For the United States, Russia, which has a huge area and development potential after the "regime change", may still be a huge threat. Only by further "dismembering Russia" and dividing it into more than a dozen countries can the so-called "Russia" be solved once and for all. Russ

2024/06/2114:22:32 international 1596

In order to "dismember Russia", the Americans even produced detailed maps...

The proposed goal of "decolonizing Russia" means that the United States' goal of weakening Russia is no longer just "regime change." For the United States, Russia, which has a huge area and development potential after the "regime change", may still be a huge threat. Only by further "dismembering Russia" and dividing it into more than a dozen countries can the so-called "Russia" be solved once and for all. Russian threat”.

For the United States, Russia, which has a huge area and development potential after the

"The United States has expanded their ambitions"

According to a report by the Russian media "Facts and Arguments", Zabarov, the first deputy chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Russian Federation Council, accused the Helsinki Committee of the important statement on Russia's "decolonization" , indicating that the West still continues to pursue a policy of interfering and destabilizing Russia.

"This shows that the United States and NATO countries are formulating plans to destabilize the socio-political situation in our country by supporting separatism. We consider such actions to be a particularly dangerous form of interference in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation. Support for secession ism poses a direct threat to the integrity of our country and the security of its citizens," Zabarov said.

For the United States, Russia, which has a huge area and development potential after the

"The United States is very good at benefiting from everything that happens on the planet, they see trends and turn them to their advantage. For example, they use a politically correct concept of 'decolonization' in place of blatant division The concept of a great power," the Russian "Reporter" weekly quoted a reporter as commenting on June 26.

This reporter analyzed that after the Russia-Ukraine conflict began, the US authorities expanded their ambitions - hoping that modern Russia would completely cease to exist and be replaced by some "sovereign" countries that are easier to control.

Which countries does the United States want Russia to split into?

Russia's "Critical Moment" website reported that thanks to an article on the American substack website, people became aware of a meeting of the United States' Helsinki Commission where they discussed the "moral and strategic" necessity of "dividing Russia into several countries." sex.

reports that someone in the United States has drawn a map of a divided Russia. Their plan involves dividing the Russian Federation into a dozen independent political entities - the Russian Republic, Komi, the Ural Republic, the Siberian Republic , the Sakha Republic , Altai , Tuva, Buryatia, Far Eastern Republic, North Caucasus Federation, Moldavia, Chuvash, Mariel, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Kalmykia, Udmurt.

For the United States, Russia, which has a huge area and development potential after the

Screenshot of an article on the American substack website

Dafeng counted and found that there are 17 political entities. They are divided according to ethnic groups, such as Komi Republic, Sakha Republic, Altai, Tuva, Buryatia, Tatarstan, Kalmykia, etc. Russian dominated areas, then Simply divide them geographically, such as the Far Eastern Republic, the Siberian Republic, the Ural Republic, etc.

In fact, the Russians themselves are no strangers to the "dismemberment" plan. Russian media reported that as early as 1918-1920, the Allied Powers tried to split Russia into several countries. In the late 1980s, the "great humanist" Andrei Sakharov proposed dividing the Soviet Union into 40 independent states. Therefore, the Russian "free media" commented that the idea of ​​"dismembering Russia" is not new. The question is how the West should do it.


"The black hands of the United States are reaching out to Chechnya and Tatarstan"

For the United States, Russia, which has a huge area and development potential after the

"Preparing for the disappearance of Russia," an article in the US "Capitol Hill" newspaper said in May this year, as if it has returned to 1991, and now Western decision-making Writers and analysts alike fear facing two "what if" questions raised by the disastrous Russo-Ukrainian war: What if the Russian Federation follows in the footsteps of the Soviet Union and is on the verge of collapse? What if, once again, this disintegration process is driven by internal factors and there is nothing we can do about it?

The article was more of an expectation than a prediction: Now, as in 1991, the Russian Federation's provinces and non-Russian autonomous republics will be forced to fend for themselves because "Russia's political and economic system is collapsing." There was already a “sovereignty orgy” in the 1990s, and there will be another in the 2020s. The Russian Federation could evolve into 10 or more countries, only one of which would be called Russia, which would forever change the face of Eurasia .

Whether it is the 1990s or the 2020s, two places in Russia are on the minds of the West, namely Chechnya and Tatarstan.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the Russian Federation was widely accepted as the successor state to the Soviet Union. However, during the Soviet period, there were approximately more than 100 ethnic groups in Russia, and the relationship between the political entities of some of these ethnic groups and the federal government became a major political issue.

There is an urgent need for a law to clearly define the powers of each federal subject. Such a law was adopted on March 31, 1992, when Yeltsin bilaterally signed the Federation Treaty with 86 of the 88 federal subjects, with only Chechnya and Tatarstan not signing the treaty.

