Depth: Mother of Indian descent and father of African descent, this sharp female politician once shaved Biden's face, was chosen by him as a partner

2020/08/1209:52:13 international 633

The Los Angeles Times reported that on Tuesday, the US Democratic presidential candidate Biden has designated his former rival Kamala Harris as his running mate. He promoted the junior senator from California to be the first to appear in Women of color on the presidential votes of major political parties. This move has made history. If the running mates finally enter the White House, they will also make more history.

Depth: Mother of Indian descent and father of African descent, this sharp female politician once shaved Biden's face, was chosen by him as a partner - DayDayNews

The Harbinger participated in the Democratic primary election last year, and her campaign promise at that time was to "sue Trump." This is also considered to be one of the reasons for her failure in the primary election. After announcing the end of her campaign, she was regarded as one of Biden's strongest contenders for vice president.

Harris has a professional resume as the California Attorney General, and has worked in the U.S. Senate for four years. Among a very diverse team of competitors, she is considered the best six or seven female candidates in line with the past Conventional.

In many ways, the 55-year-old Harris is a safe choice: She is popular among the Democratic Party and is familiar with the strict requirements of the US national campaign. At this moment when race relations become the primary consideration for voters, choosing her is also symbolic. In particular, Harris is of Indian and Jamaican African descent. During the primary election, she and Biden had a conflict of concern over race.

Although Harris has advantages, her selection is not without risk, especially when the election situation is tightening. She was seen as an unstable candidate in last year’s primary elections, and her record as a prosecutor is sometimes a double-edged sword, especially as Americans’ attitudes towards law enforcement and mass incarceration have shifted sharply to the left. Case. Although Harris has recently accepted criminal justice reform more forcefully, she is facing the distrust of some progressives in the Democratic Party, and young voters of color do not support her high enough.

Depth: Mother of Indian descent and father of African descent, this sharp female politician once shaved Biden's face, was chosen by him as a partner - DayDayNews

Harris has long been regarded as a rising star in the Democratic Party’s political arena. Her ascendance to the throne of the presidency may lock her into the party’s future leader, especially considering that if Biden Elected president, he will be 78 years old when he is sworn in next year.

Biden himself is a former vice president. He said that his running partner will be a "simple" ruling partner, and someone who is ready to take over the office of the president in an "instant".

Democratic Party political strategist and former executive director of the Congressional Black Caucus, Angela Rye said, “This is great. We have been waiting for a long time. Camara has made history more than once, and she made history this time. It’s full of epic meaning.”

once advocated Biden’s choice of black women, said that this choice can also prove to be of political and strategic significance, because it can win an important group of voters for Democrats. However, this group’s vote on the Democratic Party is often taken for granted.

She said, “I hope this will mark a huge transformation for the Democratic Party, and finally realize the importance of black people, and most especially black women, in the base of voters. We have not only mobilized the black community, but we have also mobilized the entire Dang."

Depth: Mother of Indian descent and father of African descent, this sharp female politician once shaved Biden's face, was chosen by him as a partner - DayDayNews

Harris was born in Oakland and grew up in Berkeley. She is the eldest daughter of two immigrants. Her mother is a breast cancer researcher born in India, and her father is from Jamaica. Scientist. Mother and her sister Maya are Harris' closest political advisers. She was mainly raised by her mother and grew up in a mixed culture of India and blacks. She studied at Howard University, a famous black university in history.

Harris often went to India to visit her mother's family, usually to Chennai, where her grandparents later settled. She was very close to her grandfather, P.V. Gopalan, who was an Indian civil servant. She would make French toast with him and play five-card stud.

She has been in the highly competitive U.S. Bay Area politics for many years and has been in public office throughout her career. She now lives in Los Angeles with her husband Douglas Emhoff, who is a lawyer.

Harris served as a prosecutor in Alameda County, California and San Francisco for 13 years. She won her first elected position in 2003-San Francisco areaThe prosecutor, and after two terms in office, won the fierce competition from the California Attorney General, and she held this position until 2016.

Depth: Mother of Indian descent and father of African descent, this sharp female politician once shaved Biden's face, was chosen by him as a partner - DayDayNews

Harris jumped into the presidential campaign before halfway through his first term as a California senator. She conducted high-profile questions on Trump administration officials at the Senate hearing .

