He is a "gardener". He starts out as an educator and always takes the development of education as his own responsibility. He works silently and teaches others tirelessly. He is also a representative of the National People's Congress. He keeps the people's trust in mind and lives

2024/05/2603:20:33 international 1865

He is a "gardener". He starts out as an educator and always takes the development of education as his own responsibility. He works silently and teaches others tirelessly. He is also a representative of the National People's Congress. He keeps in mind the people's trust and lives up to his mission. In his heart, there is not only education. career, and the interests of the masses. From a people's teacher to a deputy to the National People's Congress, he never forgets his original intention and works hard without complaint. He is Wang Guike, deputy to the 16th National People's Congress of Fangcheng County and principal of Zhaohe Town Central School.

He is a

takes the lead in setting an example to establish an image

"You need to be strong to make iron." As the "commander" of the town's education work, Wang Guike is well aware of this truth. Therefore, he always adheres to the work and life creed of "working down-to-earth and being honest". At work, he takes the lead and sets an example, especially during this year's epidemic, eating and living in the central school; in terms of style, he is fair, honest and self-disciplined, leads by example, never specializes, and abides by various rules and regulations; in life, he He is honest with others and magnanimous in his work. He has won everyone's respect and praise with his noble personality and charm, and is deeply trusted and supported by all faculty and staff.

Innovative ideas shape the brand

Wang Guike is good at observation, willing to learn, and diligent in thinking. While doing a good job in teaching, he also took the lead in in-depth classroom listening, organized teachers to optimize the classroom teaching structure; took the lead in participating in teaching research activities, leading teachers to boldly explore new curriculum reforms, and strive to improve teachers' teaching level and professional quality, so as to promote research through research. Reform, promote teaching through reform, and promote learning through teaching. When he studied Xi Jinping's five major development concepts, he found that the integration of "green development concepts" into current education and teaching practices would be more conducive to the growth of children. Therefore, he boldly proposed the concept of " green education " and introduced the " green evaluation " experiment in Zhaohe No. 1 Middle School, Zhaohe No. 1 School, Sanzhang Primary School, and Dongwuba Primary School. At present, the concept of "green education" has been initially formed, and plans such as students' independent learning, teachers' multi-evaluation, and teachers and students growing together are being implemented in an orderly manner. At the same time, Principal Wang Guike also guided each school to create its own characteristics and strive to achieve "one school, one quality".

Knowing people well, assigning them well, and strengthening the team

Wang Guike has been in management positions for many years and knows that in order to run a good school, the principal plays an important role. He knows people well and assigns them well, allowing teachers with both ability and political integrity to take leadership positions, resolutely adjusting or replacing principals who are no longer suitable for leadership positions, caring for, supporting, and promoting comrades who are hardworking and down-to-earth. In recent years, there have been 9 new principals. After optimization, the average age of principals in the town is 43 years old. The central school organizes monthly inspections and assessments, and ranks each school in order. The school competes openly and covertly in teaching and management, and the competition is fierce. He also pays attention to teachers' thoughts and lives, so that teachers can treat their work with great enthusiasm. In order to give full play to the positive energy and role model, the Central School selected the "Most Beautiful Principal" and "The Most Beautiful Teacher" and produced "Principal Style" and "The Most Beautiful Teacher Style" display boards, which were displayed in the Central School courtyard, which greatly inspired the principals to do their best. Entrepreneurial passion.

Pay close attention to management and promote quality

Wang Guike attaches great importance to business work. At each team meeting, everyone must be led to study superior documents, discuss working methods, put forward guiding suggestions and opinions, and make special arrangements for special work to ensure that they are implemented in a practical and detailed manner. He also innovated the management model, allowing the central school personnel to subcontract the school (school), and linked the rewards and punishments for the school to the subcontracted personnel of the central school to help the school solve problems existing in the work and ensure that the whole town’s education situation is communicated to the lower level. The situation is uploaded and communicated from top to bottom, forming a good situation in which the whole town plays a game of chess and all staff participate in teaching in an all-round way. Establish a multi-level supervision mechanism to supervise and inspect the school's routine and key tasks through unannounced campus supervision, fixed-point supervision by school personnel, and monthly centralized supervision. During each supervision, Principal Wang Guike faced the problem head-on, called names on the spot, did not be subtle or tactful, did not take care of face, required in-depth investigation, and made rectifications within a time limit. Through strict supervision and guidance, various tasks were implemented and achieved results, and the school management level was greatly improved.

Raising funds from multiple sources to promote education

Wang Guike did everything possible to improve school conditions. He actively strived for projects and continuously increased the infrastructure construction of various schools. With the strong support of the County Education and Sports Bureau and the town party committee and government, many schools built new teaching buildings, restaurants, built standard playgrounds, repaired walls, and renovated toilets. Install the teaching all-in-one machine. At the same time, Wang Guike also actively raised social funds to improve the conditions for Zhaohe Education. He worked tirelessly, sacrificed his rest time, traveled in many directions, and contacted Zhengzhou Zhenpinbao Trading Co., Ltd. many times to inspect Zhaohe. In the end, Zhengpinbao Company painted a total of more than 150,000 square meters of exterior walls for 25 schools in Zhaohe Town. It is worth more than 4 million yuan and gives the recipient school a completely new look.

Actively perform duties and responsibilities

Wang Guike has performed his duties conscientiously since he became a deputy to the National People's Congress. He insists on going deep into reality and keeping in close contact with the masses. He listens to the wishes and voices of teachers and all walks of life by convening and participating in various symposiums and visiting schools, and promptly reports the situation to the National People's Congress and the government, building a bridge to connect with the people. . We visit poor families in the education system and provide financial assistance to students from poor families for many years so that they can study with peace of mind. He actively coordinated and resolved the relationship between the school, the village and society, solved the problem of dismantling the abandoned base station of China Unicom outside Hegang Primary School, and solved problems that the school could not solve alone, such as land acquisition for the playground of Qiantan Primary School. He also suggested to the County People's Congress to "effectively implement quality education in primary and secondary schools and solve problems such as serious over-capacity of primary and secondary classes." These suggestions have been taken seriously by superior leaders.

Whether he is a teacher or a National People's Congress representative, in Wang Guike's view, they all contribute to the cause of education. He interprets the responsibilities of an educator and shows the style of a National People's Congress representative through every detail of his work. . Wang Guike said, “As a representative of the National People’s Congress, I will strengthen my studies, continuously improve my own quality, accurately grasp the changes and trends in policies and regulations, and carry out my work with the times. At the same time, I will conscientiously perform my duties, actively carry out representative work, and do a good job. Investigate and research, collect social conditions and public opinion, conduct supervision and publicity, and provide more rational opinions and suggestions.”④

Henan Legal News reporter Lin Dong and correspondent Lei Xiaoyan


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