If we say which type of cat is more popular now, then British shorthair cats and ragdoll cats are definitely at the top. Both types of cats are suitable for domestic use. So which one is better, the British Shorthair cat or the Ragdoll cat? People who have been here tell you that

If we say which cat is more popular now, then the British shorthair cat, Ragdoll cat are definitely at the top. Both types of cats are suitable for domestic use.

Which one is better, Naying Shorthair cat or Ragdoll cat? People who have been here tell you that the difference is huge, let’s take a look.

Part 1: Comprehensive analysis of British Shorthair

(1) Advantages of British Shorthair

1, British Shorthair cat has a round and chubby body, bright eyes, and bulging cheeks. It is really cute. . Moreover, British shorthair cats have many coat colors, such as blue cat , blue and white, gold gradient , silver gradient, etc. There is always one that suits your aesthetic point.

2. British shorthair cats are not very active. They are very quiet cats. They often lie on the cat bed or on the floor and will not cause damage at home. Their personalities are also relatively independent, so they are very suitable for busy work. raised by people.

(2) Disadvantages of the British Shorthair

1. British Shorthair cats are really greedy and often rummage through boxes and cabinets to find food. If you raise a British Shorthair cat, you will no longer be able to hide food at home. And every time you eat, it will look at you eagerly and keep begging you for food, making it impossible to enjoy the food.

2. British Shorthair cats are very small-minded. If you accidentally offend it or do something that makes it dissatisfied, it will bear a grudge against you and look for opportunities to retaliate against you. The most common ones are to pee or bite you on your bed. Ruin your clothes, etc.

Part 2: Comprehensive analysis of Ragdolls

(1) Advantages of Ragdolls

1. Ragdoll cats have snow-white thick hair and sapphire big eyes, just like the stars and the sea. People fall. This cat is known as the "fairy of the cat world". It is very beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

2. Ragdoll cats have a very docile personality and like to stick to their owners. They rarely lose their temper and are very tolerant. Even if you accidentally hurt it, it will not act aggressively. This is a cat that is absolutely loyal to its owner. Once it recognizes its owner, it will always have you in its heart and eyes.

(2) Disadvantages of Ragdolls

1. The fur of Ragdoll cats is long and thick, which is relatively difficult to take care of. The pet should help comb the hair every day to avoid tangles. Moreover, Ragdoll cats also shed more seriously. The sofas, beds, corners, etc. at home are all covered with their hair. It is also troublesome to clean up the fallen hair every day.

If you want to alleviate the hair loss problem of Ragdoll cats, in addition to combing it every day, you can also feed it more hair-beautifying food. It is best to choose staple cat food with the ingredients deep-sea fish oil .

2. Ragdoll cats have a "glass stomach" and their gastrointestinal condition is very poor. They often vomit and have loose stools, and may have soft stools for a long time. Therefore, every time a Ragdoll cat finishes pooping, the pet owner must wipe its butt to keep it clean. clean. You should also pay attention to the Ragdoll cat's diet, help it regulate its stomach, and feed it some probiotics.

Conclusion: After reading these analyses, , which one do you think is better?

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