In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we will further promote the normalization and long-term implementation of party history study and education, further encourage party members and cadres to remain true to their original as

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we will further promote the normalization and long-term implementation of party history study and education, further encourage party members and cadres to not forget their original aspirations, keep their mission in mind, start a business, pioneer and innovate, and meet the party's future with an enterprising attitude and outstanding achievements. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held. The Longhu District Taxation Bureau actively carried out various publicity and education activities with prominent themes and distinctive features, and organized and carried out a series of party-building activities to welcome the "July 1st" with the "Ten Days" as the starting point.

First, a party swearing-in event was held. In the form of Party Day activities with the theme of "Always Follow the Party - Review the Oath to Join the Party", new party members took the oath to join the Party and old party members reviewed the oath to join the Party at each party branch in the bureau. Under the leadership of the secretaries of each branch, all party members jointly reviewed the oath of joining the party, accepted the purification and baptism of their souls under the party's banner, kept in mind the original intention and mission, strengthened their ideals and beliefs, swore to always maintain the political nature of Communist Party members, and abide by their commitments to the party with practical actions .

The second is to give a special party class. Members of the leadership team and secretaries of various party branches have carried out targeted investigations and studies on strengthening education on party loyalty, revolutionary tradition, the party's glorious tradition and fine style, policy situation, fighting spirit, and awareness of political organs, and closely combined learning and research results. Fifteen special party classes were given, with more than 250 party members participating, achieving 100% coverage of special party classes given by party committee leaders and grassroots party branch secretaries.

The third is to organize a theme learning activity. Through " three meetings and one lesson ", organizing party members to celebrate "political birthdays", and carrying out theme party days and other activities, party members are organized to continue to learn, understand and practice Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and convey and study the 13th Provincial In the spirit of the Party Congress, educate and guide party members and cadres to deeply understand the decisive significance of " two to establish ", strengthen the " four consciousness ", strengthen the " four self-confidence ", and achieve " two to maintain " .

The fourth is to carry out a special campaign to improve work style. Thoroughly implement the municipal taxation bureau's "Party spirit training, conduct and discipline improvement" project and the deployment requirements of the Longhu District ability and style improvement year activities, and vigorously carry out special rectification activities of "strict discipline, strong work style, and efficiency improvement" to improve the ability and style of work. The great improvement will lead to a great improvement in the quality and efficiency of taxation work. Lin Zhongmin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the District Bureau, participated in the interview with the "top leaders" of Longhu . Focusing on the theme of "Transforming Work Style, Improving Ability, Practicing Hard Work to Promote Development", he discussed relevant practices on improving cadre capabilities, optimizing the business environment, serving local development, and doing practical things for the people. and exchanged experiences on results.

The fifth is to establish a tax youth group to assist overseas Chinese. Focusing on the requirements of the theme of "Continuing the Red Blood to Promote a Strong Country with Taxation and Owning Me", based on the location advantages, we deeply explore and activate the resources of overseas Chinese hometowns, gather the wisdom of young people, and form a "Taxation Youth Assistance Group for Overseas Chinese" volunteer service team to fully demonstrate the determination of taxation youth Enterprising and courageous spirit. Focusing on taxpayers, freelancers and practitioners in the Overseas Chinese Economic and Cultural Cooperation Pilot Zone new business formats, we went deep into industrial parks, enterprises and communities to provide door-to-door lectures on preferential tax policies to more than 300 people, and distributed more than 5,000 copies of materials. , promote the implementation of new combined tax and fee support policies, help enterprises develop healthily and standardizedly into new industries, new business formats, and new models, and further stimulate the vitality of overseas Chinese hometowns.

The sixth is to carry out a condolence visit to party members and old party members who are in difficulty. On the eve of July 1st, the district bureau organized visits to 13 party members and veteran party members who had difficulties in life. During the visit to the veteran party members, they cordially asked about the physical condition and living conditions of the veteran party members. Some veteran party members also told about a taxation party member How can cadres implement the party's purpose with practical actions from beginning to end? A "micro-party class" on party history study and education was given to the young party members who participated in the event, inspiring the younger generation to actively respond to the call of the times and always follow the party.

The seventh is to organize a theme activity of "Saving Food Starts from Me".Deeply implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on curbing food waste, vigorously promote the traditional virtues of diligence and frugality, and party members and cadres play a vanguard and exemplary role by issuing initiatives, publicity and education, and carrying out supervision to resolutely stop food waste and guide the general public Cadres and workers vigorously promote the traditional virtue of diligence and thrift, consciously lead the good trend of frugal dining, and advocate a civilized and healthy lifestyle.

Eighth is to carry out a series of revolutionary traditional education . Deeply explore the local red educational resources such as "Party History Learning Classroom" and "Daya Ferry" in Longhu District and the connotative value of the culture with overseas Chinese characteristics such as " Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Expo Center " and "Qiao Pi Cultural Center", and organize it before and after July 1st Party members and cadres follow the red footsteps and through "experiential" party education, let party members and cadres remember their original aspiration and mission.

Nine is to organize a red-themed movie viewing activity. Organize party members and cadres to watch a red movie, carry out red-themed viewing and learning sharing, combine party history learning and education with enriching cultural and sports activities for cadres and workers, and enrich and meet the spiritual and cultural needs of cadres and workers.

Ten is to create a theoretical learning lecture hall for young people. Emphasis on exemplary leadership, encourage ordinary party members and young cadres to take the stage, rely on high-quality party courses as the starting point, create a "tax youth academy" youth theoretical learning lecture hall, and create a strong atmosphere of "everyone teaches party courses and there are schools everywhere". The "Lunchtime Tax Class" youth theoretical study group interactive class was launched. The themes include four columns: "Red Position", "Encyclopedia of Finance and Taxation", "Books and Shadows Tea Talk" and "Stones from Other Mountains". The five classes attracted a total of more than 300 people from the district bureau. Young cadres participated extensively.

Information source | Longhu District Taxation Bureau