According to a report by Russia Today (RT) on July 3, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Sunday that the United Kingdom was looking for an "excuse" to be responsible for escorting grain shipped out of Ukrainian ports and took the opportunity to let the United Kingdom

2024/05/2305:20:32 international 1658

According to a report by Russia Today (RT) on July 3, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Sunday that the United Kingdom was looking for an "excuse" to be responsible for escorting grain shipped out of Ukrainian ports. And took the opportunity to let the British Royal Navy "infiltrate" into the Black Sea waters.

According to a report by Russia Today (RT) on July 3, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Sunday that the United Kingdom was looking for an

Source: RT report screenshot

Reported that Lavrov said in an interview with the "Russia 24" channel that some countries are trying to exploit food security issues "in the worst way", such as accusing Moscow of "being involved in "things that we have not participated in" and "whitewashing" the Ukrainian side.

In this interview, Lavrov mentioned previous statements by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Foreign Secretary Liz Truss. In Lavrov's view, these British politicians "are obviously trying to create conditions to find excuses for the Royal Navy to penetrate the Black Sea and be almost solely responsible for all processes of grain escort in Ukrainian ports. These ports were mined by the Ukrainian side." "The Ukrainian side must clear these mines." The

report mentioned that at the recent Western Group of Seven (G7) leaders' summit in Germany, the British Prime Minister called for urgent action to transport food out of Ukraine's Black Sea coast ports. He also expressed that the UK is willing to assist in mine clearance operations on the southern coast of Ukraine and consider providing insurance for ships to transfer food stranded in Ukraine. The UK has expertise in "remote mine clearance" and shipping insurance in disputed waters. to help perform such tasks. The

RT report mentioned that the United Kingdom has pledged to provide 10 million pounds ($12.1 million) of materials and equipment to Ukrainian Railways to repair railway infrastructure and help transport food out of the country by rail. The British government also promised to invest 1.5 million pounds (about 1.8 million U.S. dollars) to develop some testing methods to "determine whether the grain sold by Russia on the international market was illegally obtained from Ukraine."

According to RIA Novosti previously According to reports, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Rudenko pointed out at the end of May that in order to solve the supply problem in the global grain market, all sanctions against Russian exports must be lifted. "We were told that these sanctions would not affect food and fertilizer, but that is not the case," he said. "There are issues with paying for those supplies when Russian ships come into ports in Europe and elsewhere, and when European ships come into our ports, and Issues related to insurance."



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