In order to limit the development of China's 5G technology, Americans do not hesitate to use chips as weapons, but the weapons in the hands of the United States exist in many industries. U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said: "If you control oil, it means If you contr

2024/07/0218:21:33 international 1357

In order to limit the development of China's 5G technology, Americans do not hesitate to use chips as weapons, but the weapons in the hands of the United States exist in many industries. U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said: "If you control oil, then It means you control all countries. But if you control food, then you think you control everyone. "

It can be seen that food is the most powerful among many weapons, because food is related to the stability of a country and the food problem of mankind. is the most important issue. The war between Russia and Ukraine some time ago may lead to a village-wide food crisis. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine will bring about a starving world in advance.

Food weapons are no less powerful than " nuclear weapons ". The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has impacted the global food supply chain, and is superimposed on inflation . Take Egypt as an example: 80% of wheat imports in Egypt rely on Russia and Ukraine. , the Egyptian government said that wheat prices have risen to US$435 per ton this year, compared with US$270 last year.

what does this mean? It means that the whole of Europe and even the whole world is causing a new food crisis because of the war problem.

html On July 15, Konashenkov, spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Defense , said at a press conference that during the recent four-party talks on Ukrainian grain exports, the proposals put forward by Russia received basic support from the other parties. This It shows that Russia does not intend to use food as another weapon after natural gas .

As the successor state of the Soviet Union, it was deeply hit by the United States in terms of food. It was also the food weapon of the United States that caused the Soviet Union to collapse. In this way, the United States turned itself into the only superpower at the time.

In order to limit the development of China's 5G technology, Americans do not hesitate to use chips as weapons, but the weapons in the hands of the United States exist in many industries. U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said:

1. The weapons of Americans

Speaking of the wars launched by the United States in recent years, most of them are focused on energy. The original Iraq , Afghanistan and later Syria were mostly based on important oil producing areas. , including Iran sanctioned by the United States, Americans regard oil, a strategic material, as an important weapon for themselves, and over the years, successive American governments have spared no effort to promote it.

Since Trump came to power, he has pursued the so-called "America First" strategy and implemented a so-called trade war against China in order to achieve his own hegemony.

They wield the stick of tariffs and use chips to disrupt the progress of China's communications industry. However, in many cases, their weapons also bring their own sequelae. China's countermeasures have caused American farmers to encounter an unprecedented crisis.

In addition, the increase in tariffs on China's exports to the United States will also increase the cost of living for ordinary American consumers.

The cultivated land in the United States accounts for 13% of the world's arable land, ranking among the top in the world, but there are only a few million farmers in the United States, accounting for 1% of the American population. This illustrates the technological nature of American agriculture, the use of large machinery, labor The provision of efficient allows these 1% of farmers to feed the entire population of the United States. Not only that, the United States also exports a large amount of food to other countries.

During the trade war during the Trump era, China used soybeans to counter the United States. It can be seen that American soybeans were exported to China in large quantities, and the price of food for Americans was not high. If it was too high, various countries would not Go a long way to buy American food.

Many food-scarce countries rely on American food to survive. European Union Leaders of various countries, since the Russia-Ukraine war, believe that this winter will cause the entire Europe to suffer for decades because of Russian natural gas. The coldest winter.

In the same way, the power of food is much higher than that of natural gas. If the United States controls the food of many countries, many people will not be able to survive. The governments of those countries will also be directly abandoned by the people because of the food crisis. People have to eat. The power of Americans' food weapons can be seen.

In order to limit the development of China's 5G technology, Americans do not hesitate to use chips as weapons, but the weapons in the hands of the United States exist in many industries. U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said:

The global food structure is extremely unbalanced. Taking soybeans and corn as an example, the United States accounts for 40% of the world. It can be said that in many aspects of food, the United States determines the pricing power. The four major grain merchants in the United States are : American ADM, American Cargill , American Bunge and French Louis Dreyfus .

These four companies control 80% of global grain trading volume, and these four companies have deployed in many countries around the world, including China, in order to gain pricing power for grain in these countries.

