Follow the real estate agent and let’s take a look at the news worth paying attention to in the UK today: The UK announced the latest census results. The population of England and Wales has increased by 6.3% in the past 10 years, and Tower Hamlets in London has increased by 22.1%

Follow the real estate agent and let’s take a look at the news worth paying attention to in the UK today:

  • The UK has announced the latest census results. The population of England and Wales has increased by 6.3% in the past 10 years, and Tower Hamlets in London has increased by 22.1%. , ranking first in the UK...
  • The number of cases of monkeypox in the UK has exceeded 1,000, and it is expected to increase further. Some experts predict that the monkeypox epidemic may continue for another year. In the worst case, every day Tens of thousands of British people will be infected...
  • Scotland's First MinisterNicola Sturgeon announced that Scotland will hold an independence referendum on October 19, 2023, and will find ways to bypass the British government's Oppose...
  • As inflation intensifies, the price growth of goods in British retail stores has reached the highest level in nearly 14 years, and the price of fresh food has increased by 6.2% in a year...
  • British housing is becoming increasingly "unaffordable", The average house price is now 7.1 times the average income, with house price growth far outpacing income growth over the past few years...
  • A penthouse in Kensington, London, has been successfully sold for nearly £4,000 per square foot...

[ The latest British census data released ]

Just this week, the British official announced the results of the 2021 census.

Data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that Over the past 10 years, the permanent population of England and Wales has increased to 59,597,300 (56,489,800 people in England and 3,107,500 people in Wales).

Compared with the last census in 2011, the population of England and Wales has increased by 6.3% (more than 3.5 million people), which is one of the largest increases since the census began in 1801.

This figure, combined with published Northern Ireland census figures, and official estimates of Scotland's population in 2020, means that the UK population is now approximately 66,966,400.

Next, let’s talk about the specific details of the population data of England and Wales.

From a regional perspective, the population in the nine regions of England and Wales is growing (as shown below) .

Among them, the fastest growing population was in the east of England, which increased by 8.3% compared with 2011. This is closely followed by South West England, which has risen by 7.8% in 10 years.

The population of the capital London has also increased by 7.7% in 10 years. London is the second most populous region in the UK , with a total population of 8.8 million.

In contrast, Wales had the smallest population growth, at 1.4%. The smallest population is currently in the North East of England.

It is worth mentioning that some London boroughs have seen "explosive" growth in the past 10 years.

For example, Tower Hamlets, a borough in London, has the highest population growth rate in the UK, with an increase of 22.1% compared to 2011.

In addition, places such as Barking and Dagenham, City of London (City of London), Newham, Greenwich, Hounslow and other places have experienced substantial population growth.

However, the population of the Westminster borough has fallen compared with 10 years ago, and some believe this may be because some wealthy residents have temporarily left their second homes during the epidemic. or third residence.

In terms of gender, there are 30,420,100 women (accounting for 51.0% of the total population) and 29,177,200 men (accounting for 49.0% of the total population). There is not much change from 10 years ago.

In terms of age, the trend of population aging continues.

18.6% (11.1 million) of the population in England and Wales are currently over 65, up from 16.4% (9.2 million) in 2011.

About 0.9% (527,900) of the population is 90 years or older, up from 0.8% (429,017) in 2011.

The population aged 15 and under is 10.4 million, accounting for 17.4% of the total population, which is also an increase from 2011 data.

In addition, not only has the overall population increased, but the number of households in England and Wales has also increased by 6.1% (1.4 million households) compared with 2011, and currently stands at 24,782,800 households.

The number of households increased in England (6.2%) higher than in Wales (3.4%).Areas with significant increases in the number of households include Tower Hamlets in London (19.0%), Uttlesford in Essex (18.2%) and Bedford in Bedfordshire (17.4%).

The UK Census is conducted every 10 years by the ONS, and the ONS said data from the 2021 Census of England and Wales will be released in stages over the next two years. Future versions will also include data on race, religion, labor market, education and housing.

[ UK monkeypox cases exceed 1,000 ]

According to media reports, as the monkeypox virus continues to spread, the number of monkeypox cases in the UK has exceeded 1,000..

Figures from the UK Health and Safety Authority (UKHSA) showed that as of Sunday, 1,076 people in the UK had been infected, almost double the number two weeks ago. Among them, the number of cases in the capital London reached 659.

Some experts believe that this shows that the epidemic is not slowing down now.

Professor Sophia Makki of UKHSA also predicted that the monkeypox epidemic in the UK is continuing to grow, and cases are expected to rise further in the coming days or weeks.

Although currently, most cases in the UK still occur mainly in gay and bisexual men. But Professor Sophia said anyone who had been in close contact with someone with symptoms would also be at increased risk.

As we all know, monkeypox is mainly spread through close contact. It was first found in monkeys and is common in West Africa and Central Africa. It generally rarely spreads to other places. However, at present, monkeypox cases have been reported in more than 40 countries and regions around the world where monkeypox is not endemic, with a total of more than 4,300 confirmed cases.

Meanwhile, Adam Kleczkowski, professor of mathematics at Strathclyde University, warned in a study that the monkeypox epidemic in the UK could continue for another year, with in the worst-case scenario, several cases a day. Thousands of British people are infected with .

According to research by Professor Kleczkowski, infection rates in the UK are likely to continue to rise, with 60,000 people a day likely to be infected with the virus at a peak by the end of the year in a "worst case scenario".

Professor Kleczkowski said: "Unless contact tracing and vaccination are combined to stop the spread, monkeypox virus will continue to spread."

However, most scientists believe that the monkeypox virus will not have a peak like new crown because monkeypox virus Pox requires prolonged close contact or contact with infected surfaces to spread.

