The general election of the "Two Committees" of Luyi Community in Xincheng Street came to a successful conclusion. In order to shout out the slogan of "Run as soon as you take office and work hard to win the hearts of the people", the first "Two Committees" team of Luyi Community

The general election of the "Two Committees" of Luyi Community in Xincheng Street came to a successful conclusion. In order to shout out the slogan of "Run as soon as you take office and work hard to win the hearts of the people", the first "Two Committees" team of Luyi Community adopted the slogan of "not delaying for a moment" In this state, they threw themselves down, rolled up their sleeves, took off, and took the "Seven Ones" heart-warming action to pay tribute to the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party and sound the "Open the Door" rallying call.

Give a good lesson on clean government

In order to give the members of the "Two Committees" team a good "first lesson in performing their duties", Luyi Community carried out an anti-corruption education activity with the theme of "Gathering integrity, stressing unity, and establishing a clean atmosphere" to teach Integrity party classes, watching warning educational films and other methods are used to improve the political quality and duty performance capabilities of newly appointed community "two committee" cadres.

Revisiting the oath to join the party

In order to keep party members and cadres from forgetting their original aspirations and keeping their mission in mind, Luyi Community held an event to celebrate July 1st and review the oath to join the party. Under the leadership of Biao Jianlin, Secretary of the Party General Branch, all members of the "Two Committees" faced the bright red party flag, raised their right fists together, and solemnly swore. With a sonorous and powerful oath, they expressed their determination to listen to the Party and follow the Party. determination.

organized a visit to express condolences

"How is your physical condition? Have you had any difficulties at home recently?..." On the occasion of July 1st Party Founding Day, Luyi Community carried out the "Welcoming July 1st·Sending Warmth" activity , visit and express condolences to old party members in the jurisdiction, learn about their lives and physical conditions, and express the care of the party and the government to them. At the home of veteran party member Tian Shenglian, the old man gave insoles to the community workers personally in order to thank the staff for their care for her.

Do a practical matter for people's livelihood

In order to protect people's livelihood needs, alleviate employment pressure, and promote market consumption, Luyi Community continues to pay attention to the "key little things" around the people, and actively cooperates with the urban management and law enforcement squadron, market supervision station, police station and other street-based units Docking, carry out "multiple regulations into one" management of the "Trunk Market" in Central Plaza, and help merchants develop on the basis of standardized operations, standardized stalls, and standardized management, and build a "'box' meets Luyi·Trunk Market" City" a win-win situation, contributing "Luyi power" to building a prosperous nighttime economy with characteristics in northern Shaanxi, and winning praise and praise from citizens with practical actions!

Carry out a heart-warming volunteer service

Lu Yihong Medical Volunteer Service Team organized a "free clinic + lecture" oral health promotion activity, and launched a door-to-door love service for special groups such as lonely elderly people and people in need, so that care can be taken at zero distance. They feel the strong atmosphere of being cared for, accompanied by, and chatted with, so that the material and spiritual life of the residents in the jurisdiction can "jointly meet the standards."

Organized a red story sharing session

Focusing on the unique revolutionary historical characteristics of Luyi, the Luyi Community Party Branch held a "Listening to Red Memories" to celebrate the "July 1" Red Story Sharing Session. The newly-generated team members told the people in the area The red stories of the Lu Yi period can guide the majority of young people to practice new responsibilities, pursue new achievements, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical style and outstanding achievements.

has drawn a new blueprint for development

A new team, a new starting point, and new actions. In order to clarify the work ideas, a new blueprint for community governance has been drawn. Combined with the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", Luyi Community will focus on We must work together, work hard, serve community residents with affection, heart, and strength, and use "practical actions" to gain "warmth of heart" from the masses.