Nowadays, many people who raise dogs have the awareness of scientific breeding, but they still fail to remember some misunderstandings about breeding. Be careful, keeping your dog like this for a long time is just harming it, so keep it in mind!

Many people who raise dogs now have the awareness of scientific breeding, but they still fail to remember some misunderstandings about raising dogs. Be careful, keeping your dog like this for a long time is just harming it, so keep it in mind!

What are the misunderstandings about raising dogs?

1. Walking the dog on a hot day. The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Although we say that we should walk the dog every day, it depends on the situation. For example, don’t take the dog for a walk in the middle of the day. Not only will the sun be bad, but the dog will also be exposed. Dogs are also prone to heat stroke, and their soft pads can be burned by the temperature of the floor.

2. Dog deworming is also very important, but some owners think it is not necessary. If the dog is not infected with worms, they will not deworm it. If the dog is infected, it will be dewormed. This will actually do a lot of harm to the dog's body, and it will be infected with parasites. Insects will make dogs feel very uncomfortable, so for the health of dogs, it is recommended to exterminate internally every three months and exterminate externally once a month.

3. When bathing dogs, you need to use special shower gel . Because the pH of dogs is different from that of humans, they cannot be shared. In addition, after bathing your dog, be careful to completely dry the undercoat, otherwise it will become stuffy. If it's inside, it's easy to get a rash!

4. Dogs are not your punching bags, so don’t always be cruel to them and beat them at every turn. Dogs are actually small animals of flesh and blood. If you always treat them like this, they will be very sensitive in their hearts and tolerate them for a long time. , it may bite you if it breaks out in the future, so don’t keep your dog like this, you are harming it and yourself.

5. Many dog ​​owners give their dogs a buffet. They fill the bowls every day and let the dogs eat whatever they want. In fact, this approach is particularly easy to make dogs fat, and they may not be able to control their food intake. Eat until full, or if the dog has a small appetite, he only eats a little at a time and cannot finish it in two days. dog food is also easy to spoil. So it’s better to feed them regularly and quantitatively!

6. Dog oral problems are also a point that many poop collectors ignore. If a dog’s oral cavity is not healthy, it is prone to many problems. In this case, it will affect the dog’s lifespan. I suggest that all poop collectors, every Zhou arranges a tooth brushing for the dog to ensure the cleanliness of the mouth. If the dog is more resistant, you can choose teeth grinding snacks to assist. We recommend this " gluttonous freeze-dried duck meat cubes ", which selects duck with no fat. The breast part is frozen and dehydrated at low temperature. It has a chewy texture and is suitable for teeth grinding to remove oral odor.

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7. When choosing dog food, many owners only focus on the affordable price, but do not consider whether the nutrition is balanced. This leads to ineffective feeding of the dog. The food is eaten, but it has no benefit to the dog's body. This situation lasts for a long time. If you keep it, the dog's physical condition may get worse, which is not worth the loss.

Therefore, it is recommended that pet owners learn how to choose dog food. Dogs have a relatively high demand for protein. It is best to choose about 22-35%, which is more suitable. You can choose meat in the first three ingredients list. , generally of good quality, such as this " gluttonous dog food ", the first three ingredients in the list are chicken, beef, and fish, with a protein content of about 27%, which meets the growth and development needs of dogs and helps dogs grow longer. Meat, paired with pumpkin, carrots, and other vegetables, can supplement dietary fiber for dogs, promote intestinal peristalsis, and help metabolism. There are also three-party quality inspections, so you can buy with confidence!

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If you poop scrapers, if you have time, you can also arrange a nutritious and fresh dog meal for your dog:


Meats: chicken breast, duck breast, chicken liver, chicken heart, eggs

Vegetables: sweet potatoes, broccoli , carrots, small pumpkins

Production method:

First of all, you must wash all the ingredients, cut them into small pieces for later use, and then grind them with a meat grinder. If you don’t have them at home, you can only It was hard to chop it up manually.

Prepare a larger basin with a ratio of meat to vegetables of 7:3. Add an egg yolk and stir evenly.

You can divide the meat one by one with plastic wrap and put it in the freezer, so that next time you can steam it directly! The steamed meat also has soup, which can be given to dogs to drink, and it can also replenish water!

Conclusion: Have you ever made the above 7 feeding misunderstandings?