[ Scotland sets independence referendum time ]

According to media reports, Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced on Tuesday that Scotland will hold an independence referendum on October 19, 2023 .

The media said that Sturgeon is trying to find a way to bypass "British Prime Minister Boris's refusal to authorize a referendum." To put it simply, in this way, regardless of whether Boris agrees to a referendum in the future, Scotland will have to vote .

Speaking of the Scottish referendum, many people may still be confused. In fact, due to historical factors, Scotland wants to leave the United Kingdom, and there have always been calls for "independence".

After the pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) came to power, Scotland's tendency toward independence has been greatly fueled. In 2014, the then British Prime Minister David Cameron agreed to issue a so-called "section 30 order" authorizing the Scottish government to hold a referendum. However, in the end, the Scots voted 55% to 45% to reject independence and remain in the United Kingdom.

There are reports that many voters at that time refused to leave the United Kingdom because the United Kingdom was still a member of the EU . Scottish citizens preferred to stay in the "big plate" of the EU and were not willing to take the risk of re-applying to join the EU after independence. .

However, after the United Kingdom began to leave the European Union, this situation has fundamentally changed, and the calls for the Scottish independence referendum have become louder and louder.

After the UK officially left the EU, Sturgeon repeatedly proposed holding a second independence referendum, but was rejected by Boris.

After Boris refused to issue a "Section 30 order" to authorize another referendum, Sturgeon hopes to find a way to bypass the opposition of Conservative government while organizing a legal vote.

Sturgeon said that because UK Parliament refused to recognize the right of Scotland to vote on independence, she had to refer the vote issue to UK Supreme Court to determine whether her government had the power to hold such a vote, and at the same time, ensure that any Votes are credible and internationally recognized.

Sturgeon also said that if the court does not rule in favor of the Scottish government, she expects the British general election to be held in 2024 to become a "de facto" referendum, and her SNP party will vote on independence. The issue was put to a referendum.

Sturgeon said: "Scotland has its own say on the issue of independence. I hope that the process launched today will lead to a legal and constitutional referendum."

In response, British Prime Minister Boris responded that now "This is not the time to talk about another independence referendum and say the UK's focus should be on building a stronger economy."

[ British retail commodity prices have increased ]

Data from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) shows that with the chain reaction of rising inflation, the growth rate of commodity prices in British retail stores has reached the highest level in the past 14 years .

According to the BRC-NielsenIQ Store Price Index, store commodity prices rose 3.1% in June compared with the same period last year, higher than 2.8% in May. This is also the highest inflation rate since September 2008.

Among them, food inflation jumped to 5.6% in June from 4.3% in May, which was the highest inflation rate since May 2009. Mainly driven by a 6.2% increase in fresh food prices.

In response, BRC chief executive Helen Dickinson said:

"Last month, as prices for commodities such as energy, transport and food reached near-record levels, filtering through supply chains, households and businesses were hit by the worst economic crisis since the 1980s. Hit by peak inflation.

Food prices have risen sharply, especially for fresh food such as cheese, hit by soaring costs for fertilizers and animal feed.

But Helen also pointed out that due to fierce competition among retailers, this means they will. Continue to absorb these cost pressures as much as possible.

[ British housing is becoming increasingly "unaffordable" ]

Due to the rapid rise in house prices, British housing is becoming increasingly "unaffordable"... The latest data from

Halifax shows that as of the first quarter of 2022, British housing The average price is £279,431, while the average annual earnings of a full-time employee is estimated at £39,402.

This means that the average cost of a UK house is now 7.1 times the average income which is the highest ever level.

Halifax also said that the increase in house prices in the past few years has far exceeded income growth .

The average cost of a UK house has risen by 16.8% since the start of the pandemic, while wages have risen by just 2.7%.

Unsurprisingly, London remains by far the most expensive place to buy a house, with an average house price of £534,977. Among them, Westminster and the City of London are the least affordable areas, with the average price being 14.5 times the average income.

[ London super luxury house reappears in large-scale transaction ]

Real Estate Jun learned that just recently, the super luxury house market in central London once again ushered in a large-scale transaction. A penthouse apartment in the Hollandgreen Place project in Kensington was successfully sold. .

It is reported that this duplex apartment has an asking price of 15 million pounds and covers an area of ​​3,800 square feet. There are four bedrooms in the

mansion, including a master suite with a marble bathroom. At the same time, there is also a study room and storage room. There is also a large terrace outside with great views of the capital. The interior decoration of

is simple, modern and very beautiful.

There is currently not much information from the parties about the buyer, but the final transaction price is said to be close to £4,000 per square foot.

In fact, since the beginning of 2022, as the UK unblocks and international buyers gradually return to London, the London PCL market has seen a number of large transactions with sales exceeding 10 million pounds.

Not long ago, Lebanese billionaire Hariri family successfully sold a large mansion in Knightsbridge, London. The mansion was worth 19.75 million pounds and covered a total area of ​​6,504 square feet. It is reported that the mansion was sold to an ultra-high-net-worth businessman from Lebanon who wanted to buy a residence for his family near Harrods department store.

At the same time, there is news that an townhouse has also been sold in Mayfair, London. The mansion has 5,600 sq ft of land and is asking £3,295 psf.

In this regard, Jeremy Gee, an expert at Beauchamp, said: "Since the beginning of 2022, most transactions in prime London locations have been priced between 15 million and 25 million pounds. Especially as international buyers begin to return to the capital, super luxury housing transactions The top five are Knightsbridge , St John's Wood, Kensington, Belgravia and Chelsea. This shows that the traditional neighborhoods of the super rich are once again the hotspots for most high-end transactions."

Above is where we are today. Content Daily, please continue to pay attention to Real Estate Jun. We will continue to bring you the latest and most informative British reports.