On the afternoon of July 14th, our hospital’s “Sending Law into the Community” activity went to the Nankan Community Neighborhood Committee of Nanma Road Sub-district Office in Daowai District, where staff of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Daowai District People’s Congr

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In accordance with the requirements of the "Pilot Activities to Improve the Quality and Efficiency of the Daowai District People's Congress Representative Liaison Station to Promote the In-depth and Practical Construction of the Agency's Capacity and Style", in order to give full play to the "gas station" role of the People's Congress Representative Liaison Station, the Daowai District People's Procuratorate thoroughly implemented the The spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on carrying out extensive legal popularization work on the Civil Code is to bring the Civil Code closer to the people and into the hearts of the people, and improve the capabilities and quality of National People’s Congress deputies and government cadres. On the afternoon of July 14th, our hospital's "Sending Law into the Community" activity went to the Nankan Community Neighborhood Committee of Nanma Road Subdistrict Office in Daowai District, and held Daowai District People's Congress Legislative Affairs Committee staff, some district people's congress representatives, office staff and More than 40 people, including community cadres and masses, gave a special lecture on the Civil Code.

On the afternoon of July 14th, our hospital’s “Sending Law into the Community” activity went to the Nankan Community Neighborhood Committee of Nanma Road Sub-district Office in Daowai District, where staff of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Daowai District People’s Congr - DayDayNews

On the afternoon of July 14th, our hospital’s “Sending Law into the Community” activity went to the Nankan Community Neighborhood Committee of Nanma Road Sub-district Office in Daowai District, where staff of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Daowai District People’s Congr - DayDayNews

In the lecture, Li Xiangshun, deputy director of the Fifth Procuratorate Department and post prosecutor of our court, mainly gave lectures from four aspects: legislative overview of the Civil Code, main content, highlight analysis, and case interpretation. He combined social hot spots and typical cases to provide relevant knowledge about the Civil Code. The explanations are in-depth and simple, with both theoretical knowledge and vivid cases, which are closely related to the reality of life and are highly targeted and instructive. The people present listened attentively, and some cadres and masses took notes while listening. The wonderful points were discussed from time to time, and the lectures aroused enthusiastic responses.

During the interactive session, the participating cadres and the masses actively asked questions, and the prosecutors from the Fifth Procuratorate Department of our hospital answered their questions one by one. After class, there were still cadres and the masses asking questions and consultations. The prosecutors patiently and carefully explained the matter and provided professional legal consulting services to the masses. Participants said that this lecture was full of useful information, which not only deepened their understanding of the Civil Code, but also enhanced their awareness of respecting, abiding by, and using the law.

On the afternoon of July 14th, our hospital’s “Sending Law into the Community” activity went to the Nankan Community Neighborhood Committee of Nanma Road Sub-district Office in Daowai District, where staff of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Daowai District People’s Congr - DayDayNews

The Daowai District People's Procuratorate will continue to strengthen the publicity of the Civil Code, give full play to its civil procuratorial functions, adhere to the people-centered judicial concept, keep in close contact with the representative committee members, insist on actively performing duties in accordance with the law, actively resolve social conflicts and disputes, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people. , to create a good legal environment for accelerating the comprehensive revitalization of outside the district and all-round revitalization, and to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

Source: WeChat public account

of the People’s Procuratorate of Daowai District, Harbin City

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