Female college student Zheng Weiluo: high-profile show off wealth, put South Korean president in jail, her mother was sentenced to 18 years

2021/10/1119:17:02 international 2788

In 2015, Zheng Weiluo , a female college student of Ewha Womans University in South Korea, posted a picture of herself riding a horse on the Internet. According to estimates, the horse is worth 1.8 billion won, equivalent to more than 10 million yuan. While showing off his wealth in a high-profile manner, Zheng Weiluo also accompanied an essay claiming: "The losers can only blame their parents, and being rich is also a kind of strength." This remark immediately aroused the anger of the Korean people. After

, she became even worse and defiant. A person beside her couldn't bear it and exposed some information. This also led the South Korean prosecutor’s office to intervene in the investigation and accidentally discovered more crimes, which eventually resulted in the Korean President Park Geun-hye being sentenced to 22 years in prison for and his mother was sentenced to 18 years in prison. What is the relationship between Jung Wei Luo and Park Geun-hye? Why is Zheng Weiluo so arrogant? Who is the person who exposed the information?

Female college student Zheng Weiluo: high-profile show off wealth, put South Korean president in jail, her mother was sentenced to 18 years - DayDayNews

Jung Wei Luo (middle)

The relationship between Jung Wei Luo and Park Geun-hye also starts with Jung Wei-luo’s mother Choi Sun-sil . Because Choi Sun-sil is Park Geun-hye’s good girlfriend, Jeong Wei-luo naturally became Park Geun-hye’s goddaughter. . Under the care of his mother and godmother, Zheng Weiluo lived a life like a princess.

The relationship between Choi Soon-sil and Park Geun-hye is closely related to Choi Soon-sil's father, , Choi Taemin . Cui Taimin was a monk, but he married five women and gave birth to children with his wives. When Choi Soon-sil was born, and the Korean War had just ended. The national economy was severely hit, and the people at the bottom were living in miserable conditions. Cui Taimin's economic income was already unstable, and coupled with the war relationship, the family was too poor to be able to get rid of it. But with a sudden gunshot, their family and the president's family forged a deep friendship, and Cui Shunshi's life changed trajectory as a result.

Female college student Zheng Weiluo: high-profile show off wealth, put South Korean president in jail, her mother was sentenced to 18 years - DayDayNews

Young Park Geun-hye

On the 29th anniversary of Korea’s recovery in 1974,The then President of South Korea Park Jung-hee and his wife Rook Young-soo attended the celebration ceremony. When the president started to deliver a speech, an assassin suddenly shot at the stage in the audience, causing Lu Yingxiu's death on the spot. In order to pay homage to the dead wife, Park Zhengxi invited Cui Shunshi's father Cui Taimin to recite Buddhist scriptures for him.

In the year Park Geun-hye's mother was assassinated, Park Geun-hye was only 22 years old. At that time, she was shocked and depressed when she heard about her mother's terrible news. At that time, Cui Shunshi was a kind-hearted big sister and often enlightened her. After coming and going, the two became good girlfriends who talked everything, and forged a deep friendship. For Park Geun-hye, Cui Sun-sil is better than her friends than her relatives, and for Cui Sun-sil, Park Geun-hye is her best bargaining chip to change her destiny.

Female college student Zheng Weiluo: high-profile show off wealth, put South Korean president in jail, her mother was sentenced to 18 years - DayDayNews

Choi Soon-sil

In 1979, Park Geun-hye's father Park Jung-hee was also assassinated and killed. Soon after, the newly appointed President Kim Dou-hwan not only drove Park Geun-hye out of blue house , but also confiscated all her family property. In an instant, Park Geun-hye went from South Korea’s first daughter to a penniless and homeless poor man. Seeing her good sister suffering and suffering, Cui Soon-shi gave her comfort at the first time. She firmly believed that Park Geun-hye would have a chance to make a comeback in the future, so she had been silently supporting her behind her back and staying by her side. It was precisely because of Choi Soon-sil's perseverance that Park Geun-hye once regarded Choi Soon-sil as her closest person, and was full of gratitude and trust in her, and began to follow her advice.

With the support of Choi Soon-sil, Park Geun-hye returned to politics and was formally elected as the president of South Korea in 2013, becoming the first female president in Asian history. From being nothing to becoming the leader of the country and possessing the supreme power, Park Geun-hye is grateful to the good girlfriend who has been silently supporting her behind her back. On the other hand, Cui Soon-sil, after having a girlfriend who was president, she who was already a lover of money began to get worse.

