She is the most famous. Lao Feng wrote an article about her earlier. She is the longest-reigning monarch in British history, and is currently the longest-reigning and oldest monarch in the world. Her personal Her charm makes most countries in the Commonwealth dare not go too far.

Yesterday we talked about the monarchs of Asian countries. Today we will talk about the dynasties of other continents. Among the existing dynasties in the world, Asia has the most and Europe the second. Today we will tell you clearly about the reigning kings of Europe.

United Kingdom - Parliamentary system Constitutional monarchy - Elizabeth II (succeeded in 1952) Windsor dynasty

Elizabeth II

She is the most famous, Lao Feng wrote an article about her before, she is British history The longest-reigning monarch in the world, she is also the longest-reigning and oldest monarch in the world. Her personal charm makes most countries in the Commonwealth dare not go beyond the boundaries. It is precisely because of her excellence that people now The British royal family does not have a more suitable heir than her, so she has not abdicated now. The power of the British King is strictly limited by the Bill of Rights, so she is a typical parliamentary constitutional monarchy.

Spain - Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy - Felipe VI (successed in 2014) Bourbon Dynasty

Felipe VI when he was just crowned in 2014

In 2014, his unsatisfactory father Carlos I abdicated and inherited Spain. throne. He has always appeared in front of the people with a people-friendly image, and his succession saved the Spanish royal family from the impact of his father's scandal. The Spanish royal family is the most powerful among European royal families, but in recent years the king has gradually delegated power to the parliament and the prime minister. The Bourbons are the oldest dynasty in Europe.

Netherlands - parliamentary constitutional monarchy - Willem-Alexander (successed in 2013) Nassau dynasty

Willem-Alexander and mother Queen Beatrix

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and the announcement in 2013 to abdicate the throne to the crown prince William, William is also known as the youngest king in Europe. The Netherlands was once the earliest republic in the world, but starting in 1815, the Kingdom of the Netherlands was established. Since 1890, the Netherlands has experienced three queens. William is the first male king of the Netherlands in more than 100 years. The King of the Netherlands is only the nominal head of state.

Belgium - Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy - Leopold IV (succeeded in 2013) Saxe-Coburg Gotha Dynasty

Transition between the old and new kings of Belgium

2013-2015 European kings abdicated for addiction, Leopold IV It was thanks to the abdication of his father Albert II that he changed his low-key style after succeeding to the throne and achieved a smooth transition of power. The Belgian royal family was actually a political appendage, but Leopold got along well with politics.

Luxembourg - Parliamentary constitutional monarchy - Archduke Henry I (successed in 2000) Bourbon dynasty

Grand Duke Henry of Luxembourg

The existence of Luxembourg, a small European country, has never been high, but the country's tourism industry is very developed. The Grand Duke of Luxembourg is really pampered, but Grand Duke Henry I further deepened the friendship between China and Luxembourg.

Denmark - Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy - Margrethe II (succeeded in 1972) Glücksburg Dynasty

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark in her youth

In addition to Elizabeth The only remaining one in Europe One of the two queens. She succeeded to the throne in 1972. She is full of anecdotes and loves archeology, painting, singing and dancing, reading literary works, skiing, etc. But what this old queen loves most is smoking. She is known as the world's most addicted head of state. Nicknamed "The Ashtray Queen". The Queen of Denmark is relatively close to the people. If people want to see her, they can see her at the vegetable market. The king is the symbol of the country and does not directly exercise executive power.

Norway-Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy-Harald V (successed in 1991) Glücksburg Dynasty

He is a relative of Margaret II. In 1991, his father Olaf V died and Harald V succeeded to the throne. The first crown prince born in Norway since his birth in 1370. As he is a descendant of Queen Victoria of England, Harald V also has the right to inherit the British throne. The King of Norway is the head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and nominates the prime minister, but he does not have the power to dissolve parliament.

Sweden - Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy - Carl XVI (successed in 1973) Bernadotte Dynasty

The prestigious Carl XVI

Full name Carl XVI - Gustav , in Sweden has a high prestige. He really has no sense of presence in Swedish political life. Although the king is still recognized as the head of state, he is no longer the supreme commander of the armed forces; in terms of legislation, there is no need for the king to do even the formal approval procedures. The king's only connection with government institutions is to attend a cabinet meeting every quarter and serve as chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee to represent the country to the outside world. Moreover, all Swedish royal property was nationalized by the government.

Monaco- Dual system constitutional monarchy-Albert II (succeeded in 2005) Grimaldi dynasty

Albert II and Princess Charlene

Ranked second among European pocket countries, with an area only larger than Vatican City , so just a grand duchy . The prince is the head of state, represents the country externally, has the highest administrative power, and has the power to sign and ratify treaties. Albert II succeeded to the throne in 2005, and his love story with Princess Charlene is a realistic version of the prince and princess.

Liechtenstein - parliamentary constitutional monarchy - Hans Adam II (successed in 1989) The Liechtenstein dynasty

The pocket country, like Monaco, is a descendant of the Grand Duchy of European feudal society, so the head of state is a hereditary Grand Duke. The duke has the highest authority, but the current duke has "supreme authority" among the powers specified in the constitution. After Hans Adam came to power, Liechtenstein successively joined the United Nations, the European Free Trade Association and the European Economic Area. Married with 4 children.

Andorra - Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy - Macron ; Joan Henrique Vives (Two Grand Dukes)

Andorra Grand Duke Macron visits Andorra

One of the largest pocket countries. The political system of the Principality of Andorra is relatively special. Its Grand Duke is jointly held by the President of France and the local bishop of Spain, Theo De Ugel. The Grand Duke is only an honorary position and has no actual power. Therefore, French President Emmanuel Macron and Juan Henrique Vives, now the Bishop of Séaudougel in Spain, are also the Grand Duke of Andorra. The Prime Minister is the head of government, elected by the Parliament (General Council) and appointed by the two princes.

Vatican City - Autocratic Monarchy - Francis I (succeeded in 2013)

The current Pope

The Pope is the head of the Vatican, integrating the highest legislative, executive, judicial powers . The Pope claims to be the "successor of the Apostle Peter" and is the spiritual leader of Catholics around the world. The pope's special status determines his supreme power, at least in the Catholic world. The process of creating a pope is extremely complicated. After the death of the pope, the papal electoral college composed of cardinals from all over the world chooses a new pope. The election of the pope must be carried out strictly in accordance with the traditional methods since the Middle Ages.

Tomorrow we bring you the monarchs of the Americas, Africa and Oceania. Stay tuned!