In the name of art, deliver city business cards containing panda cultural symbols to the world. On July 8, a panda art creative exhibition called "Black and White" was launched in the memory of the eastern suburbs of Chengdu.

2024/06/2522:55:33 housepet 1175
In the name of art,

delivers city business cards containing panda cultural symbols to the world. On July 8, a panda art creative exhibition called "Black and White" was launched in the memory of the eastern suburbs of Chengdu.

2,500 square meters of art space is divided into eight sections: "sculpture, photography, trendy art, dolls, calligraphy and painting, cultural and creative pop-up , digital art, and intangible cultural heritage art", containing more than 600 works of art, including There are 8 classic works by artists who have won national awards.

In the name of art, deliver city business cards containing panda cultural symbols to the world. On July 8, a panda art creative exhibition called

Among them, there are traditional art works brought by eight national art award winners and intangible cultural inheritors: Xue Kang, Zhou Mengqi, Xu Liaoyuan, Dao An, Hu Guangjun, Yang Lierqian, Liu Jiafeng, Meng Dezhi , there are also the additions of Amazing panda, Wanwuji and Ma Siwei ’s trendy art brand “Hao hd” co-created with designer friends, bringing traditional art and trendy art into exchange and collision in this immersive panda cultural and creative space. Organic combination.

In the name of art, deliver city business cards containing panda cultural symbols to the world. On July 8, a panda art creative exhibition called

Giant pandas have always been Chengdu’s urban cultural business card. What are the characteristics of this exhibition? "We should combine the symbol of the panda with human emotions." Xu Liaoyuan, director of the Sichuan Artists Association and exhibition curatorial consultant, said in an interview with reporters that the previous exhibitions about pandas were partial, and The core of this exhibition lies in how to use a subversive way to show the charm of "Panda IP" in an all-round and diversified way. "We must use fashionable and international techniques to express pandas."

In the name of art, deliver city business cards containing panda cultural symbols to the world. On July 8, a panda art creative exhibition called

curator Fang Zixi said that the exhibition invited more than 100 artists and design institutions to participate, brought together more than 50 trendy brands, and used many forms of expression to innovate expressions. " "Panda IP" hopes to provide a unique visual experience to Chengdu citizens, and also build a platform for multi-party communication and cooperation among top artists, brand IP operators, and outstanding cultural and creative enterprises, and promote the concept of "Panda" by building a creative design ecosystem. Creative transformation and innovative development of cultural elements.

In the name of art, deliver city business cards containing panda cultural symbols to the world. On July 8, a panda art creative exhibition called

It is reported that this exhibition also specially set up a digital art experience area - a multimedia digital jungle space, using digital scrolling screens to create a digital creative collection experience and real-life transaction scene. Audiences can not only experience the charm of digital artworks more directly and vividly, but also participate in NFT digital artwork offline auctions and buy their favorite digital artworks. In addition, the Black and White digital collection platform will also be launched simultaneously.

The first “Panda IP Show” appeared

Use creativity to polish Chengdu’s cultural business card

In recent years, Chengdu has unswervingly promoted cultural prosperity and accelerated the creation of a world-famous cultural city that highlights the charm of Chinese civilization and the characteristics of Tianfu culture. The 14th Municipal Party Congress proposed that the construction of “Three Cities and Three Capitals” should be used as a guide to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Tianfu culture, and to develop more “phenomenal IP” engraved with Chengdu’s mark.

"How to express a world-class IP in the most subversive way?"

In this exhibition, the works of Xu Liaoyuan, one of the curatorial consultants, are also on display. He told reporters that the application of Panda IP is urgently needed creativity. There are multiple perspectives for understanding and observing pandas. The first thing we need is the improvement of aesthetic quality. "When it is connected with our lives, this panda is cute, he is not a dull symbol."

In the name of art, deliver city business cards containing panda cultural symbols to the world. On July 8, a panda art creative exhibition called

Mr. Xu Liaoyuan also took a photo with his works at the scene. Photo source: Photo by reporter Zhang Jian

Building a creative design ecosystem

Promoting the innovative transformation of "Panda IP"

Currently, Chengdu is adhering to the integrated development of culture, business, tourism and sports, building a creative design, The cultural industry system supported by media, film and television, music and art, modern cultural museums, etc. has promoted the cultural and creative economy to become the first square in the country.

invited more than 100 artists and design institutions, and brought together more than 50 trendy brands. In addition to providing high-quality visual experience to Chengdu citizens, this exhibition also established multi-party exchanges between top artists, brand IP operators, and outstanding cultural and creative enterprises. , a platform for diverse cooperation, and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of the cultural element "Panda" by building a creative design ecosystem.

In the context of the ascendant metaverse and the emergence of NFT, this exhibition has specially set up a digital art experience area - a multimedia digital jungle space, using digital scrolling screens to create a digital creative collection experience and real-life transaction. Audiences can not only experience the charm of digital artworks more directly and vividly, but also participate in NFT digital artwork offline auctions, buy their favorite digital artworks, and become the most fashionable NFT collectors.

According to the organizer, the Black and White digital collection platform will also be launched simultaneously. The platform takes panda culture as the core brand expression of the platform and creates the most influential and creative panda culture digital art distribution platform. During the exhibition, log in to the Shuzang platform and register to receive a giant panda badge at random.

The collision of traditional culture and modern art is not to be missed by those who love pandas, art and trends! And this "cute" art exhibition is open to the public for free!

art exhibition theme : black and white

exhibition time : July 8 - July 29

address : Chengdu Dongjiao Memory International Art Exhibition Center

In the name of art, deliver city business cards containing panda cultural symbols to the world. On July 8, a panda art creative exhibition called

Comprehensive Sichuan News, Daily Economic News , Chenghua Release, people's website etc.

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