Why are there fewer and fewer bichon frises? These 5 points may be the reason!

When I first started raising a dog, I thought about what kind of dog to raise. Many friends gave me Amway Bichon Frise. They can’t say that they don’t shed hair, have little body odor and are easy to raise, but now I just want to say, " Flicker" I am a bichon frise, you have hurt me miserably.

01 Bichon Frise's hair is easy to get dirty

A piece of Bichon Frise's hair is white and fluffy, it looks really good-looking, but Bichon Frise's hair is easy to get dirty, plus The weather is mostly rainy now, and the hair is even more dirty. Just taking care of the hair takes a lot of time and energy, and it feels very dirty if it is not cleaned for a day.

02 is too dependent on the owner

Bichon Frise is very clingy, and I am scared of clinging to people. I have to keep up and down every day, and I must be by my side , It takes a long time to coax it even when you go out to work, have you tried this? If the time is busy, it is better not to raise a Bichon Frise, because the Bichon Frise needs someone to accompany him. It is best to let the Bichon Frise learn independence from an early age to reduce depression and anxiety.

03 Bichon Frise is easy to fracture

Bichon Frise has a small body and relatively slender limbs, so when keeping a Bichon Frise, you must pay attention to fractures, excessive exercise or some jumps. The action of jumping will cause fractures. It is recommended to eat more foods with high calcium content for the Bichon Frise, or buy some calcium tablets for the Bichon Frise to eat to supplement calcium to prevent fractures.

04 The physique of the bear is worse.

Compared with other breeds of dogs, the physique of the bear dog is worse, and it is easy to get sick. The weather changes and it is easy to catch a cold, so It is best to pay more attention to the body of the bichon frise, and to eat more protein-rich dog food for the bichon frise to help improve the immunity of the bichon frise, so as to reduce the number of illnesses.

05 Bichon Frise will have tear marks

Bichon Frise is born with well-developed lacrimal glands, so it is easy to have tear marks. There are many reasons for tear marks. The main reason is improper diet, such as oil. Too salty, etc., will cause tear marks. It is recommended to pay more attention to a light diet and feed low-salt and low-oil dog food, such as "gluttonous natural dog food", which can relieve tear marks. Usually, it is best to let Bichon Frise drink more water Reduce fire, and feed some fruits and vegetables for balanced nutrition.

Conclusion: Have you ever regretted keeping a Bichon Frise?