On June 28, the second meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th CPPCC Suiyang County Committee was held. Jiang Jiyi, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Director of the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee, Director of the United Fr

On June 28, the second meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th CPPCC Suiyang County Committee was held. Li Shijun, Secretary and Chairman of the Party Leadership Group of the County CPPCC, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Director of the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee, Director of the United Front Work Department of the County Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the County CPPCC, Jiang Jiyi, Vice Chairman of the County CPPCC Tian Maoping, Zhang Kaixiang, and Qian Hongyan, as well as members of the Standing Committee, members of the Zhusui CPPCC, and township (street) CPPCC liaisons The group leader or the comrade responsible for contacting the CPPCC, as well as the comrades in charge of relevant county units attended the meeting. Deputy County Magistrate Xiao Yan attended the meeting to inform, and Deputy County Magistrate Lin Mu attended the meeting to provide guidance.

The meeting studied the "Regulations on the Political Consultation Work of the Communist Party of China" and the spirit of the 13th Provincial Party Congress; listened to the county government's six-month economic and social development briefing, the county's coal mine expansion technical reform briefing and the county Commission for Discipline Inspection and County Supervision Committee Report on the construction of party style and clean government and anti-corruption work; negotiated and approved "Several Measures of the Suiyang County CPPCC to Further Strengthen and Improve the Quality of Suggestions and Suggestions" and related personnel appointments and removals. The conference pointed out that the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is an organization of the Chinese People's Patriotic United Front, an important institution for multi-party cooperation and political consultation led by the Communist Party of China, and an important form of promoting socialist democracy in my country's political life. It is an important part of the national governance system and an institutional arrangement with Chinese characteristics. All members of the CPPCC should further understand the positioning and role of the CPPCC, deeply understand the essence and spiritual essence of the "Regulations on the Political Consultation Work of the Communist Party of China", give full play to the role of the CPPCC's specialized consultation body, and give full play to the role of the CPPCC for the people. Give full play to the role of consensus building, make every effort to create a good social situation where people think in one place and work hard in one place, and jointly promote high-quality economic and social development in the county. The

meeting requested that the role of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC should be further brought into play, the Standing Committee should continuously strengthen its own construction, and continuously enhance its ability to perform its duties, so as to provide precise suggestions in consultations, focus on supervision, make precise efforts in political participation, and in handling matters. to accurately track and effectively implement the Party Central Committee’s major requirements and decisions and arrangements for the work of the People’s Political Consultative Conference in the new era. It is necessary to further promote the county's economic and social development, give full play to the advantages of extensive connections, do a good job in publicity and promotion of investment promotion, strengthen democratic supervision of the implementation of the "Ten Measures" for business environment construction, and be a good matchmaker for investment promotion. It is necessary to further play the role of giving advice, effectively find the right direction, carefully select topics, and focus on important issues in the county's economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, and ecological civilization construction, as well as livelihood issues of general concern to the people. Carry out investigations and research, continuously improve the quality of suggestions and suggestions, provide true suggestions and good suggestions, and make due contributions to the construction of "one district and three places" in Suiyang.

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Undertaken by: Suiyang County Media Center

Editor-in-chief: Shi Zhimou | Deputy editor-in-chief: Peng Kunyu, Lu Yongxian, Li Shanshan

Responsible editor: Zhang Li | Responsible proofreader: Li Shanshan

All-media reporter: Li Yan