North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon

2021/10/1516:26:09 international 1223

Heecheon City (Korean: 희천시) is a city in the south of Cijiang Road in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The population in 1987 was 163,000. The birthplace of "Heecheon Speed".

Xicheon is a state-owned industrial town in North Korea. Its main products include machine manufacturing, chemistry, mining, metallurgy, textiles, and food processing.

There is a well-known hydropower station in Heecheon City-. Heecheon Hydropower Station is a hydroelectric power station in the Cheongcheon River basin of Heecheon City, Jijiang Province, North Korea. According to international rumors, Kim Jong-il died suddenly on the way to the inspection because of the leakage of the Heecheon Hydropower Station.

Xicheon City has developed rapidly in recent years. More than one thousand houses and supporting facilities were built in urban areas and rural areas. Build schools, children’s traffic safety education halls; nurseries, fish farms, fertilizer plants, etc.

North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon - DayDayNews

New building in urban area

North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon - DayDayNews

New building in urban area

North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon - DayDayNews



New building in rural area


North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon - DayDayNews

quaint rural residential

North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon - DayDayNews

quaint rural residential

North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon - DayDayNews

new bridge

North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon - DayDayNews


North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon - DayDayNews

Middle School

North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon - DayDayNews

Middle School

North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon - DayDayNews

Children's Traffic Safety Education Center

North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon - DayDayNews




Education Children Traffic Safety Education Center

Education Center

North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon - DayDayNews

food factory

North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon - DayDayNews

fertilizer factory

North Korea: The new look of a new house in Heecheon - DayDayNews

fish farm


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