In particular, the countries in the "Five Eyes Alliance" have suffered a moral decline. Recently, a British media highlighted this "advantage" of Britain to the world. According to, the well-known British magazine "The Economist" published an article titled "Most of

Author: Mulan

If you want to think about it carefully, where is the moral bottom line of the United States, Britain and Western countries? There is only one answer, that is, there is no bottom line. In particular, the countries in the " Five Eyes Alliance " are even more morally corrupt. Recently, a British media highlighted this "advantage" of Britain to the world.

According to observer website , the well-known British magazine "The Economist" published an article titled "Most of the food in the world is not eaten by humans." The article pretends to be compassionate and analyzes the current global food crisis. It believes that many countries use too much food as livestock feed and biofuels, which has exacerbated the global food crisis. It concludes that "less than half The food is eaten by humans.” These are not big problems, but there is a magical logic in the article, which compares the grain used to feed pigs around the world with the grain consumption of the Chinese people, saying that "in 2019, pigs ate 431 million tons of grain, which is more than what the Chinese people eat" 43% more”.

is a naked insult to China! The level of insult has reached the extreme. It is hard to believe that The Economist, a political and economic magazine that is sought after by countless people around the world, can publish such heart-rending words. It is also hard to believe that today, when global human civilization has become highly developed, such a shameless and despicable media still exists in the world. At that time, some netizens, including those from the United States, Britain, and Western countries, couldn’t help but complain, saying, “This is a disgusting comparison,” and “The Economist is ruining its own reputation.” But it was still hosted by China’s CGTN People Liu Xin said it well: "People cannot write such words."

It is true that no human being can write such extremely insulting words about other countries, but the Economist can. Many years ago, this magazine was regarded by many intellectuals as being of high professional quality, and that's how good it turned out to be. The arrogance of The Economist this time is not due to ignorance. Their reporters and writers are all very "informed", but because it is so crazy that it exposes its nakedness in front of China. Racism, to put it bluntly, is due to deep arrogance and not wanting to treat Chinese people as human beings.

From a logical point of view, if the Economist article wants to prove that animals eat more than people, it should use the food eaten by animals to compare the food eaten by humans around the world. However, they are like this Face - pigs were selected from among animals, and Chinese people were selected from all human beings for comparison. "The Economist" thinks it is cleverly written, but this is purely a "drunkard's interest is not in wine". It is directly connecting pigs with Chinese people. This is their real motivation.

Think back a hundred years ago, when China was in an era of extreme poverty, precariousness, and bullying by imperialism. At that time, many concession places openly posted signs at the door: "Chinese people and dogs are not allowed." Compared with the words in the "Economist" article, this extremely shameful sentence has extremely similar meanings. However, The Economist is really wrong. It may still be dreaming about the great dream of the Spring and Autumn Period a hundred years ago. It thinks that Britain is still the "empire on which the sun never sets" a hundred years ago, and the Chinese are still the sick man of East Asia a hundred years ago.

Regarding the symptoms of "The Economist", it is very necessary for China to impose some substantial punishment on the United States, Britain and Western countries to make them clear-headed - the so-called "empire on which the sun never sets" is declining, and China is realizing a great nation rise. One day, when China has completed its rise and tramples Britain mercilessly under its feet, it will be possible to cure their ignorant arrogance.

The more The Economist writes like this, the more it reveals the inner anxiety of the United States, Britain and the West - China is developing rapidly and steadily, but the West is declining at a speed visible to the naked eye. The West wants to stop China's national rejuvenation, but it can't do anything even if it tries hard and uses all its methods. So it reveals the barbaric nature of the Angsa people and uses the tactics of a shrew.

Finally, back to pig feeding. Not long ago, data showed that the number of live pigs in China this year is about 424 million, which is a little more than the combined population of the United States and the United Kingdom.It seems that the United States and the United Kingdom have to work harder to increase their population to the same number as China's pigs.