This world is sometimes so magical that it’s hard to believe. It’s already 2022, and humans are thinking about immigrating to Mars, and something like this will happen again. So something happened in Ohio: An obstetrician-gynecologist in Indianapolis received a call from a child

2024/05/2118:56:32 international 1294

This world is sometimes so magical that it is hard to believe that it is already 2022, and humans are thinking about immigrating to Mars, and something like this will happen again.

The United States recently overturned the decision of Roe v. Wade, and many states immediately followed suit and enacted legislation to ban female abortion. So something happened in Ohio : An obstetrician and gynecologist in Indianapolis received a call from a child abuse case doctor. The other party told him that a 10-year-old girl had been sexually assaulted. Leading to pregnancy, it was known that she was 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant (only one and a half months! Experienced adults may not know this, let alone children with irregular menstruation). Due to the overtime of 3 days, all obstetrics and gynecology departments in Ohio The hospitals refused to provide her with an abortion.

This world is sometimes so magical that it’s hard to believe. It’s already 2022, and humans are thinking about immigrating to Mars, and something like this will happen again. So something happened in Ohio: An obstetrician-gynecologist in Indianapolis received a call from a child  - DayDayNews

Now the poor little girl has to leave for Indiana for surgery. But she has to hurry, because Indiana lawmakers are also actively pushing for a ban on abortion. Once it takes effect, the little girl will have to find another place to have the surgery.

This is really outrageous. Opening the door to outrageous people is so outrageous.

It is tragic enough for a 10-year-old little girl to be sexually assaulted and become pregnant. What's even worse is that abortion is not allowed. The law believes that it is right for her to give birth to the child.

I don’t know if this is what the legislators want to see: a 10-year-old girl who is still a child in need of care, but has to risk her life and give birth to another baby in the embryo with a big belly. The child of a cursed rapist.

This world is sometimes so magical that it’s hard to believe. It’s already 2022, and humans are thinking about immigrating to Mars, and something like this will happen again. So something happened in Ohio: An obstetrician-gynecologist in Indianapolis received a call from a child  - DayDayNews

is really crazy. For the human rights of embryos, living people are ignored. A minor girl is only 10 years older than the embryo, and her rights are not as great as those of an embryo no bigger than a soybean in her belly.

Back in May, I knew Roe v. Wade might be repealed and wrote an article specifically about it.

Once "Roe v. Wade" is passed and repealed, it means that women no longer have the right to abortion in almost all conservative states in the United States. Banning abortion also means that human civilization is going backwards.

This world is sometimes so magical that it’s hard to believe. It’s already 2022, and humans are thinking about immigrating to Mars, and something like this will happen again. So something happened in Ohio: An obstetrician-gynecologist in Indianapolis received a call from a child  - DayDayNews

Sure enough, it really passed. Now it seems that to say that American civilization has regressed by 150 years is an understatement. It should be said that it has regressed by a thousand years. Although the total history of the United States is only 300 years, this fall will definitely last a lifetime.

Any one-size-fits-all ideas and laws that are not lenient to minors are evil.

A thousand years ago, Zhu Xi, the founder of Cheng Zhu Neo-Confucianism , proposed that women's chastity should be valued. He had a daughter who was only seven years old at the time, maybe only five years old. Because she was hungry, she reached out and took a piece of cake from the cook of the opposite sex. Zhu Xi happened to see it, and he said angrily: How can a man and a woman take a man's cake without being intimate? So he locked his daughter in the house and starved to death. He also boasted: "Starving to death is a small act of indiscretion but a big deal."

His theory, even in the Northern Song Dynasty at that time, not many people paid for it. Some people joke that this guy is a typical person who is strict with others and lenient with himself. His daughter starved to death for taking someone else's cake, but he openly took a nun as a concubine, and he was impeached for this.

Today's United States is a bit like Zhu Xi. Men use women's bodies as political bargaining chips, even minors. All I have to say to a 10-year-old girl is: becoming a mother is a small matter, but having an abortion is a big deal.

Most of the congressmen are men. They don’t have to think about the physical and psychological trauma that the abortion ban will cause women, nor do they have to think about how an unexpected little life will grow up. It has nothing to do with them anyway.

There are also some women who are married and have several children, and they also support banning abortion. Typical full men don’t know that hungry men are hungry. They think being a mother is a happy experience, so they ignore the miserable situation of other women. (Of course, if I think more darkly, I might be tired of being a mother and don’t want other women to stay out of it)

Since the promulgation of the abortion ban, many magical stories have happened.