For example, in 2017, she conducted a brutal cross-examination of Jeff Sessions, the former Attorney General of the Trump administration, when she asked about his interactions with Russian officials during the presidential campaign a year ago , Made him tremble and complained that the rhythm of her problems made him "nervous".

In January last year, she held a magnificent press conference in Oakland to announce her contest for the Democratic presidential candidate. But her campaign was in trouble this spring because she struggled to reconcile her law enforcement resume with Democratic voters’ left-leaning on criminal justice issues.

Depth: Mother of Indian descent and father of African descent, this sharp female politician once shaved Biden's face, was chosen by him as a partner - DayDayNews

A decisive moment in her campaign for president appeared in the first Democratic primary debate. At that time, she challenged Biden because Biden had talked passionately about his relationship with some The cooperation of segregated senators and his and their efforts to prevent school buses from entering racially integrated schools.

She said on the stage: "There is a little girl in California. She is a member of the second batch of integrated public schools. She takes the bus to go to school every day." She leaned on the stage and faced directly. Biden said, "And that little girl is me."

Biden was flustered by the accusation, especially considering that his relationship with Harris was once very friendly. Harris was his late son Bo. -Biden's friend.

In a short time, this confrontation is not good for Harris. Before voting in the December primary election, Harris's campaign was lagging in polls and fundraising continued to decrease.

Both Harris and Biden insist that there is no lingering resentment between them. Harris publicly supported Biden in March and has always been his passionate candidate, appearing frequently in virtual roundtables and fundraising events.

Depth: Mother of Indian descent and father of African descent, this sharp female politician once shaved Biden's face, was chosen by him as a partner - DayDayNews

It is not unheard of to pick a former opponent as a running partner. In 1960, John F. Kennedy chose Lyndon Johnson as the Democratic candidate, even though they had previously dismissed each other. In 1980, Republican Reagan chose Bush Sr. as the candidate for vice president, even though Bush mocked Reagan's policy agenda as "voodoo economics."

Despite this, some of Biden’s allies continue to argue with Harris, believing that a public showdown weakens her loyalty as a running partner, especially if she is determined to take over as the Oval Office of the US President.

Harris and Biden also disagree on other policy issues, including healthcare. Biden supports the expansion of Obama's Affordable Care Act to include public options. Harris supports Universal Medical Insurance, although her position on whether private insurance companies should play a role in government health care plans has changed. During the primary election, she received some blows.

At that time, Harris found himself in a difficult situation in the party’s ideology. He was caught between Biden and other centrists, and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and other more left-wingers. Between competitors.

Depth: Mother of Indian descent and father of African descent, this sharp female politician once shaved Biden's face, was chosen by him as a partner - DayDayNews

Now, her position may serve the benefit of communicating the left and right wings of the Democratic Party.

Stanford University Political Science Professor Bruce Kane said: “Kamala is a bit between Biden and the real progressives. This may be her weakness, but it is also her strength. As for how much she really is. Partially progressive, and a little fuzzy.”

Harris also ended California’s decades of political barrenness. Although California is the most populous state in the United States, since President Reagan sought re-election in 1984, California has not had a presidential candidate appearing in a national election.

Since then, California politicians have tried to leap into the White House one after another, such as former governors Pete Wilson and Jerry Brown, but it is often difficult to compare their success in California.The experience is transformed into successful experience across the United States.

Stanford University political science professor Bruce Kane said, “This is not a problem for Kamala.” He pointed out that Kamala went through a national campaign for nearly a year before he withdrew from the campaign in December last year. And five primary debates. After

Depth: Mother of Indian descent and father of African descent, this sharp female politician once shaved Biden's face, was chosen by him as a partner - DayDayNews

temporarily left the spotlight of the presidential campaign, Harris maintained a relatively high-profile public image. Since the beginning of the new crown pandemic, she called on people to pay attention to the racial differences under the influence of the epidemic, and took the lead in promoting the Democratic Party's efforts to reform police after the death of George Freud triggered large-scale protests.

Before the dust settled on Biden’s partner candidate, Senator Harris was always noncommittal on the candidate’s speculation, but she showed her skills as Biden’s campaign agent, even when discussing other topics. Promote his candidacy, as she did when she criticized Trump's Attorney General Barr on MSNBC last week.

said at the time, “Frankly speaking, the best way to solve and deal with this problem is to win this election in November, elect Biden as president, and establish a real judicial system in the United States, reflecting our Democratic ideals.”

US Democratic vice presidential candidate, California Senator Harris, and Biden join hands

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