The owner raised a skewered dog. Netizens took a closer look and laughed. This is a hybrid of Corgi and German Shepherd?

Before raising a dog, we must first consider the breed of the dog, whether to adopt it or buy it. Of course, in life, most people want to raise a breed of dog. The purer the pedigree, the better, and some skewers are simply uninterested.

Speaking of skewered dogs, people may think that they are skewered dogs. In fact, there are many skewered dogs. Many skewered dogs are breeds. In puppies, we can also see the characteristics of their parents. If The puppy has inherited the excellent genes of his parents, which is simply unique.

A foreign owner raised a skewer dog. When he shared the dog’s photo on the Internet, netizens couldn’t help but laugh after a closer look, because the dog’s looks are so distinctive. Up. The dog

has a German Shepherd face, but its legs are very short, and its size is relatively small, more like a Corgi. However, its hair is naturally curly, not like Corgi or German Shepherd. So, what kind of dog is it?

Looking at this look, many people think that this dog is a cross between German Shepherd and Corgi. The owner said that it is actually a cross between Corgi and Cairn terriers and does not have German Shepherd genes.

The Cairn Terrier comes from the United Kingdom. It has slightly curly hair and is also a relatively small breed. From the perspective of this dog, Corgi's genes are more powerful, because except for the hair, all its characteristics are more like Corgi, especially the iconic short legs.

This dog has a very good personality. It likes to laugh very much. Like the smiling angel, many netizens are also attracted by its personality and smile, and praise it for its cuteness.

Generally speaking, Chuan Chuan dogs look more like their fathers. If their parents look the same, their looks will not be much different, and Chuan Chuan dogs are more unique. If you don’t care about the dog’s pedigree, raise such a A unique dog is also very good. (Picture material comes from the Internet)