Nowadays, more and more people are starting to keep pets, but many young people have to go to work and are basically away from home during the day. They can only come back to accompany them at night or on weekends.

Nowadays, more and more people are starting to keep pets, but many young people need to go to work and are basically not at home during the day. They can only come back to accompany them at night or on weekends. So how do pets spend the long day at home alone?

There is such a netizen who has a dog at home. This dog is a stray dog ​​she picked up before, and she has brought it home and raised it for eight months now. Because I am usually busy at work, my dog ​​is always at home alone. Recently, netizens installed a surveillance camera at home to see how their dogs are doing when they are alone at home. After the owner went out in the morning, the dog took a blanket to the door and rested there!

The dog stayed in this position for several hours. During this period, he went out when he was thirsty and hungry, and then immediately came back to the door! It turns out that the dog is not as happy at home as he imagined. He spends the whole day waiting for his owner! In a dog's world, there is only its owner. After reading this story, I want to cherish every day with the dog!