When I opened a pet store in the past, I saw a lot of fat dogs. To be honest, owners of such fat dogs usually cherish them because they are afraid of not being full and not getting enough nutrition. Feed the dog food and snacks every day, and have a big meal every few days. Some

When I opened a pet store before, I saw a lot of fat dogs. To be honest, owners of such fat dogs usually cherish them because they are afraid of not being full and not getting enough nutrition. I feed him dog food and snacks every day, and have a big meal every few days. Some people say that feeding a dog eight times full is enough. This view is quite controversial. Some people think it makes sense, while others oppose it. Just like my family, my wife and I have different views.

Generally, people feel that they need to be fed because they are afraid that the dog will be hungry and suffer, or if they don’t feed enough, they feel that the dog will become thinner. I personally support the idea of ​​80% full. Nowadays, the food source of domestic dogs is generally given by the owner. The food is not too full. The dog is dependent on the owner, which is more conducive to obedience to the owner. As my dog ​​training teacher said, generally dogs in training will not be fed too full. If they are too full, some dogs will have no interest in food and it will be difficult to start training.

I guess some people started to object when it came to this. This is just my opinion. Underfeeding is not abuse, and obesity is not good for dogs. The risk of cardiovascular disease increases as they get older, and large dogs have serious hip joint wear. Let me give you a simple judgment standard. Look at the dog’s ribs. As long as the bones are not exposed, there is no problem.