At that time, separatist forces in Tatarstan were expanding. They launched a referendum on March 21, 1992. As a result, 61.4% of the people wanted independence. Later, under pressure, the Republic of Tatarstan signed a treaty with the Russian Federation on February 15, 1994, gaining powers beyond those provided for by the Russian constitution.

One of them is that the leader of the republic can still be called "President". On July 12, with the entry into force of a Russian presidential decree, this power has been taken back by the Russian government.

As for the national separatist movement in Chechnya, it was crushed after two Chechen wars .

For the United States, Russia, which has a huge area and development potential after the

In 1994, Chechen separatist forces shot down a Russian helicopter near Grozny

Now, these minority areas are being targeted again. This is also the most commonly used method by the United States and the West to dismember a country, Yugoslavia such, Sudan The same is true for .

Kathy Mitchell mentioned Chechnya and Tatarstan in her article in "The Atlantic Monthly".

Michel said Chechnya went through many terrible wars after declaring independence in the early 1990s. Yet when Chechen leaders turned to the West for aid, U.S. officials turned a blind eye. Washington twirled his thumbs and Grozny was squashed. The story of Chechnya is one of them. Region after region - Karelia, Komi, Sakha, Bashkortostan, Chuvash, Kalmykia, Udmurtia, etc. - was claimed. Nearly two-thirds of Tatarstan's population voted in favor of sovereignty in a referendum. Rather than supporting these regions seeking independence, the United States prioritizes stability.

Was the United States really as naive as Kathy Mitchell said? of course not.

On December 4, 2014, Russian President Putin President, in his annual message to the Russian Federation Parliament , talked about the "color revolution" in Ukraine and said that even if the coup and the so-called Crimean Spring never Happened, they will come up with some other excuse to try to contain Russia's growing power, like what happened in the 1990s and early 2000s.

Putin said: “We remember clearly how they almost openly supported separatists and even outright terrorists against us, organizing high-level receptions for murderers with blood on their hands... who came from abroad. Supporting Russia's separatist forces, providing information, political and financial support, and even providing support with special forces - there is no doubt that they are happy to let Russia follow the disintegration plan of Yugoslavia. "

A report from a US think tank said that Putin was proposing this. The accusation was made without naming names, but starting in the mid-1990s, the neoconservative machine in Britain and the United States used finance, politics, and direct guerrilla warfare to try to destroy Russia as a nation. The war in Chechnya, in particular, was the vanguard of unconventional warfare against Russia.


Open up a "Caucasus Front" against Russia

Now, the action begins again.

"According to Cardin, Cohen and Helsinki Committee employees, Russia's decolonization should probably start with the Black Sea ." Russia's "Viewpoint" reported that the committee held a roundtable meeting on U.S. security in the Black Sea Major regional allies and partners are taking part, and they will discuss combating so-called "Russian aggression" and the importance of the Black Sea. Why does

For the United States, Russia, which has a huge area and development potential after the

start from the Black Sea? Because the United States has more hands there.

There are the battlefields of the Russia-Ukraine war, Turkey 's blockade of the Straits, NATO allies' sanctions against Russia, and the anti-Russian frontline country Georgia . Georgia borders all federal subjects of Russia in the North Caucasus .

According to the United States, the North Caucasus is a region where the majority of ethnic groups believe in Islam. The "independence" movement in the 1990s was the most violent in this region, and it can be regarded as Russia's weak link.

At the Helsinki Committee briefing on June 23, one of the speakers was Fatima Trisova, a Circassian separatist from Russia. She claimed at the hearing that her "homeland" of Circassia was "occupied" by Russia.

The Circassians mainly live in Karachay-Cherkessia Republic , one of the subjects of the Russian Federation, located in the west of the North Caucasus.

Ukraine is preparing to become the second country in the world to recognize the "Chercassian genocide". The first country to do so was Georgia, which did so at the end of May in "retaliation" for Russia's recognition of the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

"They have launched the struggle banner of 'separation of the North Caucasus from Russia'", the Russian "Strategic and Cultural Foundation" analyzed that they are trying to open up a "Caucasus front" against Russia.

On May 18, the European Parliament held a half-hour seminar entitled "Genocide in Circassians". The "star" of the seminar was Fatima Trisova, who accused Russia of not only The Circassians, and carried out genocide against "many ethnic groups in the North, the Far East, Siberia and the Caucasus" directly called for European intervention in Russia's internal affairs - "Start by understanding the genocide of the Circassians" ".

For the United States, Russia, which has a huge area and development potential after the

The United States and its allies have already begun to take action. No country in the world will willingly accept the fate of being dismembered, let alone Russia, which is known as a "combat nation."

How will the Russians fight back?

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