A rich Thai Chinese woman gave out money in front of the mall to celebrate her birthday, and the people who received the money knelt down

On September 3, the door of a well-known shopping mall in the Don Mueang district of Bangkok, Thailand was extremely lively. The reason was that someone was sending money. The owner of the mall was Jae Leng. Employees send 1000 baht (about 200 yuan) .

It is understood that the reason why she is proud to send money is because that day is her 75th birthday. Due to the epidemic, she did not hold a celebration this year, so she decided to use this For birthdays, each employee received a bag of rice and 10 lemons in addition to cash.

It is reported that more than 200 employees came to the scene to line up that day, and they all bowed to Jae Leng when they received the money.

My mother used to be a Chinese teacher in Thailand. Later, due to family changes, Jae Leng, who was only in the 4th grade of elementary school, dropped out and used only 1,200 baht (about 240 yuan) from the age of 14. set up a stall to start a small business,It is said that as long as she could make money, she would sell it back in wholesale, such as snacks and fashionable clothes.

After several years of setting up a stall, she slowly saved some money, so she started to be dissatisfied with the status quo, so she decided to go for loan sharking. She was only 18 years old that year.

When she reached the age of 30, she was able to receive 1 million baht every month (approximately 200,000 yuan) interest, which was 1 million in 1976. The Thai baht is simply an astronomical figure.

She has been 55 years old as a money-picking usury business. She thinks she can no longer lend usury, so she decides to invest in various legitimate businesses, such as The above-mentioned 7-storey shopping mall also has 21 apartment buildings for rent. In addition, various fruit gardens are also operated throughout Thailand.

In fact, 5 years ago, Jae Leng also made the headlines because she was willing to spend about 400 million baht to divorce her husband. Yuan Renminbi) made a break.

He said in an interview with the media: "I married him when I was 27.But I didn't expect that only 2 weeks after the marriage, he proposed to draw a clear line with me, each live in its own way, each earns its own money, I chose to forbearance at the time. For decades in the company, I let him take care of the accounts, but later when the business got bigger and I wanted to register a new company, I found out that he had been transferring the profits of the operation, and he had carefully planned 10 for the divorce with me. Year..."

"He also asked a lawyer to intimidate me and said that I would give him 600 million baht (about 120 million yuan) ) , otherwise you will take me to court. Anyway, it will list me a lot of inexplicable crimes. I am not afraid of going to court, but I have been wronged with such a man for decades. I don’t want to be entangled anymore. I just broke with him. I directly gave him 700 million baht (approximately 140 million yuan) property, including 3 100 million baht in cash and land, etc., and then get divorced right away. Treat him as alms..."
