Mount Fuji volcano is about to erupt? Japan has developed an evacuation plan! Will China be affected?

2021/10/1515:59:02 international 1646

On September 2, 2021, the Japanese government and the surrounding three counties of Mount Fuji held their first meeting and began to formulate a new evacuation plan to deal with the possible volcanic eruption of Mount Fuji. Yes, that’s right, Mount Fuji may be coming soon It's going to erupt! The last eruption of Mount Fuji was more than 300 years ago. How serious would it be if there was an eruption of the same scale as the last time? Will it affect China? Come and come, pay attention to passers-by, and hear what passers-by say.

Mount Fuji volcano is about to erupt? Japan has developed an evacuation plan! Will China be affected? - DayDayNews

Mount Fuji is an active volcano in Japan that spans in Shizuoka County and in Yamanashi County. The main peak is 3776 meters above sea level and is also the highest mountain in Japan. Japan has regarded Mount Fuji as an object of worship since ancient times. The Japanese believe that everything has a god, and believe that everything in nature has a soul. After Mount Fuji was deified, it was called the Asama Great God. And Mount Fuji was included in the World Cultural Heritage in 2013. Tokyo, the capital of Japan, was built about 80 kilometers away from Mount Fuji. If Mount Fuji erupts, the volcanic ash will cover the entire metropolitan area including Tokyo. This is about to be a major disaster!

Mount Fuji volcano is about to erupt? Japan has developed an evacuation plan! Will China be affected? - DayDayNews

How serious was the eruption of Mount Fuji?

The last major eruption of Mount Fuji was in 1707 314 years ago. This was the only large-scale eruption of Mt. , so it is called Baoyong Big Eruption. The Baoyong eruption started on December 16, 1707, and stopped until January 1, 1708. The eruption was accompanied by black smoke, volcanic slag, and volcanic ash. The houses and farmland around the mountain were covered by lava and volcanic ash that flowed out. The losses were heavy and many people starved to death.

Mount Fuji volcano is about to erupt? Japan has developed an evacuation plan! Will China be affected? - DayDayNews

volcanoes are easily erupted with earthquakes,This eruption occurred shortly after the major earthquake. 49 days before the eruption of Mount Fuji, that is, on October 28, the largest earthquake in Japanese history, the Hounaga Earthquake, occurred at that time. estimated the magnitude at 8.6, which was before the earthquake. The activities of Mount Fuji are relatively stable.

Mount Fuji volcano is about to erupt? Japan has developed an evacuation plan! Will China be affected? - DayDayNews

On March 26, 2021, Mount Fuji, Japan Volcano Disaster Prevention Committee released the latest "Mt. a lot of. After 17 years, the Japanese government revised the scope of the disaster forecast for the outbreak of Mount Fuji again, and nearly doubled the area affected by the disaster. If a serious eruption of Mount Fuji occurs, it is predicted that the entire metropolitan area, including Tokyo and other three counties (with a population of about 38 million), will drop at least 2-10 cm thick volcanic ash, and the maximum economic loss will reach about 2.5 trillion yen (RMB) About 146.8 billion yuan).

Mount Fuji volcano is about to erupt? Japan has developed an evacuation plan! Will China be affected? - DayDayNews

Is the bad smell in Japan a precursor?

We talked before that the stench that has lasted for 6 months in Japan may be a precursor to a super earthquake, and fans commented that it may be a precursor to a volcano that is about to erupt! This possibility really exists! In May 2020, Japan’s Miura Peninsula had an odor warning. The odor lasted for half a year, and finally there was no analysis of the cause. The Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995 and the 311 Great Earthquake in 2011 also have reports of bad smells. Japanese earthquake experts also said that the possibility of earthquakes cannot be ruled out.

Mount Fuji volcano is about to erupt? Japan has developed an evacuation plan! Will China be affected? - DayDayNews

and the Tangshan earthquake in July 1976. On the eve of the Linxi mining area, I don’t know where a light yellow "smelly mist" exuding the smell of sulfur came from, Mr. Yang Xuexiang, professor of geological exploration science at Jilin University also said,The magnitude 8 earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan was caused by the pressure of natural gas, and the precursor of the earthquake occurred five years ago. Can it be said that the expected eruption of Mount Fuji this time is also related to the previous stench?

Will it affect China?

Japan itself is prone to earthquakes. When the Mount Fuji volcano erupted in 1707, the height of the volcanic ash reached 20,000 meters, and the volcanic ash floated to what is now Tokyo. The Baoyong earthquake and tsunami that occurred 49 days before the eruption of the volcano all affected China. According to historical records in the Qing Dynasty, the river surged and the ground shook. It can be seen how powerful the earthquake was at that time, but this time it may only increase.

Mount Fuji volcano is about to erupt? Japan has developed an evacuation plan! Will China be affected? - DayDayNews

Volcanic eruption will form a large amount of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and other substances interact with moisture in the atmosphere to form acid rain into the ocean. If a large amount of erupted volcanic ash exists, it will also cause the pH of the sea to change, thereby affecting Marine life in the sea may change the balance of the entire ecosystem.

There are also environmental impacts, such as the impact of the Tambora volcano eruption in Indonesia in 1815, and the severe abnormality in the northern hemisphere weather. In the second year, the global temperature dropped, and the rare low temperature in summer became the famous "year without summer". Disasters occurred in many places in Asia, Europe, and the United States. There was also a famine in Yunnan, China.

Mount Fuji volcano is about to erupt? Japan has developed an evacuation plan! Will China be affected? - DayDayNews

In the face of natural disasters, human beings are small. In the face of the impending eruption of Mount Fuji in Japan, our country should also make early warnings in advance to take precautions. Okay, that's it for today, pay attention to the passers-by, and heard the passers-by say, we will see you in the next issue.


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