According to the latest report from CCTV News, on July 4, local time, during the "Independence Day" parade in Highland Park, Illinois, the United States, a burst of "bang bang bang" gunshots was heard, and many people fell in a pool of blood on the spot. The survivors held their

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According to the latest report from CCTV News, on July 4, local time, during the

(Crime scene)

North Shore University Hospital in Highland Park, which treated 26 injured people, said that the youngest of the injured was 8 years old and the oldest was 85 years old. Four to five of them were children, and now there are 19 The person was treated and released from the hospital.

According to the latest report from CCTV News, on July 4, local time, during the

(animated picture: live scene)

After the shooting, the local community immediately stopped the parade. Illinois police quickly issued a statement and disclosed the results of the investigation. The police confirmed that the murderer was 22-year-old Robert E. Rimo III, he was shooting at any time from the roof, firing at least 50 shots. The suspect has been arrested.

According to the latest report from CCTV News, on July 4, local time, during the

As we all know, shootings have become a serious disease in American society. For this reason, many people have taken to the streets to demonstrate, hoping that the government will introduce gun control bills and create a safe enough social environment. However, people's demands have always been unable to After getting a solution, we can only watch one tragedy after another happen.

According to the latest report from CCTV News, on July 4, local time, during the

A mass shooting occurred at Robb Elementary School in Texas, USA, more than a month ago that shocked the United States. The murderer was an 18-year-old high school dropout who had the legal right to own a gun. After buying a gun, the murderer first shot and wounded his grandmother, then broke into the classroom and shot at teachers and classmates, killing 21 people and injuring at least 17 others. Two students are still missing..

According to the latest report from CCTV News, on July 4, local time, during the

What is infuriating is that even such a tragedy cannot stop gun interest groups from singing praises for the so-called "gun freedom." Just three days after the Robb Elementary School massacre, a National Rifle Association conference was held in Houston, Texas. This meeting aroused the anger of Texas people. They held banners and shouted slogans to protest, demanding that the government promote gun control, and the response given by government departments was that they had no right to interfere with the normal activities of the organization.

According to the latest report from CCTV News, on July 4, local time, during the

(National Rifle Association activities will be held as usual)

Looking at this is true for all states in the United States , As of mid-June this year, 19,841 people have died from gun violence in the United States, 752 of whom were minors, and 16,799 others were injured. . According to US media analysis, if this trend continues, the number of people killed by gunshots in the United States this year is very likely to exceed last year, becoming the "worst year" in the history of gun crime.

However, even though the problem of gun violence in the United States is extremely serious, the U.S. government is still helpless. The reason why gun control bills cannot be implemented is still inseparable from the self-interests of American politicians and related groups.

According to the latest report from CCTV News, on July 4, local time, during the

(Anti-gun violence demonstrations in the United States)

First of all, every time a shooting occurs, the price of ammunition in the United States will rise. For the sake of their own safety, the number of people buying guns will not decrease but increase. Gun interest groups can also take advantage of this to expand. Make a fortune with .

Secondly, in order to maintain their influence, American gun interest groups donate money to politicians every year, make deals with politicians, require the government to regard "gun freedom" as correct, and strive to create the political legitimacy of gun ownership.

According to the latest report from CCTV News, on July 4, local time, during the

Driven by interests, "gun control" in the United States is destined to exist only in the banners and slogans of demonstrators, but cannot be truly realized. In the end, it is capital that makes money, and it is the people who suffer.

An American veteran who participated in World War II cried bitterly on his 100th birthday. He talked about the past glory of the United States and the darkness of today. He broke down and cried: This is no longer the America we are fighting for. , the United States is rapidly heading towards destruction .

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