Huiminrong Media News Grassroots propaganda is an important channel to open up the "last mile" of dissemination of the party's innovative theories. Lizhuang Town has always attached great importance to the theoretical propaganda work at the grassroots level, focusing on "living",

2024/06/2311:52:33 international 1877

Huiminrong Media News Grassroots propaganda is an important channel to open up the

Huiminrong Media News Grassroots propaganda is an important channel to open up the "last mile" of dissemination of the party's innovative theories. Lizhuang Town has always attached great importance to the work of theoretical propaganda at the grassroots level, focusing on "living", "fire" and "practical" to work hard and make articles, so that theoretical propaganda can be both up-to-date and down-to-earth, truly benefiting thousands of people, Gather the surging power of high-quality development of and , and promote the theme practice activities of "Information, Love, and Construction" throughout the town.

Huiminrong Media News Grassroots propaganda is an important channel to open up the

Huiminrong Media News Grassroots propaganda is an important channel to open up the

Theoretical preaching "comes alive". Lizhuang Town made full use of the theme party day, "Huimin Lizhuang" WeChat public account, new era civilized practice station and other positions to innovate the carrier of activities, with "concentration + door-to-door", "online + offline", "theoretical + literature and art", "theory + practice" and other combined methods to disseminate theoretical factors in a close, three-dimensional and vivid manner, truly allowing the party's theoretical policies to "fly" into the homes of ordinary people.

Huiminrong Media News Grassroots propaganda is an important channel to open up the

theoretical preaching became popular. Lizhuang Town, based on local conditions, has set up publicity sections such as the "Ingenuity Theory Corner", "Party Member Lecture Hall", "Skillful Hands Sharing Class", "Dream-Chasing Youth Talk", "Rural Loudspeaker", and "Red Maza Meeting" , according to the different characteristics of different people, carry out targeted and precise propaganda, comprehensively sing the "'Li' Xiang grassroots" propaganda brand, and gather positive energy. Up to now, Lizhuang Town has carried out more than 40 various publicity activities, creating a strong atmosphere throughout the town.

Huiminrong Media News Grassroots propaganda is an important channel to open up the

Theoretical preaching becomes "practical". Lizhuang Town actively mobilizes party members and the masses to show up to speak "reason", change "I listen" to "I speak", spread the party's message in local accents, and be "new" and more "heartfelt". At the same time, a "catering system" presentation mode is adopted, where the masses order and volunteers and preachers prepare the meals, so that the theoretical presentation can better meet the needs of the masses. In addition, Lizhuang Town also combines theoretical lectures with "I do practical things for the masses" and "Strive to be the first to create excellence, Li' strives for the first class", using "speaking" to condense motivation, "comparison" to promote progress, and "doing" to benefit People's livelihood, and effectively transform the effectiveness of theoretical propaganda into a strong driving force to promote the construction of a modern, happy and beautiful New Lizhuang.

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