In the past few days, district leaders Liu Jian, Li Zelong, Shen Huadi, Liu Yufeng, Xin Yadong and others have led teams to carry out large-scale visits and inspections to "prevent epidemics, stabilize the economy, and ensure safety", focusing on the investigation of epidemic pre

2024/06/2922:49:33 international 1339

In the past few days, district leaders Liu Jian, Li Zelong, Shen Huadi, Liu Yufeng, Xin Yadong, etc. have led teams to carry out large-scale visits and inspections to "prevent the epidemic, stabilize the economy, and ensure safety", focusing on the investigation of cultural affairs in our district. epidemic prevention and control work in key places such as tourism and sports, and pointed out that we must adhere to the general strategy of "preventing external imports and preventing domestic rebound" and the general policy of "dynamic clearing", effectively prevent and control the epidemic in key places, and resolutely hold on to the epidemic situation. We have achieved hard-won prevention and control results and efficiently coordinated epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

In the past few days, district leaders Liu Jian, Li Zelong, Shen Huadi, Liu Yufeng, Xin Yadong and others have led teams to carry out large-scale visits and inspections to

On the afternoon of July 12, District Party Committee Secretary Liu Jian first visited two indoor sports and fitness venues in Shanyang Town, HT1, to inspect on-site epidemic prevention and control measures, HTML employee management, , and environmental disinfection. Liu Jian pointed out that it is necessary to consolidate the "four-party responsibilities" of territories, departments, venues, and individuals, give full play to the role of "venue codes" and "digital sentinels", strictly control the entry of fitness crowds, and ensure the safe and orderly operation of sports venues in our district.

In the past few days, district leaders Liu Jian, Li Zelong, Shen Huadi, Liu Yufeng, Xin Yadong and others have led teams to carry out large-scale visits and inspections to In the past few days, district leaders Liu Jian, Li Zelong, Shen Huadi, Liu Yufeng, Xin Yadong and others have led teams to carry out large-scale visits and inspections to

At Jinshan Wanda Plaza, Liu Jian inspected the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures in the mall, and asked about the coverage and use of "venue codes" and "digital sentinels". Later, Liu Jian came to Wanda Cinema to inspect the theater's epidemic prevention and control, production safety, etc., and learn about the resumption of operations. It is reported that movie screening venues in our district have resumed opening in an orderly manner starting from July 8. Citizens are required to measure their body temperature, scan the "venue code" or "digital sentinel", and check a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours before entering. Liu Jian pointed out that it is necessary to strictly implement normalized epidemic prevention and control requirements, strictly scan QR codes at venues, and focus on daily health monitoring and management of employees, venue prevention and control management, and audience management, so as to ensure the safety of citizens watching movies.

In the past few days, district leaders Liu Jian, Li Zelong, Shen Huadi, Liu Yufeng, Xin Yadong and others have led teams to carry out large-scale visits and inspections to html On the afternoon of July 14, Liu Jian came to the district library to learn about the implementation of epidemic prevention and control, crowd control, object disinfection and other work at the venue, and inquired about the library construction and service improvement. Liu Jian pointed out that it is necessary to strictly control the entry and exit gates, implement temperature measurement, code scanning, inspection and other measures to the letter, and ensure that the "place code" and "digital sentinel" should be posted and scanned, and they should be firmly guarded. The bottom line is that the epidemic will not rebound on a large scale. At the same time, under the background of normalized epidemic prevention and control, we must continue to strengthen library infrastructure construction, effectively improve resource integration capabilities, and provide better public cultural services to the people of the region. It is reported that Jinshan District Library will resume opening in an orderly manner on July 8 under the premise of strictly implementing epidemic prevention and control measures. Citizens must strictly follow the procedures such as making an appointment, scanning QR codes, and taking body temperature, and must present a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours before entering the museum.

In the past few days, district leaders Liu Jian, Li Zelong, Shen Huadi, Liu Yufeng, Xin Yadong and others have led teams to carry out large-scale visits and inspections to

At present, Jinshan District Cultural Center is also opening in an orderly manner. Liu Jian walked into the district cultural center to inspect the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures at the venue and visited the exhibition hall. Liu Jian pointed out that it is necessary to strictly implement various epidemic prevention measures, effectively build a tight line of defense for epidemic prevention and control, and resolutely hold on to the hard-won prevention and control results; it is necessary to strengthen digital construction and provide more convenient services through a combination of online and offline methods. digital culture services can better enrich the spiritual and cultural life of citizens and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain and happiness.

