Heilongjiang Construction Company has always insisted on giving top priority to safety, and has always adhered to the spirit of General Secretary Xi's instructions on production safety as a fundamental basis, firmly established the awareness of the "four most", and insisted on st

Safety production work is the foundation and prerequisite for all work of State Grid Heilongjiang Construction Company. It is also the essential requirement for high-quality development of . It is also the "lifeline" and the untouchable "red line". Heilongjiang Construction Company has always insisted on giving top priority to safety, and has always adhered to the spirit of General Secretary Xi's instructions on production safety as a fundamental basis, firmly established the awareness of the "four most", and insisted on strict control, careful management, and hard work. , firmly weave a dense epidemic prevention and control network, ensure the safety of power grid construction and "double safety" of production and operation, and ensure "three eliminations and three preventions."

firmly establishes the concept of "safe development" and strictly adheres to the bottom line of safety.

As a construction management unit and supervision unit, we must adhere to the core concept of "safety first, life first", strictly implement the requirement of "put safety first in all work", firmly establish "red line awareness" and "bottom line thinking", and prevent any Numbing thoughts and taking chances, ensuring safe production is the basic positioning, and realizing intrinsic safety is the fundamental line. Strictly implement the decisions and arrangements of superiors, implement safety management and control requirements with a firm political stance, strong sense of responsibility, and powerful work measures, and do a good job in all aspects of safety production. Using activities such as "Safety Production Day", "Safety Production Month", "Safety Miles" and "Teaching Safety Classes by Top Leaders" as carriers, we will strengthen the safety awareness of all employees and actively create a safety culture atmosphere of "people-oriented, safety first" , actively carry out safety winter training, organize safety regulations and exams, cover all employees, and realize the transformation from "I want to be safe" to "I want to be safe, I know how to be safe, and I can be safe".

strictly implements the rules and regulations and performs its duties effectively.

strictly complies with national laws and regulations, corporate rules and regulations, and signed contracts and agreements, builds compliance, and performs its responsibilities legally. Use the safety accidents that occurred as negative teaching materials, learn lessons deeply, self-examine and alert, achieve ideological awareness and implementation of responsibilities, and effectively control and supervise every link and every site of the project. When dealing with the diversification of supervision projects, owners have great differences in management. They are good at grasping the main contradictions and outstanding problems, focusing on subcontracting management, risk management and control, review and execution of plans, re-inspection of tools and , etc., with the "two "Single Order" will be used as the starting point to deepen the trace management work, urge on-site personnel to achieve self-discipline, self-respect, self-respect and self-love, pay attention to style construction, stick to the bottom line, not touch red lines, and strictly implement the "four controls."

continues to improve the institutional management system and tighten the safety responsibility chain.

dynamically edits the safety responsibility list, improves emergency management plans for various majors, conducts various emergency drills on a regular basis, and effectively improves rapid response and precise handling capabilities. Vigorously promote the revision of the system, refine the implementation details and operating procedures, strengthen the implementation of the system, ensure that the system manages people and processes, ensures institutionalized, scientific and rational management of safety production, and lays a solid foundation for safety management.

2022 is the year when the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is held, and it is also a critical year for the implementation of the country’s “14th Five-Year Plan”. State Grid Heilongjiang Construction Company will take party building as the guide, take safety production as the main line, and focus on the three special rectifications of safety production. We should take the annual actions as the starting point, keep our mission in mind, fulfill our responsibilities, ensure the achievement of safety production goals and tasks throughout the year, and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

Longjiang Power Grid Sine Broadcast
