[Source: New Hunan] On July 13, reporters learned from the 2022 "Government Disclosure Theme Day" and the second press conference held by the Changsha Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau that in the past year, the city's ecological environment field has continued to deepen "d

2024/06/2203:33:32 international 1704

[Source: New Hunan]

[Source: New Hunan] On July 13, reporters learned from the 2022 html On July 13, reporters learned from the 2022 "Government Affairs Disclosure Theme Day" and the second press conference held by the Changsha Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau that in the past year, the city's ecological environment field has continued to deepen the " The reform of “delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, delegating power and optimizing services” will result in faster approval process, better service quality and more scientific supervision, contributing to the high-quality development of Changsha’s economy and society.

Changsha Ecological Environment Bureau has changed the old model of multi-certificate and multi-department approval. Enterprises only need to go to one department to apply once with a set of materials, which greatly reduces the number of visits and reduces the burden on enterprises. At the same time, combined with the actual situation of Changsha City, we will explore and carry out decentralization and empowerment reforms in the field of ecological environment, and further empower Xiangjiang New District, provincial-level and above industrial parks, so as to ensure that they are fully decentralized. The city's 2021 environmental assessment approval construction projects will be 1,183 , 423 construction projects were approved by environmental assessment in the first half of 2022, and all exemptions were exempted.

In terms of supervision and law enforcement, the Changsha Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau promotes the "one-certificate" supervision of pollution discharge permits, achieving joint approval beforehand, strict supervision during the process, and strict rectification afterward, and implements "issue verification and control requirements for companies applying for licenses" One-time visit, one-time notification"; this year, 984 pollution discharge license quality inspections have been completed, covering 86% of the number of certificate-holding units in two years. In addition, 380 companies have completed the normative review of the annual execution report content, and included it in key management The pollutant discharge units regularly carry out law enforcement monitoring and spot-check the authenticity and accuracy of the company's self-monitoring data. At the same time, an annual "double random, one open" supervision implementation plan was formulated. In the first half of 2022, a total of 830 pollution sources, 230 radiation units, and 297 hazardous waste units were randomly inspected, effectively avoiding duplication of law enforcement and multiple law enforcement.

In addition, the supervision method has also been adjusted from "law enforcement and punishment to promote management" to "service guidance to promote management." Since 2021, Changsha Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, various branches, and park environmental protection agencies have organized more than 20 special environmental protection trainings. Covering 200 people from the city’s approval, monitoring, law enforcement and other management departments and more than 1,100 companies, the training content covers administrative approval, pollution prevention and control, monitoring, emergency management and other aspects. Experts will be arranged to provide on-site guidance on abnormal corporate pollution emission data. It has been highly recognized by the enterprise.

Zhao Lingfang, deputy director of the Changsha Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, said that in the next step, the Changsha Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau will continue to increase the integration and disclosure of government affairs data, optimize the government affairs disclosure process and methods, introduce more measures to facilitate enterprises, and truly pay attention to Enterprises, care about enterprises, support enterprises, and contribute to ecological and environmental protection to optimize Changsha's business environment.

Source: New Hunan

Author: Chen Xin intern Guo Jing

Editor: Hu Hongye

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