Female college student Zheng Weiluo: high-profile show off wealth, put South Korean president in jail, her mother was sentenced to 18 years - DayDayNews

Park Geun-hye and Lee Jae-yong

Korea’s chaebols have always had a close relationship with the government.After Park Geun-hye came to power, the chaebols naturally had new goals. So based on the relationship between Park Geun-hye and Choi Soon-sil and Choi Soon-sil’s nature of loving money, many people put money into Choi Soon-sil's hands.

Even the United States is suspected of having an interest relationship with Choi Soon-sil. In order to promote a certain national strategy, the United States has sent people to visit South Korea many times to have secret meetings with heavyweight friends around Park Geun-hye. And this heavyweight friend is Park Geun-hye's good best friend-Choi Soon-sil. From this point of view, although Choi Soon-sil is behind the scenes, he controls South Korea's political power, and even completely controls the right to speak in a certain field in South Korea. Relying on her relationship with Park Geun-hye, she continued to intervene in the South Korean regime. After continuously accumulating money, Choi Soon-sil smoothly changed from an ordinary woman to the leading rich woman in South Korea.

Female college student Zheng Weiluo: high-profile show off wealth, put South Korean president in jail, her mother was sentenced to 18 years - DayDayNews

Zheng Weiluo

Zheng Weiluo was a high-profile man, and eventually led to disaster

With such a rich mother, Zheng Weiluo naturally became a super rich second generation. Coupled with the relationship between her mother and Park Geun-hye, she began to become defiant and do whatever she wanted. In 2015, after Zheng Weiluo posted the picture of riding a horse on the Internet and added those insulting remarks, it immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of many Ewha Womans University students, but because of her power, everyone dare not be angry. Dare to speak. But many people began to collect evidence, and Zheng Weiluo must be punished. In the end, Cui Shunshi's lover Gao Yongtai played a vital role.

After the divorce, Cui Soon-sil, in a state of loneliness and emptiness, met Gao Yongtai who was selling alcohol in a bar. Gao Yongtai not only has outstanding appearance, but also has a strong body. He was once a professional athlete. Cui Shunshi told him at that time that as long as he was with himself, he could get what he wanted.

Female college student Zheng Weiluo: high-profile show off wealth, put South Korean president in jail, her mother was sentenced to 18 years - DayDayNews

Gao Yongtai

But the pretentious Zheng Weiluo has always looked down on Gao Yongtai, and she often used Gao Yongtai as a nanny. Until one time, Zheng Weiluo went out to play and gave her pet dog to Gao Yongtai to take care of, but Gao Yongtai kept her dog for one day, and she yelled at Gao Yongtai when she knew the truth. Zheng Weiluo showed off his wealth in a high-profile manner all day long, which put Gao Yongtai under a lot of pressure.Faced with the accusations of netizens and Zheng Weiluo's ridicule, Zheng Weiluo decided to break the net with them, so he stole Cui Shunshi's computer and exposed a large amount of information in the computer to the media. These materials even included the speech drafts that Park Geun-hye gave to Choi Soon-sil during the election campaign.

The fact that a president turned over such classified documents to others for review naturally aroused the anger of the people. With the gradual fermentation of public opinion, in March 2017, Park Geun-hye lost the post of President of South Korea. The South Korean Prosecutor's Office also immediately investigated Park Geun-hye and Choi Soon-sil, and the results of the investigation showed that the scale of Choi Soon-sil's personal wealth is so large that people can't believe it, at least tens of billions of won.

Female college student Zheng Weiluo: high-profile show off wealth, put South Korean president in jail, her mother was sentenced to 18 years - DayDayNews

Zheng Weiluo

In school, the same is wrong.

Zheng Weiluo has been living a pampered life under the aura of his mother and godmother. From a young age, her mother would satisfy her with everything she wanted. She was also domineering at school, and would never let go of someone who made her upset. After venting her breath, she called her mother Cui Shunshi and asked her to solve the follow-up matters. Because of Choi Soon-sil's influence, the school dared not speak. Zheng Weiluo has always been defiant at school. He likes to fight and show his temper. does not respect the teacher, and even threatens the teacher many times, not paying attention to the teacher at all.