In the past few days, district leaders Liu Jian, Li Zelong, Shen Huadi, Liu Yufeng, Xin Yadong and others have led teams to carry out large-scale visits and inspections to html On the afternoon of July 14, Li Zelong, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee and District Mayor, came to Fengjing Market and inspected the implementation of market epidemic prevention and control measures on the spot. He pointed out that we should focus on the nucleic acid sampling of employees and the standardized wearing of masks, etc., and organize We have tightly knitted the epidemic prevention and control network in farmers’ markets to ensure the safety and health of the people.

At Jimaisheng Supermarket, Li Zelong emphasized that we must always tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, conscientiously implement various prevention and control measures, urge and guide customers entering the store to scan codes and take temperature checks, pass in an orderly manner, and take personal protection. It is necessary to increase self-examination, strengthen safety management inspections such as fire hazards and daily disinfection of public places, standardize staff operating procedures, and provide the public with a safe and orderly shopping environment.

In the past few days, district leaders Liu Jian, Li Zelong, Shen Huadi, Liu Yufeng, Xin Yadong and others have led teams to carry out large-scale visits and inspections to

At the scenic spot in Fengjing Ancient Town, Li Zelong carefully understood the epidemic prevention measures and operating conditions of the scenic spot, and pointed out that it is necessary to continuously strengthen the epidemic prevention and safety management of the scenic spot, provide various service guarantees accurately and meticulously, and create a safe and healthy environment for the majority of tourists. Comfortable travel environment.

In the past few days, district leaders Liu Jian, Li Zelong, Shen Huadi, Liu Yufeng, Xin Yadong and others have led teams to carry out large-scale visits and inspections to

In addition, Li Zelong also went to Fengmei Road, Fengjing Town, to inspect the road planning, design and construction on the spot, and emphasized that on the premise of ensuring project quality and construction safety, Li Zelong must strengthen coordination, overall planning and collaboration, strictly control quality, and strive to Citizens create good travel conditions.

On the afternoon of July 14, Shen Huadi, Director of the Standing Committee of the District People’s Congress, went to Zhujing Town 0090 Laser Cinema, Hualian Jimaisheng (Zhujing Store), Wan’an Market, and Huakai Marine Ecological Park to have in-depth exchanges with the persons in charge. , listen to reports on epidemic prevention and control work in key places, and learn about the resumption of work and problems that need help solving. Shen Huadi pointed out that it is necessary to further build a solid epidemic prevention barrier, tighten the "four parties' responsibilities" for epidemic prevention and control in key places, do a good job in various emergency response tasks, and strengthen monitoring and early warning; it is necessary to continue to implement various prevention and control measures, according to the key places In accordance with the prevention and control requirements, we will not relax our efforts in order management, cleaning and disinfection, and strive to provide a safe and comfortable service environment for the public.

On the afternoon of July 15, Liu Yufeng, Chairman of the District Political Consultative Conference, led a team to visit the Auchan Mengshan North Road Store, Red Star Macalline, Shanghai Guanrui Fitness Management Co., Ltd., and Shangshang Cinema Jinshan Store to carefully listen to the epidemic prevention and control and production policies of key places. Operations, personnel management and other situations were introduced, and it was required to continue to do a good job in normalized epidemic prevention and control, implement code scanning temperature measurement, indoor ventilation, cleaning and disinfection and other requirements, and strengthen supervision of nucleic acid sampling. It is hoped that enterprises will enhance their confidence in development, seize opportunities to promote development, and provide greater assistance to revitalize the regional economy.

On the morning of July 14, Xin Yadong, deputy secretary of the district party committee, came to the Jinlang Market in Langxia Town to inspect the code checking and temperature measurement at the market entrance and exit, and carefully understood the market’s daily epidemic prevention work. Xin Yadong pointed out that farmers' markets are crowded places, and they must continue to strictly implement various epidemic prevention and control measures, further consolidate existing prevention and control results, and identify risks and hazards; they must actively carry out epidemic prevention publicity and environmental improvement to ensure epidemic prevention and control. Safety control and daily sales work are carried out in an orderly manner, and the safety defense line in public places is built up.

reporter | Zhu Yuexin Lin Kunpeng Feng Jianwei Li Rong Tang Yichao Xiang Zhuyan Zhu Lei

correspondent | Lu Zhehan

photography | Zhang Pengyuan Jin Yanling

editor | Pan Ting

editor | He Xiaoyan

international Category Latest News

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