On June 28, District Party Committee Secretary Wu Kai presided over the 21st Secretary’s Special Meeting and District Economic Operation Scheduling Meeting in 2022, listening to the report on the economic operation of our district in the second quarter, analyzing the current econ

On June 28, District Party Committee Secretary Wu Kai presided over the 21st Secretary’s Special Meeting and District Economic Operation Scheduling Meeting in 2022, listening to the report on the economic operation of our district in the second quarter, analyzing the current economic situation, studying and solving outstanding problems, and deploying and advancing the next Work in one step, mobilize everyone to work hard, face difficulties, pay close attention to implementation, and strive to achieve more than half of the time and tasks. District leaders Li Zhong, Yang Jianfeng, Han Min and some responsible comrades from units and departments attended the meeting.

Wu Kai pointed out that since 2022, the whole district has adhered to the work tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, strengthened confidence, united efforts, coordinated epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, clarified goals and tasks, seized time and progress, and implemented a number of measures , various economic indicators achieved steady and rapid growth.

Regarding the next step of work, Wu Kai requested that corporate research should be strengthened to find out the bottom line and provide sufficient project support for the high-quality development of the region's economic and social . All departments should form a linkage mechanism to closely cooperate, work in depth and achieve practical results. ; The majority of party members and cadres must further improve their work style, take on responsibilities, pay attention to details, speed up the pace, provide precise services to enterprises, and make every effort to ensure that enterprises stabilize production, improve quality, and increase efficiency; they must step up efforts to promote the implementation of key projects, and all departments must firmly establish the "project "Be King" concept, regard project construction as an important starting point to promote high-quality regional economic development, speed up key links such as procedures and infrastructure construction, effectively promote the implementation of a number of projects, form effective investment, and enhance the potential for economic development; Vigorously carry out investment promotion work, continue to discover and cultivate "four top enterprises", achieve both quantity and quality improvement, and lay a solid foundation for regional economic growth, high-quality development, and industrial structure optimization; it is necessary to strengthen policy support and continue to introduce policies to encourage consumption Measures should be taken to release the willingness to consume and increase consumption; we should continue to optimize supply and actively promote the accelerated development of A-level scenic spots, star-rated hotels and other modern service industries; we should regard the expansion of employment as an important goal of economic and social development, and put it first in the economy. Prominent position in social development, create more channels to attract employment, pay special attention to key groups, ensure stable employment and increase income for college graduates and people in need. In short, the whole district must firmly establish a clear direction of development, actively create good conditions for economic and social development, go all out to achieve " and more than half of ", strive for "red throughout the year", and greet the new year with excellent results. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held.

Contribution: District Party Committee Propaganda Department

Review: District Party Committee Office

Chief Editor: Zhang Xin

Editor: Wu Xiaoya

Editor: Xing Tian

Editor: Yang Xiuqin


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