Author: Mulan The fate of the chess pieces is doomed, and everything must be sacrificed for the benefit of the chess players, just like Ukraine. Today's war between Russia and Ukraine seems to be in a deadlock situation, and Ukraine may be the first to be "taken out of control."

2024/05/1601:33:33 international 1718

Author: Mulan The fate of the chess pieces is doomed, and everything must be sacrificed for the benefit of the chess players, just like Ukraine. Today's war between Russia and Ukraine seems to be in a deadlock situation, and Ukraine may be the first to be

Author: Mulan

The fate of the chess pieces is destined, and everything must be sacrificed for the benefit of the players, just like Ukraine . Today's war between Russia and Ukraine seems to be in a deadlock situation, and Ukraine may be the first to be "taken out of control."

According to Global Network reported on July 1, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service Director Naryshkin publicly stated that based on the intelligence available, it was confirmed that Poland was already working on a plan to “dismember” Ukraine, which included destroying Ukraine. The west became a "proxy country" controlled by Poland, allowing central Ukraine to become a buffer zone; Naryshkin also revealed that Poland's plan was supported by Western countries such as the United States and Britain.

From the perspective of Ukrainian , the consequences are terrible and sad. In this conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the Ukrainian people are really wronged. On the surface, this is a battle between Russia and Ukraine. In fact, Ukraine is sacrificing its lives for the hegemonic interests of the United States. Even if tens of thousands of Ukrainians die, in the end, even their own bones will be used by the West to make soup - especially This is under the premise that the West cannot eat the fat meat of Russia. Behind

Ukraine is the United States NATO , and the same is behind Poland. Poland has always been thinking about its "homeland", but in order to take action, it will ultimately need the instruction of the United States. A few months ago, Biden took the time to visit Warsaw . Since then, Poland has undergone a series of changes, and began to point fingers at Lviv and other places; Polish President Duda subsequently visited Ukraine. , and drafted a series of terms and memorandums with Zelensky, which seems to be a confluence of Ukraine and Poland.

In addition, Lithuania suddenly attacked Kaliningrad , Finland Sweden and Turkey reached a memorandum of understanding to join NATO. The shadow of the United States is behind it. Washington wants to find an "eternal city" for Europe. enemy". A few days ago, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov stated that Europe is destroying the "overall relationship established for decades" with Russia and that "a new 'iron curtain' has been formed in Europe." Russia is also aware of this. , The White House must go to great lengths to make it impossible for Russia and Europe to change the relationship.

At present, the Russian army's military operations in Lisichansk are going smoothly. The encirclement of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk is also shrinking. The Russian troops in the direction of Bakhmut and even Kharkiv are moving forward. , the Beidun war situation seems to be entering " Syrian style garbage time". In order to get rid of the passive situation on its western border once and for all, and so that Ukraine can never be used as a tool to provoke itself by the United States and NATO, Russia may even try to take control of the entire Ukraine and completely transform it.

This means that the U.S. and Western hegemony system has completely failed in Ukraine. At first, the United States expected to further compress Russia’s strategic space, but was met with a desperate counterattack by Putin . Instead, Russia took away its own strategic space. A big step to the west. This is what the United States least wants to see. It must allow Poland to divide a piece of territory in Ukraine and set aside the central region of Ukraine in an attempt to continue the confrontation between NATO and Russia.

Perhaps Poland, which is "peaceful and independent, suppresses exposure", has greater ambitions and is trying to use the United States as a pawn and use the power of the United States to obtain its homelands such as Lviv, and even Kaliningrad. I have to say that Huang Liang’s dream is indeed very fragrant, but in reality, you may have to take off three layers of skin.

We still don’t know the final outcome of the dragon battle between NATO and Russia, but Ukraine will not end well; the next Ukraine is already on the way - Lithuania, Poland, Japan, maybe South Korea, and many more many countries.

Today, the United States has erected an iron curtain in Europe, and is doing the same thing in the Indo-Pacific region, trying to copy the confrontation and war in Europe to China's periphery.We must plan ahead and unswervingly build a modern national defense system - there is a saying that goes well: when we only have 200 nuclear bombs, we are a "threat to the world"; when we have 1,000 nuclear bombs, we become "defending world peace" "Power", if seven or eight super aircraft carriers are added, they must be Washington's "unwavering friend".

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