The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines donated 10 anti-epidemic vehicles, including 4 ambulances and 6 minibuses, to the Fidava City Government

According to the WeChat official account of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines on the 14th, on October 13, the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines donated 10 domestically-made anti-epidemic vehicles to the Davao City government of the Philippines, including 4 ambulances and 6 small passenger cars. Ambassador Huang Xilian and Davao City Deputy Mayor Sebastian (on behalf of Mayor Sarah who is in quarantine infected with the new crown) attended the online handover ceremony.

Ambassador Huang said that the current situation in the Philippines is still severe, and the spread of the mutant virus poses a serious threat to people's lives and health. To help Davao City improve the efficiency of patient transfer and save more patients' lives, the Chinese Embassy donated 10 Chinese-made vehicles to the Davao City Government, including 4 ambulances and 6 small passenger vehicles. It is expected that the use of these vehicles will help the Davao City Government's anti-epidemic work and bring more help and hope to patients and families in Davao.

Ambassador Huang said that since the outbreak of the epidemic, China and the Philippines have always been helping each other, sharing destiny, and building a closer partnership in the new era. In August this year, President Xi Jinping said in a telephone conversation with President Duterte that China will continue to strengthen cooperation with the Philippines in fighting the epidemic and provide support and assistance within its capacity to the Philippines in fighting the epidemic. China has always kept its promises to its friends. At present, China has provided the Philippines with more than 40 million doses of vaccines, which is the Philippines' largest source of vaccines. I am also happy to inform you that in order to help the Philippine government and people fight the epidemic, the Chinese government has decided to donate one million doses of Coxing New Crown vaccine to the Philippines. These vaccines are expected to arrive in the Philippines in the near future, which will help the Philippines complete its national vaccination plan as soon as possible. .

Ambassador Huang said that, with the joint efforts of both sides, China’s “One Belt One Road” initiative and the Philippines’ “Build, Build, Build” plan continue to achieve important results and bring tangible dividends to the two peoples. The Davao River Bridge, the Davao-Samar Island Bridge, and the first phase of the Davao Expressway are all progressing in an orderly manner. The friendly cooperation between China and the Philippines is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and their peoples. The Chinese Embassy is willing to continue to provide assistance within its capacity for Davao's municipal construction and people's livelihood development, and to benefit more local people. Ambassador Huang also wished Mayor Sarah a speedy recovery.

Sebastian said that on behalf of Mayor Sarah and the Davao City government and people, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Chinese Embassy for its generous donation. At this difficult time in fighting the epidemic, the vehicles donated by the Chinese Embassy will greatly improve the public transportation system in Davao City and the efficiency of patient transfer.For a long time, China has provided a lot of valuable support for improving people's livelihood and municipal construction in Davao City, for which I am deeply grateful. It is a wonderful experience to get along with good neighbors like China. I hope that our close partnership will continue to deepen and join hands to create a hopeful tomorrow.

Editor: Fan Jiale
