Whether in daily life or walking on the street, everyone's focus is on young and beautiful beauties. This old beauty is already 52 years old, but she has fair skin, petite figure and plump body.

2024/06/0701:03:33 fashion 1728

Don't despise every old woman around you.

Whether in daily life or walking on the street, everyone's focus is on young and beautiful beauties. However, which young and beautiful beauty will not grow old? Which old woman around you hasn't slowly transformed from a young and beautiful beauty? What you have experienced, they have experienced. In their era, they were even more cutting-edge, more fashionable, more rebellious, more graceful, more crazy, and more popular than you...

Whether in daily life or walking on the street, everyone's focus is on young and beautiful beauties. This old beauty is already 52 years old, but she has fair skin, petite figure and plump body. - DayDayNews

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This old beauty is already 52 years old, but she has fair skin, petite figure, and plump body. Except for the inevitable sagging of the skin on the face and enlarged pores, the skin on the body and legs is better than the skin of many young people. She wears high-end clothes, fashionable accessories and gold bracelets. She wears a pair of high-heeled shoes that are over 10cm all year round. She has to paint her eyebrows in red, which is a must.

She does ovarian maintenance , acupoint weight loss, swimming fitness, beauty and skin care, etc. on time every month. Playing mahjong, staying up late, telling dirty jokes, and flirting are all a lot, and life is still colorful.

Do you think her salary is very high? Do you think she got rich? Do you think her husband is either rich or noble? N0, no, no, nothing, she is just an old woman preparing to enter the ranks of the nobility for the second time.

Whether in daily life or walking on the street, everyone's focus is on young and beautiful beauties. This old beauty is already 52 years old, but she has fair skin, petite figure and plump body. - DayDayNews

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We were chatting together that day. When we talked about how long we could stay up late to play when we were young, she started to talk with joy. When she was young, she once stayed up for five consecutive days and nights, day and night. They played mahjong, which made us speechless.

She said that because of some reason, she was allowed to take five consecutive days off. During these five days, she did not even return home, so she found a place with her husband's colleagues from her workplace and played mahjong day and night for five days. After getting high, she went to work again, and her husband didn't even know.

As she spoke, she smiled, lifted up her skirt, straightened one of her white legs, and placed it on the foot of the chair opposite, revealing a pair of size 34 delicate feet, wearing a pair of diamond-encrusted high heels. The sandals are shiny, and the toes painted in red are particularly eye-catching.

I think that after watching Zhuang Zhidie in Jia Pingwa "The Wasted City", I should be so greedy that I will take a few bites.

Whether in daily life or walking on the street, everyone's focus is on young and beautiful beauties. This old beauty is already 52 years old, but she has fair skin, petite figure and plump body. - DayDayNews

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Talking about her crazy and erotic affairs in the past, of course, there are more than just these. If she were to speak for herself, she would definitely be able to write a long memoir. This memoir is full of her romance and happiness, and it cannot be written in a short story.

Even holding this full of memories is enough for her to spend the rest of her life.

What's more, now, she still has charm. Among women of the same age, she is still a dazzling pearl, and she can still blind a lot of old men. And she is about to return to the single aristocracy. No matter how old the old woman is, there are always older men who covet her. Therefore, you can still write as much as you want in the rest of your life.

She has a fixed job, a fixed income, and is able to support herself. Her grace and energy are still abundant and prosperous. She has so much past that is worth recalling, chewing on and showing off.

If the age of 80 is taken as the end line, she still has so much time to be gorgeous and shining. She may not necessarily be elegant, but she can still enjoy life.

So, old woman, what are you afraid of? You can be like her too!

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