The current war between Russia and Ukraine will not only bring a food crisis to Europe, but will also be particularly serious for Africa and the Middle East that rely on Russia and Ukraine. Al Jazeera pointed out from this that many countries, especially African countries with rapid urban population growth, have to look at food security issues with more practical considerations, rather than who is right and wrong in the war in Ukraine.

Therefore, the food weapons in the hands of the Americans are even worse than nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union was once defeated by the food weapons of the Americans.

2. The United States food and weapons disintegrated the Soviet Union

After World War II , the world pattern formed two major camps, the capitalist camp led by the United States and the socialist camp headed by the Soviet Union. Although the United States and the Soviet Union were both victorious countries, for the two major camps As far as the camp is concerned, many countries have been severely damaged, especially food shortages, causing many people to struggle on the poverty line. The United States occupies 13% of the world's land and has amplified technology, so there is no so-called snack crisis in the United States, and it also exports a large amount of its own snacks abroad.

But the Soviet Union is different. Although the Soviet Union is the largest country in the world, a lot of land is barren, and the actual food output is not high. The Soviet Union is very short of food, but fortunately the Soviet Union has sufficient energy.

But as the big brother of the socialist camp , the Soviet Union had many of its allies turning to the Soviet Union for help. However, the Soviet Union itself had not really solved its own food problem. Therefore, in order to maintain its status, the Soviet Union purchased from the United States, which had plenty of snacks. food.

But the Americans used snacks as weapons to contain and attack the Soviet Union. First of all, the Americans only recognized the US dollar and did not recognize the Soviet Union's ruble .

This kind of thing is no coincidence. After the Russia-Ukraine war began, the NATO countries headed by the United States responded to the United States and imposed sanctions on Russia, including Japan and China's Taiwan region. In order to win over the United States, they did not hesitate to follow the United States.

intends to destroy Russia's economy and plunge Russia into crisis. Russia has taken countermeasures and formulated an energy export policy for unfriendly countries. These countries that are hostile to Russia must pay rubles if they want to buy natural gas from Russia. , which is exactly the same as when the United States used food to deal with the Soviet Union.

It was during the Cold War. The Soviet Union did not have much foreign exchange reserves and could only use gold to pay for food purchases. In the two years from 1979 to 1980 alone, the Soviet Union used 314 tons of gold to purchase food.

The Soviet Union became the world's largest food importer, but its archrival the United States was the largest exporter. During the Cold War struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union was the first to lose in terms of food.

Later, the Soviet Union fell into a serious food crisis, which caused serious problems for the Soviet people to eat. In the end, the powerful Soviet Union fell into snacks.

led to the later and the disintegration of the Soviet Union . Among the many reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it can be said that the United States' food weapons played a big role.

In order to limit the development of China's 5G technology, Americans do not hesitate to use chips as weapons, but the weapons in the hands of the United States exist in many industries. U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said:

Soviet banknotes

3. The United States manipulates the food security of other countries

Since the 1970s, in order to control the world's food security, the US government began to subsidize its own farmers and encourage its own farmers to export a large number of snacks. Make other countries dependent on their own food imports and attack other countries' agricultural rivals.

When there was a famine in India from 1965 to 1971, the United States restricted its food exports many times in order to win India's support for its invasion of Vietnam.In 1994, the United States finally took control of the country's agriculture on the condition of supporting Haitian President Aristide to seize power. This eventually led to a serious food crisis in the country in 2008.

But the most famous incident is the United States' food control over Argentina . In 1998, the U.S. government united many genetically modified companies led by Monsanto to develop high-yield genetically modified seeds; and after the success of the research and development, they took advantage of the In response to Argentina's bond crisis, newly developed genetically modified bean seeds were introduced into Argentina's soybean varieties.

First of all what is genetically modified soybean ? Genetically modified soybeans are a soybean variety developed in the United States. The yield is much higher than that of ordinary soybeans. However, this soybean has a big problem, that is, it cannot be planted repeatedly.

