Henan Economic News Reporter Liu Fengmei Correspondent Miaojiaqi In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and deepen the study and education of party history, on the afternoon of July 1, Wugang Rural Commercial Bank held a specia

2024/05/2112:06:33 international 1955

Henan Economic News reporter Liu Fengmei correspondent Miao Jiaqi

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and deepen the study and education of party history, on the afternoon of July 1, Wugang Rural Commercial Bank held a special event to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, advanced commendation and party building work Meeting. More than 40 people including members of the party committee of the bank, heads of branches (departments and offices), branch offices, and representatives of outstanding Communist Party members attended the meeting.

Henan Economic News Reporter Liu Fengmei Correspondent Miaojiaqi In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and deepen the study and education of party history, on the afternoon of July 1, Wugang Rural Commercial Bank held a specia - DayDayNews

The meeting was chaired by Zhang Dazhao, Secretary of the Bank’s Discipline Inspection Commission. Before the meeting began, all party members present reviewed the oath of joining the Party.

Ma Guofeng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Bank, delivered a thematic report on party building work. He pointed out that in the past year, in the face of the impact of the economic and financial situation, the Party Committee of Wugang Rural Commercial Bank closely focused on the work deployment of the Provincial Cooperative Party Committee and the Municipal Party Group. The political awareness of the majority of Party members and cadres in the bank was further strengthened, and officers and cadres started their own business. The enthusiasm of the Party branch has been further stimulated, the ability to serve customers has been continuously improved, and the creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness of each party branch have been further enhanced.

He emphasized that in 2022, the majority of party members and cadres should take the "Year of Capacity and Style Building" activities as an opportunity to closely integrate with compliance operations, risk prevention and control, and the improvement of cadres and employees' capabilities and styles. To do a good job in party building this year, they must focus on the following aspects. : First, it is necessary to strengthen theoretical knowledge and build a solid ideological foundation. Strengthen the study of political theory and continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment. The second is to build a strong party building position and continue to promote the standardization and standardization of party branches. The third is to improve the implementation of the "three meetings and one lesson" system of party branch education. Each branch must strictly standardize its organizational life and consolidate the basic work of grassroots party branches. Fourth, the party building business is deeply integrated and developed collaboratively. Party members and cadres across the bank must firmly establish the system-wide "one game of chess" mentality, take party building as the guide, and continuously innovate financial products and improve financial services. The fifth is to further strengthen the construction of discipline and work style and strive to create a team of party members and cadres that are "pragmatic, clean and responsible".

Li Jianzhong, deputy secretary of the party committee and vice president of the bank, read out the "Decision on Commending Advanced Party Branches and Outstanding Communist Members in 2021", and members of the party committee of the head office presented awards to the winning branches and individuals.

At the meeting, Mr. Mei Shiwen, vice president and professor of the Party School of Wugang Municipal Party Committee, was specially invited to teach special party courses.

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