The "oil shortage" swept the UK, oil production projects were boycotted, and the statue of Johnson was splashed with oil

At present, the British people not only need to face the severe new crown epidemic, but also have to endure the days without oil. According to British media reports, since the outbreak of a large-scale "oil shortage" in mid-September this year, the British fuel crisis has lasted for many days, and there is no sign of alleviation. According to statistics, at present, nearly 20% of gas stations in the UK have zero fuel inventory, and most gas stations around the capital, London, have to close their doors because they have completely cut off their fuel. Even for gas stations with gas, there are not too many stocks at present. A British driver reported to the media that if he wants to add gas, he usually needs to wait more than 5 hours.

In order to solve the "fuel" emergency, the British government even asked British soldiers to transport fuel for gas stations. Due to the limited number of participants, the effect of this move was not obvious. More importantly, the British "fuel shortage" "The main reason is the lack of fuel, not the shortage of fuel supply caused by lack of manpower. British media said that with the advent of winter, the British people's demand for fuel is bound to increase further. If the "oil shortage" cannot be effectively resolved, it may also trigger a series of chain reactions. It is reported that the British government is making multiple efforts to solve the "oil shortage".

According to British media reports, the British government has recently approved a new drilling project in the North Sea oil field , and some oil companies have already obtained mining licenses. In the 1960s, after Britain discovered abundant oil resources in North Sea , the North Sea has become the main source of oil for Britain. Because of the development of North Sea Petroleum, Britain has basically achieved oil supply independence, and North Sea Petroleum has made great contributions to the development of the British economy. However, in recent years, in consideration of protecting the marine ecological environment, the British government has reduced the approval of new North Sea oil exploration projects.

This year the G7 leaders summit was held in Cornwall, England. Climate change is an important topic of the meeting. In the context of reducing fossil fuel extraction in various countries, the British Prime Minister Johnson was at that time solemn commitment,Will stop issuing North Sea oil exploration licenses to oil companies. In the future, Britain will give priority to importing oil from overseas while increasing the proportion of clean energy use. However, facing the intensifying "oil shortage" crisis, Johnson immediately put aside his promise.

However, after the Johnson authorities approved a new drilling project in the North Sea Oilfield, it immediately attracted strong protests from environmentalists. According to British media reports, environmentalists protested that they had nowhere to go, so they cast their anger on a statue of Johnson outside Downing Street in London, the capital of the United Kingdom. Judging from the photos released by the British media, the original clean statue of Johnson has now become filthy, with oil spilled on the head, face, and body of the protesters. After learning of this, the British police dismantled the statue and arrested some protesters.

Up to now, Johnson himself has not responded. A British government official said that although the decision of the Johnson administration has triggered protests, Johnson will not cancel this because of the current “oil shortage” crisis in the UK. Upon decision, the oil production plan will proceed normally.
