bottomless pit. Although everyone expressed their support, they still have to live a good life first. As a result, the NATO summit and the EU summit turned around, eating meat when it was time to eat meat, drinking wine when it was time to do so, and talking about business when it was time to do business.

2. It is no longer the point when the war will end. The point is that other people need to consider how to live a good life. The European Union and the United States jointly launched a $600 billion global infrastructure plan. Although this is a bluff, it conveys a theme:

Everyone alive needs to consider a better life!

Building your own country well is the most important thing!

3. The United States and the West are not fools. They clearly realize that to maintain their hegemony, they need money, an army, and even more "crisis awareness"! The NATO summit once again created a powerful threat to all European countries -

China and Russia are challenging the rules-based world order. This is the biggest threat in the future!

4. Why doesn’t everyone want to mention Ukraine anymore? I think there are two main meanings here.

On the one hand, Ukraine is not a real Western country. Ukraine wants to squeeze into this circle, but it cannot squeeze in, so no one treats it at all.

On the other hand, for Western countries, when a real disaster strikes, they will first consider cleaning up their own troubles. To be honest, you can pay a little money, but if you really want to go out into this muddy water, you will only make yourself embarrassed; so whether it is the United States or the European Union countries, you see them swearing, you see them talking nonsense, You can see that they are very aggressive, but when real trouble comes, no one dares to stir up trouble. On the other hand, it seems that the British are charging the most fiercely now. Although the British have no good intentions, at least they still have some courage.

5, how long can the pattern of grouping together in Western countries last?

How will this pattern of small groups of people in Western countries holding together for warmth play out in the future? Will it be broken?

We judge that this small group will continue to exist for the time being. After all, there are huge interests in it, and the United States is constantly instigating new plans. For example, the US$600 billion plan, the US$40 trillion plan, etc. The United States actually wants to use a huge cake, a cake that is invisible and intangible, to lead these small countries; but in this, it gives people When there are too many expectations and they gradually fail to be realized, many small countries will become cold-hearted, such as Ukraine. They have always wanted to get it, but in the end they cannot get it, so they will definitely give up. Other countries will gradually find that they are lambs waiting to be slaughtered...

6. Strategic cooperation with China is the practical interest of more small countries.

Many small countries in Europe may not benefit much from following the United States. After all, the main business partner of these small countries is still China.Well, in the energy trade, many small countries in Europe have suffered huge losses due to sanctions against Russia, but they have no place to complain or redress their grievances, that's all. If they have a choice in the future, they will definitely insist on doing business with China, because the various daily necessities shipped from China are the core resources that solve the basis of their survival.

7. The most important thing for China and Russia to join forces in the future is to attack the West's "hug together for warmth" and let them learn to "sweep the snow on their own"!

We judge: The so-called hugging in the West to keep warm is just a superficial and formal hugging! When a truly huge economic crisis breaks out, everyone will still take care of themselves, and no one will step forward at all! They will not contribute more economy and power to American Big Brother or to the European Union.

8. The methods used to deal with Australia and Lithuania during the Sino-US trade war are worth promoting!

During the Sino-US trade war, China has successfully broken the experience of European and American countries in staying together for warmth. At the height of the trade war, China seized the two small countries of Lithuania and Australia and beat them hard; especially the sanctions against Australia, which in the eyes of many EU countries, made them feel distressed, trembling, and really scared. ! Because Australia is actually an island country, its economy relies heavily on imports and exports. The economic exchanges between China and Australia are very frequent, but Australia completely ignores China's feelings and blindly follows the United States to provoke China! China launched a decisive counterattack. Our strategy was very smart. We chose an opponent's most vulnerable point and attacked his weak point, which produced unexpected results. So also in the future struggle.

Faced with the craziness of Western countries hugging together for warmth, we must grasp the characteristic that they are not actually united; their unity is only superficial, and in essence they are still very selfish. When a crisis comes, they usually just sweep away the snow in front of the door. ! Therefore, we must seize some weak countries, divide and attack them desperately, and eventually make other countries fall apart.

This kind of targeted attack strategy is very effective against small groups that hug together for warmth. We also hope that everyone can find out some of the weaknesses of small EU countries and then adopt appropriate fighting strategies.

8. The United States is a super master at dealing with the EU’s clinging together for warmth!

In fact, the United States is also using this technique. We have seen the United States go to the European Union and NATO . He is provoking the two small countries of Lithuania and Poland ; but he does not mean to attack, he is to win over and lure, and then he is driven by interests and keeps giving orders to these two countries. A small country, and then provoke the entire European Union and stimulate the nerves of other big countries! Finally, the United States created a strong coercion! This is the US strategy. In turn, while we are wooing some old countries, we must also attack the ones that are jumping the most. Such targeted attacks can undermine their confidence.

A brief summary -

As the war in Ukraine continues to develop, and as the United States and NATO countries begin to re-discuss and adjust their strategies, we believe that the aggressiveness of the United States and NATO will be significantly reduced in the future.

On the contrary, they will consider how to cultivate their internal strength and rush to stay together to stay warm in the face of the terrible economic winter. Then they will deploy a more intense fight! So under such a premise, for China and Russia, while looking at the overall situation, we must find the weaknesses of NATO countries and the EU, find their most vulnerable points, and then divide and disintegrate them and target them Strike! We do not necessarily have to go toe-to-toe with the United States, but attacking small European countries may have unexpected gaming effects.

It is better to cut off one finger than to injure ten of them. Only by seizing the enemy's weakest point and punching through it painfully can we win the advantageous situation in the game.