This world is sometimes so magical that it’s hard to believe. It’s already 2022, and humans are thinking about immigrating to Mars, and something like this will happen again. So something happened in Ohio: An obstetrician-gynecologist in Indianapolis received a call from a child  - DayDayNews

It is an extreme that a 10-year-old girl cannot have an abortion.More often than not, women are forced to give birth to the rapist's child after being raped. Every time they see the child, they are reminded of that painful memory, swinging between hatred for the child's father and the mother's instinct to love the child, a contradiction. And live in pain.

html In June, a lawsuit occurred in Louisiana, USA, which was also outrageous. What happened was that a 32-year-old woman named Christa was raped and became pregnant when she was 15 years old. She was very young at the time and was so panicked after being raped that she did not call the police.

At that time, Louisiana Although abortion was not legally prohibited, public opinion was very powerful and it was generally believed that abortion was equal to murder. So Christa gave birth to her daughter.

When the child was five years old, the rapist counted the days and thought that the child might be his, so he secretly did a paternity test . After confirming that the child was his, he filed a lawsuit in court and obtained custody of the child. , also required Krista to pay child support.

This world is sometimes so magical that it’s hard to believe. It’s already 2022, and humans are thinking about immigrating to Mars, and something like this will happen again. So something happened in Ohio: An obstetrician-gynecologist in Indianapolis received a call from a child  - DayDayNews

Christa spent all her savings (it’s not easy for a single mother to save some money) and kept appealing. In the end, the court only sentenced the two to joint custody.

When her daughter reached adolescence, she kept crying to her mother that her biological father not only beat her, but also wanted to sexually assault her. (Sure enough, rapists cannot be reformed. This time they not only raped but also committed incest.)

Christa sued again to deprive the rapist of his custody rights. But this time the court still dismissed her prosecution due to insufficient evidence.

Think about it, after the abortion ban is implemented, similar things will only increase. Even if the rapist is convicted, he will only go to jail for a few years. Taking California as an example, the penalty for rapists is 3 to 8 years in prison. It takes up to 8 years for a rapist to get out of prison.

Once rape leads to pregnancy, the victim has to give birth to the child and remind himself of the painful experience day and night. At the same time, beware of the beast father snatching the child after he is released from prison. Once he loses, the child he has worked so hard to raise will be handed over to someone else, and he will have to pay child support.

A woman's life was ruined. The punishment she received was much higher than that of the criminal.

Imagine that in the future, gay men in the United States will not have to find surrogates. As long as the two of them work separately, they will most likely be able to get what they want. The brave ones would rape them directly, while the timid ones would put on condoms to pierce the holes and ask for a one-night stand. As long as she gets pregnant, the other person has to give birth anyway, and the gay man can have a child for free.

There are also some women with worrying physical conditions who are not suitable for pregnancy and childbirth and whose lives would be in danger if they did not have an abortion. They may die because of this law.

This world is sometimes so magical that it’s hard to believe. It’s already 2022, and humans are thinking about immigrating to Mars, and something like this will happen again. So something happened in Ohio: An obstetrician-gynecologist in Indianapolis received a call from a child  - DayDayNews

However, where there is evil law, there is resistance. Women have already made statements on a large scale that since they do not have the right to abortion and cannot control their own bodies, they refuse all sexual life. Without sex, there will be no pregnancy.

At the same time, the rate of male sterilization has also increased significantly. Some men do this out of respect for their partners and do not want to make them suffer, while others simply do not want to be fathers and do not want to pay child support.

This world is sometimes so magical that it’s hard to believe. It’s already 2022, and humans are thinking about immigrating to Mars, and something like this will happen again. So something happened in Ohio: An obstetrician-gynecologist in Indianapolis received a call from a child  - DayDayNews

In any case, assuming that the ban on abortion in the United States is for human rights, then they have proven that living women have less power over their bodies than dividing cells.

Assuming that the ban on abortion in the United States is due to religious beliefs, then just recently, the religious kingdom of Israel legislated to allow women to freely swipe their health insurance cards to buy abortion pills . This is nothing less than a slap in the face to the United States. Israel: We can no longer look down on such a conservative country. Hurry up and sever ties with the beautiful country. We are just conservative rather than ignorant. Don’t use religion as a fig leaf. God will not take the blame.

Assume that the ban on abortion in the United States is to stimulate population growth and make up for the population gap caused by the new crown . So sorry, people would rather get sterilized or mutilated than be controlled.

Human civilization has reached this day. Unless a few atomic bombs are thrown to destroy everything, people will never allow them to lose control of their bodies. The state cannot stretch its hand too far, and any coercive measures against citizens will eventually fail.

I support American women’s resistance to bad laws, let’s wait and see.

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