In order to further promote the "Year of Capacity and Style Construction" activities, improve the economics and management literacy of cadres and employees, comprehensively improve the business knowledge and business capabilities of cadres and employees, and continue to build a l

2024/06/3001:58:33 international 1470
In order to further promote the

In order to further promote the "Year of Capacity and Style Construction" activities, improve the economics and management literacy of cadres and employees, comprehensively improve the business knowledge and business capabilities of cadres and employees, and continue to build a learning institution, the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau ordered "Business Administration" for cadres and employees There are more than a hundred books including "Professional Knowledge and Practice" and " Basic Economic Knowledge ". As the bureau's study books for the second quarter of 2022, cadres and employees are required to study through self-study and writing of experiences and experiences. On July 11, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology carried out the "Cadres on the Podium" activity with the theme of "Strive to Become Experts in Economic Work". Seven comrades took to the podium to share their reading experience and exchange learning based on the actual work. Experience, jointly improve business capabilities in learning, and enhance the level of guidance and economic work (pictured). Du Jiawu, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and second-level inspector of the bureau, presided over and delivered a speech. Director Song Guangxu made a comment speech. All staff of the bureau and the second-level agency participated in the event. During the

event, Du Jiawu said that the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, as the department in charge of Xinxiang City’s industrial and information development, all cadres and workers must strengthen their theoretical arming. We must conscientiously study Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, improve our ability to understand and grasp economic laws, analyze and judge economic situations, and deal with complex situations in economic operations. Second, we must improve the knowledge structure. We should always feel "knowledge panic", constantly update the knowledge structure, strengthen the study of basic knowledge of economics and management, study industry trends, and master the skills necessary for the job. Third, we must strengthen investigation and research. It is necessary to strengthen and improve investigation and research work, and focus on understanding the situation, listening to opinions, researching ideas, and planning countermeasures on the front line. In particular, it is necessary to proactively investigate and grasp the "urgent, difficult and anxious" issues of enterprises, and write high-quality research reports. Provide reference for leadership decision-making. Fourth, we must strengthen work style construction. In accordance with the requirements of "high goals, strict management, and hard work", we must always keep in mind the five words "seriousness and sense of responsibility" to have the energy to grasp the iron mark, the courage to think and do, and the courage to shoulder heavy responsibilities. , ensure the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal party committee and municipal government, and promote various tasks to be at the forefront of Xinxiang City, Henan Province.

In this activity, 7 comrades started from a small point and extended it, and supplemented it with vivid cases, and made a wonderful sharing and exchange of reading experience.

Liu Yan, deputy section chief of the planning and industrial policy section of the bureau, introduced the book "A Brief Talk on Marketing in Enterprise Management": taking the brand 元气林 as the entry point, it uses theories and cases to target corporate marketing strategies In a combined manner, the concepts behind various marketing behaviors are vividly explained. When designing and marketing products, enterprises must position the target market, clarify the core competitiveness of the product and the customer groups it radiates, and then use appropriate marketing strategies and channels to carry out publicity and promotion, so as to achieve the goal of new product launch marketing.

Zhao Mengyao, the fourth-level chief staff member of the bureau's office, introduced the book "Economic Management Knowledge in the Government Work Report": taking the government work report as the starting point, he specifically explained two concepts (GDP, CPI) and two pairs of relationships (GDP, CPI). demand and supply, fiscal policy and monetary policy). By introducing the concept, it then introduces its practical application in economic work: such as analyzing the phenomenon, causes and effects of the expansion of the scissor difference between CPI and PPI; introducing the fiscal policy and monetary policy implemented in our country.

Wang Yibo, an office clerk of the bureau, introduced the book "Economics in Life": four common economic phenomena in life and work were selected for explanation. The McDonald's coupon system introduced the price discrimination theory in detail; to account for The seat phenomenon explains the two layers of economic knowledge behind it - the choice of rational people and the marginal effect; the beer effect explains the economic phenomenon of distortion of demand information during the internal transmission of the supply chain; combined with actual work, it tells how small and medium-sized enterprises can avoid The negative impact of Matthew effect .

Guo Yingchao, a staff member of the Operation Monitoring and Coordination Section of the bureau, introduced the book "How the Demand Curve Comes": explaining the original abstract knowledge points, starting from the analysis of consumer behavior, he introduced in detail utility, indifference curve, Theoretical knowledge such as the budget constraint line is used to derive the demand curve based on the law of diminishing marginal utility and the conditions of consumer equilibrium. On this basis, the basic principles of enterprise output decision-making in the competitive market are introduced.

Chen Yuxin, a staff member of the consumer goods industry section of the bureau, introduced the book "Demand and Supply": Demand and supply are eternal propositions in economics research. First, a brief introduction is given from the definitions, influencing factors, and relationships of demand and supply, and then by citing cases, various factors affecting demand and supply are explained in detail.

Liu Xinming, a staff member of the equipment industry section of the bureau, introduced the book "Various Costs in Economics and Management": focusing on accounting costs in management, he analyzed various issues in the operation of the industrial economy and explained the various costs in economics. Opportunity cost and sunk cost concepts, and the decision-making and judgment factors involved.

Zhang Wenmao, director of the bureau's bulk cement development center, introduced the book " Enterprise Strategic Management ": Correct strategic management points out the direction for enterprise development, can help enterprises overcome short-term behavior, and is the key to the success or failure of enterprise management. Strategic analysis is the first step in strategic management and is divided into macro environment analysis, industry environment analysis and internal environment analysis. Various analysis methods can help enterprises find the most suitable development direction.

Everyone said that this reading exchange activity was thorough in explanations and rich in cases, and it simplified abstract and unfamiliar theoretical knowledge, allowing everyone to gain knowledge and improve during the lecture.

In recent years, the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau has purchased study books every quarter, requiring cadres and employees to write down their experiences and share their reading insights, stimulate their enthusiasm for learning, promote internal communication, and help cadres and employees improve their political theory literacy, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and improve their business knowledge level and service capabilities. In the next step, the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau will continue to innovate learning methods, broaden learning areas, strengthen learning effects, and provide spiritual motivation and intellectual support for building a learning institution and promoting the high-quality development of Xinxiang's industrial and information technology undertakings.

(Source: Xinxiang Municipal People’s Government website) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a reply to within 24 hours. ]

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