Many people want to raise a Samoyed, but seeing how big it is, will it cost a lot of money every month? If you have money, raise it richly, and if you don’t have money, raise it poor, as long as you keep the dog healthy!

Many people want to raise Samoyed , but seeing that it is big, will it cost a lot of money every month? Those who have money should raise them richly, and those who don’t have money should raise them poor, as long as they keep their dogs healthy!

How much does a Samoyed cost?

Samoyeds of ordinary quality usually cost around 1,000-3,000. If they are bred by someone else, they may be available in the early 1,000s.

If you pay special attention to Samoyed bloodline, appearance and other factors, then the price may not be easy to say. Ordinary people will have a good eye for it.

How much does it cost to raise a Samoyed every month?

It is the first time to raise a dog. If you just bring a Samoyed back home, everything will need to be prepared again, so the cost will be higher. Here is a rough introduction.

Puppy period:

Flight box ¥65: Generally, Samoyeds are brought home when they are two months old. They will feel more secure in the flight box, and it will be easier to train them later.

Traction rope ¥9: When they are young, If so, buy a small size to use first, then you need to change to a larger

changing pad ¥20: Samoyed used about two packs when he was a child. If he can relieve himself later, he can save the

dog bowl ¥20 : It is recommended to choose stainless steel and ceramic dog bowls. Plastic ones are easy to accumulate bacteria and are difficult to clean.

Dog toilet ¥100: dog toilet is more suitable for children. Sometimes they cannot help but lose control. This depends on personal needs. It’s not mandatory to enter.

Daily durable goods expenses:

Dry hair towel ¥15: Wipe your dog every day, or use it to wipe your body after taking a bath. It is recommended to choose one that is more absorbent, otherwise you will doubt your life.

Comb ¥25: Samoyed’s hair is relatively long, so you need to comb it every day to prevent knotting and promote blood circulation.

toys ¥20: Although you are poor, you need to prepare some toys, otherwise your dog will be bored at home while you go to work. The price of toys is generally not too high. If your Samoyed is damaged It's very powerful, so you may need to buy more.

Shower gel ¥50: If you are giving your Samoyed a bath, it is recommended that you choose a pet-specific shower gel. After all, washing it at home is very economical, but it is time-consuming and labor-intensive. You can go to a pet store to wash it, which is the cheapest. More than a hundred yuan.

Nail clippers, shaver, etc. ¥30: These two things can actually be used for a long time. Cut the nails once a week. Depending on the situation, cut them if they grow too fast. The shaver can lift the soles of the dog's feet. If the hair is too long, it will easily slip when walking.

Necessary monthly expenses:

Deworming medicine ¥100: Deworming is a necessary monthly expense. It is once a month for external use and once every three months for internal use. The price is not fixed. It depends on what you choose. What brand is it. For the

vaccine, the initial vaccination is a three-shot combined vaccine + 1 rabies . Rabies is almost always free. Subsequent vaccinations include 1 combined vaccine + rabies every year.

Teething Training Snacks ¥30: Samoyeds need to use Teething Snacks during the molar period. They can be used as rewards during toilet training. A regular nibble will also help clean the breath, but it does not mean to give it every day. Eat, just occasionally.

staple food dog food ¥500: Samoyed is a medium to large dog, and the demand for dog food is still relatively large. Choosing a cost-effective dog food to feed will cost about 500 per month.

If you don’t know how to choose, you can refer to the following ones!

Poop bag ¥10: Finally, poop bag is also a must. If you buy it once, it can actually be used for a long time. You don’t have to buy it separately every month. Be a civilized poop scooper and everyone will respect you. Thumbs up!

Conclusion : Have you ever raised a Samoyed? How much do you usually spend in a month?