Afterwards, the Ministry of Education also conducted a survey of Ewha Womans University where Zheng Weiluo was located. During the investigation, they found that Zheng Weiluo's grades were messed up and did not meet the enrollment standards. However, under Choi Soon-sil's coercion, the board of directors of Ewha Womans University had to find a way to enroll her. In order to allow her to enroll without arousing the anger of the students in the school, after learning that Zheng Weiluo knows a little about equestrianism, Ewha Womans University specially opened an equestrian project and lowered the conditions so that she could meet the admission standards. However, after successfully enrolling, she still doesn't know good or bad, using her relationship to constantly force the school leaders to open the back door for herself.

Female college student Zheng Weiluo: high-profile show off wealth, put South Korean president in jail, her mother was sentenced to 18 years - DayDayNews

Zheng Weiluo

During school, all Zheng Weiluo’s courses are completed by substitutes.As for all her homework, the professor kept one eye closed, and even some professors would complete it for her personally under pressure. She didn't hand in the semester homework, but she still passed the final exam smoothly. During the exam, she was overseas. And all this is just because she has a powerful mother. In order to enable her to successfully pass the final exams, the senior management of also asked the professors to give her the green light on many occasions. There were also many professors who accepted bribes during this period.

Of course, there are some professors who hold justice at Ewha University, but most of them just dare not speak up. A professor who could not understand her behavior ordered her to go back to school, but Zheng Weiluo went home and told her mother directly. Ewha University’s senior officials were frightened and immediately revoked the professor’s position. Seeing this professor's fate, other professors can only hide their dissatisfaction with Zheng Weiluo in their stomachs.

Female college student Zheng Weiluo: high-profile show off wealth, put South Korean president in jail, her mother was sentenced to 18 years - DayDayNews

Choi Soon-sil was arrested

After Park Geun-hye and Choi Soon-sil were investigated, Ewha Womans University couldn’t sit still either. Some professors with a sense of justice wrote a joint letter to protest, indicating that they wanted to be that name. The dismissed professor asked for justice. After the incident of Zheng Weiluo entering Ewha University through the back door was revealed, the students of Ewha University gathered together and raised their lights to protest, and the president of Ewha University immediately resigned. Under the pressure of public opinion, the president of Ewha University also took the blame and resigned.

Later, according to relevant regulations, Zheng Weiluo was punished with withdrawal and lost the opportunity to study at Ewha Womans University. Due to a serious shortage of attendance days, Zheng Weiluo was also cancelled his high school diploma.

Female college student Zheng Weiluo: high-profile show off wealth, put South Korean president in jail, her mother was sentenced to 18 years - DayDayNews

Park Geun-hye was arrested

All charges were put on his mother

In March 2017, Park Geun-hye was impeached and transferred to a detention center, where she was eventually sentenced to 22 years in prison. From then on, Park Geun-hye's political career ended and she began her prison life. In December of the same year, Cui Shunshi was sentenced to 3 years in prison for abusing his power.After Zheng Weiluo's testimony, the court confirmed the fact that she accepted bribes. In 2020, Cui Shunshi was finally sentenced to 18 years in prison. Perhaps Cui Shunshi couldn't believe it, holding the grown-up daughter in his palm, and he would push all the blame on him.

After the incident, Zheng Weiluo hurriedly fled to Denmark , South Korean police investigated her in order to summon her, so they issued a red arrest warrant. When she appeared in front of the media again, she had lost her arrogant and domineering appearance. During the investigation, Zheng Weiluo put on a filial face like a mother and a child, and pushed all the guilt on his mother Cui Shunshi's head, and said with a simple face: "I don't know, my mother asked me to do this. ." He was quite different from the man who proudly showed off how rich he was.

Female college student Zheng Weiluo: high-profile show off wealth, put South Korean president in jail, her mother was sentenced to 18 years - DayDayNews

Zheng Weiluo

After that, Zheng Weiluo was acquitted because of insufficient evidence, but now her life is very different from the original life. Having lost her mother Cui Soon-sil and her godmother Park Geun-hye, she has nowhere to rely on, and completely becomes a woman with no appearance, no ability, and no schooling. Although she was not sanctioned by the law and was not punished accordingly, perhaps for her, losing everything she once owned was the greatest punishment. After losing everything and being cast aside by others, how should she face life?


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