In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, we should further deepen the study and education of party history, enhance the centripetal force of party m

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, we will further deepen the study and education of party history, enhance the centripetal force of party members, enhance the cohesion of the party organization, educate and guide party members and police officers to inherit the red gene, strive to be pioneers in hard work, and constantly Forgetting the original intention and following the party, on June 28, all party members and police officers of the Chengzhong District People's Procuratorate of Xining City went to the Xiaogaoling Party Education and Training Experience Base in Huangyuan County to carry out party day activities with the theme of "Welcome July 1, Praise the Party's Grace, and Strengthen Party Spirit".

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's charter, and fulfill the obligations of a party member..." At the beginning of the event, under the leadership of Lan Qian, secretary of the party group and chief prosecutor, all party members and police officers of the city's procuratorate gathered in Xiaogaoling Square. Hold your head high to the Party flag, clench your right fist, review the oath of joining the Party together, recall the experience of joining the Party, revisit the original intention of joining the Party, strengthen the belief in always following the Party in the oath, and have the determination and confidence to fight for the cause of communism for life. .

Time sharpens faith, and years bear witness to the original intention. Pay homage to the "Two Trees" and re-walk the "Two Canals Road". From the Folklore Museum of the base to the Xiaogaoling Spiritual Exhibition Hall, the commentators will tell the past stories of this land, precious pictures and vivid paragraphs. The text records in detail the glorious history of the people of Xiaogaoling, under the leadership of several generations of village committee members, who thought of change when they were poor, were not afraid of difficulties, managed mountains and rivers, and completely changed the appearance of poverty and backwardness. The spirit, Yin Yin tells us that their original intention and belief in loving the Party are always the same, and their spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and moving forward courageously is always the same. The mission of never forgetting where we came from and passing on the fire forever remains the same.

"The scenery of the Qinghai Plateau is beautiful, the red flag is flying under the Sun and Moon Mountain . People are like the sea, singing like the tide, waving silver sickles, and ambitious. Labor creates a new world, the mountains bow down and the river changes its course, the people in Xiaogaoling have many strange ambitions, and the barren mountains are barren. "Change a new look." By watching the special film "Managing Mountains, Afforestation and Protecting Soil and Water", the Xiaogaoling spirit of "dare to be the first and work hard to achieve success" was further rooted in the hearts of party members and police officers. At the same time, everyone deeply felt that the Xiaogaoling Village Party Organization leads the people of Xiaogaoling. The great fighting spirit of not being afraid of difficulties, facing difficulties, persevering, working hard, and building a beautiful home through one's own hard-working hands.

Through this themed party day activity, the party members and officers of our hospital deeply understood the Xiao Gaoling spirit of "dare to be the first, work hard and succeed". Everyone expressed that they should learn from the fine traditions, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, play an exemplary role, and perform their duties faithfully , with a more high-spirited attitude of struggle, a more inspiring mental state, a more pragmatic work style and a more full enthusiasm for work, conscientiously do various procuratorial work, and strive to be responsible, loyal and clean new era procuratorial officers, and live up to their responsibilities mission, gather strength, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.