In summer, fish grow faster and it is also the golden period for koi growth. As the temperature rises, the water quality of fish ponds is easy to deteriorate, and most ornamental fish raised in ponds are more likely to suffer from various diseases. Therefore, many aquarists begin

In summer, fish grow faster and it is also the golden period for koi growth.

Due to rising temperatures, the water quality of fish ponds is prone to deterioration. Most ornamental fish raised in ponds are more likely to suffer from various diseases. Therefore, many aquarists have begun to worry about whether their koi will be hypoxic? Will it be hot? Okay~ Today let’s take a look at how to help koi grow quickly under high temperatures in summer...

Generally, koi raised in indoor fish ponds or fish tanks are less affected by temperature, climate, etc., so the water quality of koi raised in summer is There won't be much fluctuation. Even if there is, it is relatively small and will not cause great harm to the koi. It is different for outdoor fish ponds, so aquarists who breed outdoors should read the article carefully next!

Koi fish pond filtration

1. Water temperature control

When the temperature rises in midsummer, koi carps have enhanced metabolism and increased activity, which increases the demand for oxygen in the body, and the excretion increases accordingly. In addition, the bait remains in the water, and the water quality relatively reduced. In hot climates, the water temperature for koi farming should be as close to the optimal temperature range as possible, at least not exceeding the highest critical temperature that koi can tolerate.

The strong sunshine in summer can easily cause the water temperature to be too high, and can also cause diseases such as "burning the tail" of koi, so the fish pond must be shaded. Considering that koi fish need a certain amount of sunlight to induce hair color, they can be partially shaded with a shading net or a shed.

In addition, you can raise certain aquatic plants in the fish pond, which can not only reduce direct sunlight exposure, but also use aquatic plants to purify water quality. At the same time, aquatic plants are also natural color feed for koi, which can also increase the overall beauty of the fish pond and improve its ornamental value.

2. Algae control

In summer, blue-green algae in the water are prone to over-reproduction, which can lead to the death of fish due to lack of oxygen, or the deterioration of water quality may cause flooding, or even blue-green algae secrete a large amount of toxins, causing koi poisoning. .

Therefore, when raising koi in summer, it is necessary to control the amount of algae in the water, keep the amount of algae in the water low, and prevent excessive algae reproduction by using ultraviolet sterilization devices or changing water. Generally, an all-in-one fish pond filter with built-in ultraviolet germicidal lamp can be effectively solved.

Koi fish pond before filtration

Koi fish pond after filtration

3. Appropriately increase the water depth

Increasing the water depth can effectively slow down the rapid changes in water temperature caused by direct sunlight, and when the light is too strong, it will help the koi to keep the bottom water temperature warmer Stay in a low place temporarily to avoid tail burns. It can also give the koi a better range of activities and increase its activity.

4. Powerful filtration and timely water changes

In summer, koi have a good appetite and produce a lot of feces. Excessive organic residues are deposited in the water, which can easily lead to hypoxia and deterioration of water quality. Therefore, it is necessary to have a complete filtration system to remove residues and keep the water fresh. It can also lower the water temperature. Remember to change the water in the morning and evening!

5. Reduce the stocking density

Koi grows fast in summer. Appropriately reducing the stocking density is beneficial to growth. It can not only reduce the occurrence of hypoxia floating heads , but also reduce the possibility of disease.

6. Scientific feeding

The weather is sunny and the water quality is refreshing. When the fish are more active, you can add more feed. When the weather is muggy, thunderstorms are frequent, and fish have floating heads, feed them less or not at all. Achieve scientific feeding, remove leftover food in a timely manner, reduce water pollution, and help prevent and treat gastrointestinal diseases in koi.