On July 15, Tsinghua University, provincial and municipal leaders visited Tsinghua alumni in Jiancaoping District.

2024/07/0215:53:32 international 1902

On July 15, Tsinghua University, provincial and municipal leaders visited Tsinghua alumni in Jiancaoping District. - DayDayNews

On July 15, Tsinghua University and provincial and municipal leaders visited Tsinghua alumni in Jiancaoping District. Guo Yong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, Zhang Qiguang, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and Zhang Tao, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, came to the Party and Mass Service Center of Jiancaoping District and listened to the speeches of Tsinghua alumnus and deputy director of the Party Working Committee of Nanzhai Street. Secretary and Political and Legal Affairs Committee member Guo Feng gave a relevant introduction to the Jiancaoping District Party and Mass Service Center, visited the convenience service hall, function rooms, health E station and other functional areas, and held discussions and exchanges. Liu Jinchun, Secretary of the Jiancaoping District Committee and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhongbei High-tech Zone, and Zhao Jianchun, Member of the Standing Committee of the Jiancaoping District Committee and Director of the Organization Department, accompanied the event.

On July 15, Tsinghua University, provincial and municipal leaders visited Tsinghua alumni in Jiancaoping District. - DayDayNews

At the symposium, Liu Jinchun, on behalf of Jiancaoping District, expressed his warm welcome and thanks to Guo Yong and his delegation. He introduced the basic situation of Jiancaoping District and provincial and municipal talent policies, hoping to attract more Tsinghua students to Shanxi Province, Taiyuan City, and Go to Jiancaoping District to start a business and work hard to grow and contribute on the vast land of Sanjin.

Guo Yong encouraged alumni to continue to carry forward the spirit of the school motto of “continuous self-improvement and moral integrity” and the academic spirit of “rigor, diligence, truth-seeking, and innovation”, perform their duties conscientiously, study with humility, and live up to the expectations of the organization and the people. He said that in promoting cooperation between provincial and municipal schools, talent is the top priority. In the future, Tsinghua University will further deepen cooperation and strive to provide more outstanding talents to Shanxi Province and Taiyuan City.

Zhang Tao expressed his heartfelt thanks to Tsinghua University for its continued concern and support for the economic and social development of Taiyuan City. Zhang Tao said that Taiyuan City will continue to cherish, inspire and serve youth, and provide the greatest policy support and the best service environment for Tsinghua students to develop in the future.

Guo Feng reported on his work, life and growth experience in Nanzhai Street, saying that he would not forget his original intention, keep his mission in mind, take root at the grassroots level, and strive to make greater contributions to the development of Jiancaoping District.

The main responsible comrades from the District Party Committee Office and Nanzhai Street participated.

Source: pointed lawn released

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