In order to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and warmly celebrate the 101st birthday of the Party, on the morning of June 28, Daxinzhuang Township carefully held an event with the theme of "Welcoming the 20th National

In order to welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and warmly celebrate the 101st birthday of the Party, on the morning of June 28, Daxinzhuang Township carefully held the theme activity of "Welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party is in My Heart". The entire event featured impassioned poetry recitations, wanton calligraphy displays, melodious and melodious singing, and sonorous and powerful oaths, expressing the eager anticipation for the successful convening of the 20th National Congress and the sincere blessings for the party's birthday. More than 130 people including township-level cadres, government cadres, 24 village party branch secretaries, outstanding Communist Party members, and outstanding party workers participated. The event was full of climaxes, stirring the hearts of every party member and cadre, creating a strong sense of patriotism and party love.

Kong Qingxi, Secretary of the Township Party Committee, delivered a speech

The meeting began. Kong Qingxi, Secretary of the Township Party Committee, delivered a speech: 2022 is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is a year of extraordinary significance. Here, the township party committee and the township government call on every party member to be a good banner, and every branch to build a strong fortress and devote themselves to our various tasks with a high spirit and full enthusiasm for work. , to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.

Silk music expressed blessings. During the cultural performance, numerous students reviewed the century-old history of the Party with tender children's voices; calligraphers wrote their sincere blessings for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with elegant strokes; young cadres described their devotion to the motherland with perseverance. Heart; the singing teacher expressed his deep patriotism with his loud singing voice.

Ningnan primary school students recited poems "Reading China"

Gao Aiguo, president of the Sungang Village Calligraphy Association, performed calligraphy classics

Daxinzhuang Township government officials recited "The Party's Hymn"

Teacher Guo Ruilin of Ningnan Primary School sang "I Love You China"

There are many role models showing their responsibility. After the wonderful artistic performance, the conference entered the commendation session for outstanding party members and other advanced members. First, Ma Xiaoli, deputy secretary of the township party committee, read out the "Decision of the Daxinzhuang Township Committee of the Communist Party of China on Commending Outstanding Communist Party Members and Outstanding Party Workers". Kong Qingxi, secretary of the township party committee, and Wang Yin, deputy secretary of the township party committee and mayor of the township, were five outstanding party workers. , 38 outstanding Communist Party members were awarded certificates of honor.

Deputy Secretary of the Township Party Committee Ma Xiaoli read out the commendation decision

Secretary of the Township Party Committee Kong Qingxi issued honorary certificates to outstanding party workers and outstanding Communist Party members

Deputy Secretary of the Township Party Committee and Township Chief Wang Yinwei Outstanding Communist Party members were awarded certificates of honor

and vowed to remain true to their original aspirations. In order to always maintain the original intention of joining the party and gather the strength to forge ahead, at the end of the "Welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Party in My Heart" event, all party members "reviewed the oath of joining the party", which once again inspired the enterprising spirit of the majority of party members and cadres and ignited the The enthusiasm for work that seizes the day and night bursts out the determination to overcome difficulties, and strengthens the confidence and determination to write a new chapter of catch-up development of "New Beauty Ningnan" with a high-spirited attitude.

Finally, Kong Qingxi, Secretary of the Township Party Committee, said: Forging ahead into a new era and embarking on a new journey, we must have the courage to shoulder our responsibilities and strive to be the "four examples": First, we must strive to be an example for development. We must devote ourselves to development, scientifically formulate village-level development ideas, and be the leader, organizer, and practitioner of rural revitalization. Second, we must strive to set an example in doing practical things. We must proceed from the needs and interests of the masses and do practical things sincerely; we must proceed from the hot and difficult issues that the masses are most concerned about and solve the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of the masses. Third, we must strive to set an example in maintaining stability. Stability is the prerequisite and foundation for all work. We must ensure stability, continue the momentum, and continue to work together to start a business. Fourth, we must strive to set an example in implementation. has not been implemented, and everything is a castle in the air. We must shoulder our main responsibilities, do a good job in our main business, be a good protagonist, keep a close eye on all tasks, implement them in detail, and grasp them in place, so as to successfully convene the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results. Offering. (Gao Yongqiang)