At that time, Argentina introduced this genetically modified soybean, which increased soybean production in the short term. However, if you still wanted to plant it the next year, you had to continue to buy American soybean seeds, which slowly ruined local soybean cultivation and allowed the United States to control Argentina. of soybean cultivation and lost the dominance of domestic soybeans.

caused Argentina to lose its dominance in its own food, and the United States used it as a food weapon.

4. Trying to threaten China’s food security. China has been hit twice. What if we, the great China, fight back?

As a major food and population country in the world, our country’s food security is of vital importance. Although it can achieve self-sufficiency in major food crops such as wheat and rice, some food crops still need to be imported from other countries.

Later, the four major grain merchants in the United States overcame China, which led to the soybean crisis in 2004. This soybean crisis also cost our country a huge price, so they later tried to repeat their old tricks. Our country is How was the conspiracy foiled?

The time is set back to 2004. At that time, the four major grain merchants in the United States announced that soybean production in the world had been reduced on a large scale. Grain merchants around the world heard this and wanted to make arrangements in advance to deal with the impact of the reduction in soybean production. For this reason,

have purchased soybeans in advance as strategic reserves. Of course, China is such a big country, and so are its grain companies, which has led to a rapid rise in global soybean prices. However, news was spread later, claiming that soybean prices did not rise and had originally risen. Soybean prices fell in response.

Chinese companies that bought soybeans at high prices before lost a lot of money each time they bought and sold them. Moreover, Americans purchased soybeans from them and directly controlled many Chinese soybean processing companies. At that time, it can be said that Americans controlled China’s soybean market and soybean processing.

A large proportion of Chinese soybean companies have American capital. The Americans tasted the sweetness of China's soybean business, but the Americans later wanted to repeat the same trick with other food crops.

In 2006, the Americans first spread the news of a global food production decline around the world, causing the prices of crops such as wheat and corn to rise. The Americans wanted to apply the same tactics as the soybean crisis in 2004.

This has also aroused the alarm of the Chinese government. As the saying goes: You can't fall twice in the same place. China is the most populous country in the world, and ensuring the country's food security is a very important matter.

Our country has used its national grain reserves to frustrate the American dream. As much grain as our country sells, the four major grain merchants in the United States will purchase it. I thought that the grain on the Chinese market would slowly be purchased. It's over. What I didn't expect was that China had more and more grain. Seeing that their ruse was exposed, the four major grain merchants stopped in time.

Our government took action to stabilize China's food prices and thwarted the Americans' conspiracy to use food as a weapon to attack China.

In order to limit the development of China's 5G technology, Americans do not hesitate to use chips as weapons, but the weapons in the hands of the United States exist in many industries. U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said:

Grain reserves in the United States

5. China maintains the bottom line of food security

While food shortages and crises are occurring around the world, similar situations have not occurred in our country. This is due to China's solid grain production and sufficient grain reserves.

data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows: In 2021, the national grain (cereals, potatoes, beans) output reached 680 million tons, achieving growth for four consecutive years, and imported grain reached 140 million tons.In 2021, China’s imports of soybeans, wheat, corn, and barley from Russia accounted for less than 1% of China’s total imports; China’s imports of corn from Ukraine accounted for 29% of the total annual corn imports, and barley accounted for 29%. 26%, a considerable part of these imports are used as feed.

The current war between Russia and Ukraine has caused Ukraine's grain exports to stagnate, but this has no impact on our country.

Our country's arable land accounts for 7% of the world's arable land and feeds 20% of the world's population. This is all due to our country's independent and stable food production. policy.

Looking back at the United States, in today's world, the Americans have used their military power to attack many countries, resulting in the world's energy map being firmly controlled in their own hands. They also control the supply of chips and use national power to attack other countries. The semiconductor industry is under attack.

In addition, we work with the EU and NATO to decide the fate of other countries. This is completely hegemony.

However, food is the foundation of all countries. The country attaches great importance to the protection of cultivated land and the country's food security. Saving food is something that everyone in the world should work hard to do.

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